Kenya Updates

October 1, 2024

Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. (Leviticus 23:24)

Greetings Brethren,

Time sure is flying. Here we are ready to begin the fall Feasts, with Trumpets about to sound. I hope all of you are as excited as I am, as we see the day of our Lord’s return approaching.

Thanks to your continued support, the orphans and widows are faring well, sleeping with food in their bellies, and the gardens that were recently planted (thanks to the help of you donors) are also doing good.

Two Weeks after Planting Maize and Beans.

Beans and Maize planted in a field we rented for the brethren.

Pictured below is widow Chebet from the Border congregation with her orphans. Chebet is caring for eight orphans; one is not in the picture.

Chebet and her Orphans.

Chebet has been caring for the Border congregation’s orphans for a long time. You might recall the story about the wonderful bond she and the children have that was noted in the June 8, 2024 update, it was quite moving.   Chebet is 79 years old.

Also, thanks to you donors, we were also able to help Bernard’s family who attend the Sengera congregation. Like most of our brethren, they live in a mud house.  For lights at night, they burn kerosene lamps and sometimes candles. And night comes early being they live close to the equator (sunset is around 6:30 pm.) Schools don’t end until 4:30 – 5pm; so many activities are ongoing at home, in the dark of night.

Recently the power company passed through the area of Bernard who lives outside of Ogembo, giving him opportunity to connect, which would help them a lot. We were able to assist. This is a Hugh blessing to them, to have some lights, especially for the children at night with their homework.

Kevin and Lebranic doing homework in their sitting room.

As you can see, our brethren live quite modest. They are poor, with little need for knickknacks and things, but quite Rich in Faith. Whenever we mention you donors, the first thing out of their mouth, is “please tell our brethren we are always praying for them.”

Electric Power at Bernard’s

Getionko Congregation’s Orphans.

That’s Douglas in the red shirt, and he’s always busy taking good care of the orphans and the widows in his congregation. You might notice the meeting hall (pictured below) is leaning a bit. We (khofh) built that mud building about seven years ago. We now plan to replace it soon after the Feast. We can salvage the roof, and the walls will just be the same material as the roof, (corrugated steel.) We will increase the size a bit because the congregation has grown over the past few years.

Helping them with Beans and Maize.

Elves is still cooking.

The following letter of thanks is from Francis: (This was previously sent out with the September 21, 2024 Donor letter, but I would like to share it with others here.

“Greetings my name is Francis Son Oketch I’m 16 years old I have been staying in sengera orphanage. I can remember the first time I came here life wasn’t easy for me and my sister. We used to sleep without eating anything and even had no mattress or blanket and lacked Food. But we never stopped praying God to help us. That’s when we went to church and meet the late Haron  and we moved to sengera house.

We truly thank you donors for the help that you are giving to us.   We are eating well and going to school. Without forgetting we always thank God for everything because he’s the provider. May God bless your families and grant you any wish that you ask him. You are such a blessing to us. Without forgetting let’s get close to God because the kingdom of God is coming soon we have to repent and be baptized and walk in the right direction.

Oh I almost forgot to thank you also for fixing my broken ankle from accident on motor bike taxi. You donors treat us all of us orphans like we your very own children you sure do have the love of God in you. You are our parents we are your children.

Be blessed


Francis standing next to the boy’s dorm at Sengera House.

(He has now fully recovered.)

Sengera Elders & Servers planning FOT.

We are anticipating approximately 275 brethren (including all the orphans and widow you have been supporting) to attend the Feast of Tabernacles at Sengera House. Last year the orphans had the beast time of their lives during the Feast. Some commented it was the first time they ever ate three meals every day for seven days in a row. What a blessing the Feast is for them. If you still want to contribute, please do so, the funds will still reach them. 

There are also other Feast sites located in Mombasa, Great Rift Valley, and one in Tanzania. If funds are available we will also try to assist the orphans and widows at those other sites. There is also a Feast of Trumpets message titled: “Every Eye Shall See Him” attached to this update. The link is below.

We hope all of you have a wonderful, uplifting and Spiritual Feast. May our Almighty Father bless you and protect you in this troubled untoward world in which we are living. Let us pray “Thy Kingdom Come”.

Link to “Every Eye Shall See Him.”


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Phone: 843-447-0140

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