Kenya Updates

October 24, 2019

Greetings Brethren.

Hope everyone had a Spiritual and Prosperous Feast of Tabernacles. At the orphanage in Sengera, there were around 500 men, women and children in attendance. The brethren thank all of you who helped support this years Feast, from the bottom of their heart.

Not everyone is present in this picture

We are also happy to inform you that the construction of the new boy’s dormitory is moving right along. As you can see in the pictures below, much progress is being made.

Oct 24/19 19

Schools are now closed in Kenya for the Months of November and December for summer break. During this time we will be working with all the children continuing our training of trades. As you know, our goal is for every child to be progressing in learning a trade so they can become self supportive in the future.

Oct. 24/19 Update

I will be returning to Kenya this week. Aside from working with the orphans training, and overseeing the building project, we will also be visiting numerous remote church groups. We also have a number of visit requests from prospective members. Yes, our Heavenly Father is still calling people in E. Africa. Apparently There is still room in the wedding banquet that He wants filled.

Oct. 24/19 Update
Many children attended the Feast in Sengera
Beans were on the menu.
Oct. 24/19 Update
Oct. 24/19 Update

The boys might be quite cramped sleeping and living in the cafeteria, but they are in good spirits. They appreciate your help Very much.

Bill Goff

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