Nothing better sums up the last lesson than the story of Job. As you’ve already learned, Jobwasnotproud. Rather the opposite, for he had thoroughly humbled his heart or else he couldn’t havebeen“perfect and upright” under the terms of the OC!
But what he hadn’t done was taught it faith! Read Job 3:25-26. Job had FEAREDthis might happentohim! Why? Job had done nothing wrong, according to God (and Job, and Satan). So why didhefear?Because his beast did not trust his soul, or God! Job was “greatly afraid” that if he had “safety”and“rest” then through no fault of his own “trouble would come”. Compare this attitude to Luke 12:16-21. This doesn’t describe Job, but Job was afraid of BECOMINGthis man! He had been very worried about having “rest”, and then “trouble coming” (Job31:24-28.See also Deuteronomy 8:12-19). This can only be evidence of a lack of trust in God–lackoffaith – long before his trial!
Read Job 1:5. Job was offering preemptive sacrifices for his children just in case they sinned. Wheredoes God command that? What sort of a person goes to the police station and pays fines forhischildren just in case they speed? A person with money to burn and a great fear of the law!
Job was perfectly righteous, but God said it Himself – He feared God, which was only the beginningof wisdom! Job 1:1, 8, etc. By definition then, if he feared God, he was not yet made perfect inlove!1 John 4:18. Remember what you’ve learned in these lessons: the beast fears its master even when it has donewellbecause it doesn’t trust in its soul’s goodness! Job had ruled his beast, and made it be righteous!Hehad humbled it, so it obeyed him quickly! But his beast still lacked FAITH!
What was the core problem with ancient Israel? Hebrews 4:2. Israel heard the gospel fromSinai, butthey rejected it because they thought God was a “hard and an austere man” (Luke 19:21-22), aGodwho was eagerly awaiting their inevitable failure to keep His strict laws so He could smite themwithboils!
But that’s not what God is really like… that’s what a faithless beast thinks God is like! Andironically,God is only unfaithful to those people who are themselves unfaithful! (Psalms 18:24-27). Hedoesn’thelp those who believe He won’t help them!
Job spent the entire book justifying himself for external righteousness (Job 32:2). He spent thebookproving that he was ruling his beast! And he was! But neither he nor his three friends, nor thedevilhimself, could see the obvious internal problem, which was that Job’s beast lacked faith!
TheSimpleAnswers.comThe Simple Answers… To Life’s Most Important Questions. Bible Study Course Lesson4-5
Job’s friends spent the book trying to prove that Job must have sinned or he wouldn’t be suffering.They couldn’t find anything specific just like Satan couldn’t, but they kept arguing that Jobmust behiding a sin because nobody is perfect!
Their reasoning missed the point because it was based on OC righteousness… whichwas all theyCOULD understand, being carnal themselves! In Job 4:12-19, Eliphaz relates a dreamhehadbefore coming to see Job. Eliphaz felt this dream was given to guide him in arguing withJob, anditwas! But not by God! Remember, God had stepped back and Job was in Satan’s power (Job2:6). So in this devil-inspired dream Satan complained “May a man be upright before God? or amanbeclean before his Maker? Truly, he puts no faith in his servants, and he sees error in his angels; Howmuch more those living in houses of earth…” (BBE). Satan’s conclusion is that if HE, a brilliant and wise angel, could not obey God, no punyhumanmade of dirt can do better! This dream set the theme for all the arguments fromJob’s friendsthroughout the rest of the book (except Elihu, who spoke for God). Job’s contention was that he hadn’t sinned, and yet was being punished unfairly; their contentionwasthat he MUST have sinned “because nobody’s perfect!” Yet what did God commandAbraham?Genesis 17:1. Was Noah perfect? Genesis 6:9. How perfect are we supposed to be? Matthew5:48. See, Satan doesn’t believe man can obey God. He believes God asked too much of him, andthatobeying God perfectly was unreasonable. You may remember that this was the heart of the antichristdoctrine, that Jesus either didn’t perfectly obey God, or else He wasn’t really a man at all, becausenoman can obey God perfectly!
This is stated even clearer later in Job 15:14-16; again Eliphaz is arguing based on this dreamwhichSatan gave him,“What is man, that he should be clean? and he which is born of a woman, that heshould be righteous?” saying men cannot obey God, so Job must have been sinning!
Yet Jesus was fully human, and did conclusively prove that any of us could have obeyed Godperfectly,in every way and never sinned. And that obedience judged the devil (John 16:11) andsodidJob’srighteousness. Since Satan’s defense rests on this argument, he cannot let someone obey God without challengingit;without trying to show that the man isn’t really righteous at all; or if he is forced to admit that, that hewasn’t really a man; or if he has to concede that point too, he’ll argue that the test was unfair, that insome way the man cheated. The devil challenged Job’s righteousness on the grounds that Job had been bribed to dogood(Job1:9-11). Which is hardly obeying God for righteousness’ sake! After all, any beast will obeyyouforsugar cubes! And however impure Satan’s motives, God had to concede that this was indeedapossibility – so He let Satan test him (verse 12). MAN CAN’T PLEASE GOD
Eliphaz did not “try the spirits whether they are of God” (1 John 4:1), so both sides spent theentirebook repeating and rephrasing the same arguments. Job’s friends tried dozens of different waysto
make their points; some of Eliphaz’ key points are in Job 4:7-8, Job 5:2-7. And what didEliphazrecommend? Job 5:8-9, 17. His conclusion is that Job has sinned, and Job should repent. How did Job respond? Job6:8-9. Whatdid he think his friends should have done? Verses 14-15. Did Job think he deserved this punishment?Verses 22-23. Did Job invite his friends to show SPECIFIC examples of his sins? Verse 24. DidJobsay his friends spoke the truth? Verses 25-26. Did he complain because there were no SPECIFICSintheir arguments? (Same verses). The same thing that made Elihu angry at the end of the book!
They had found no answer, but they condemned Job anyway! They didn’t have anySPECIFICexamples of sins Job had committed, so they just said; “only the wicked are cursed; so youMUSTbewicked!” And Job responded, “I agree! But where have I sinned? Whom have I hurt?” (paraphrases,both). Note that their arguments were not wrong. Satan rarely uses lies when a misunderstoodormisapplied truth will work just as well. What was wrong was their fundamental assumption, theirforegone conclusion that man cannot please God, therefore Job must have sinned, so he just neededtorepent!
Let’s imagine you call your child to you, and say “son, you’re in trouble!” and he promptlyresponds,weeping “I’m so sorry dad! I’ll never do it again!” and runs off. Is he really sorry for his sin?Or ishesimply sorry that you’re upset? How can he repent of a sin, change, and be a better person, if youhaven’t told him what it is??
Yet that’s exactly what Job’s friends wanted him to do; repent of a sin he couldn’t find, apologizeand beg God to forgive him for something he didn’t do!! And a true Christian can’t do that, becauseit would be a lie! (Compare a similar idea in John 8:55). Job’s friends wanted him to repent of his unknown wickednesses, and beg forgiveness for them… butwhen you think about it, that’s exactly what Job had BEEN doing before all this started! (Job1:5). Offering sacrifices “just in case” is literally the same as repenting “just in case”, whichiswhathis friends were counseling him to do! Only a false Christian can beat their breasts andweephugetears for imaginary sins they don’t really believe they’ve committed! (Matthew 6:16). JOB’S BIG MISTAKE
Knowing there had to be SOME reason for his suffering (and there was), yet finding no helpfromhisfriends, Job turned to something else in Job 7:20-21. Up until now, Job was taking it prettywell; byJob 2:10, he still hadn’t sinned with his lips. He was understandably confused and frustrated, but he still hadn’t crossed the line. But hereJobhitupon the idea that perhaps this was because God had not FORGIVEN him for past sins! Herevisitsthis idea again and again, for instance Job 13:23-27. Job had sinned as a youth; everyone has. Job had repented and God had forgiven him. AndJobbelieved that at the time. But now he was suffering and couldn’t think of any better reason; sohefinally concluded that God hadn’t forgiven him, and was still blaming himfor those oldsins!
And that was Job’s mistake. That was where Job exposed the flaw that no one else in theuniversecould see, because it requires God’s spirit to see the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Only God, or thosewhohave His spirit, can see the problems in a heart! (1 Corinthians 14:25). Remember, this test was God’s idea (Job 1:8). And God would never have let this happen if it werenotfor Job’s own good. Setting aside the benefits of proving God right and Satan wrong, we ourselvesneed to know if our beast trusts us or not. And if not, we need to see where we need to improve, as Job was about to learn. In Job8:2-6Job’ssecond friend Bildad (correctly) resented Job assigning blame to God for this trial. That was indeedamistake, because Job should have trusted God’s word to forgive him!
But then Bildad says something that shows he has the same prejudice against Job that Eliphazhad: “IFyou were pure and upright…” Remember! God Himself had said Job WAS pure and upright! Job’sfriends were wrong about this!
Bildad then gave many examples of how the righteous are blessed and the wicked suffer. AndJobagain responded with “Yes, I know, but where have I sinned?? What can I do about it?”(Job9:2-3),and then Job gets back to his own conclusion that God has not judged his sins fairly in verses3-4,12-18. Then in verses 19, 32-35, and Job 10:2-13 he gets the idea that if he could go before God’s judgmentseat face to face to debate his case, and convince God he really HAD repented, then the trial wouldbeover!
As the book progresses, we watch Job get more and more convinced that God has not forgivenhim. Hedoesn’t understand why he is suffering the same as the wicked, or why his suffering is gettingworse(Job 9:14-16), and wants to confront God about this unjust judgment. THE THIRD FRIEND
Zophar says the same things in Job 11 as Job’s two other friends had been saying, condemningJobforthinking he is “pure” and being “clean in his own eyes”, and spouting platitudes about howtherighteous are blessed and the righteous suffer. Each friend tells Job the same thing, “the wicked suffer, so stop sinning!” and each time Jobrespondswith ever-increasing frustration, that he KNOWS the wicked suffer, but he ISN’T sinning!
I know I keep saying this, but it can’t be stressed enough because of how today’s Christians understandthis subject: God also said Job wasn’t sinning! Just because all HAVE sinned in the past (Romans3:23), doesn’t necessarily mean they are sinning at this exact moment (1 John 5:18). Andlackingfaith is not a sin… it just tends to create environments where sinning is easier. In Job 12:1-3, Job sarcastically says “no doubt you are the people, and wisdomshall die withyou!”and then tells them how OBVIOUS the things they’re telling him are, saying “who DOESN’Tknowthese things!” He then spends the rest of the chapter saying similar things to what they’ve said about the greatnessofGod and how the righteous are blessed, to prove that he knows them too! In fact, Job says that evenbeasts understand these things! (Verses 7-9).
Do you notice how information like that hides in plain sight… and how easy it is to understand, nowthat you know what a “beast” really is? Because while Job specifically meant cows and such, thesethings are true in every possible layer. And that means that God, who inspired this book, also meant “even selfish humanheartscanunderstand these things”! Even carnal OC humans like Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar couldgrasptheidea that obedience will be rewarded but rebellion will be punished!
What they COULDN’T grasp was that God not only wants obedience, He wants obedienceWITHTRUST! Because hearing and obeying the gospel doesn’t work unless it’s mixed with FAITHinthosewho hear it! (Hebrews 4:2). ACCEPTING GOD’S PERSON
After that, in Job 13:1-2, Job reiterates that he KNOWS everything they’re telling him; andthat heAGREES with it, but it isn’t helping because he isn’t sinning! So that’s why he believes hisonlyoption is to argue with God personally (verse 3). He then (correctly) condemns them because they are willing to believe that God is right, evenif Godiswrong (verses 7-11). God is not above His law; if God does something wrong – evensomethingthat SEEMS wrong to you – a righteous man says so (Genesis 18:25). God hates “accepting someone’s person”, believing them just because of who they are, or howrichorpowerful they are (Deuteronomy 1:17, Leviticus 19:15). God doesn’t need you to accept His person!He doesn’t need you to make lying arguments to justify His actions – they are justified ontheirown!TRUTH justifies God!
But if you THINK God is wrong, and instead of calling Him on it, you make up an argument todefendHim just “because He’s God, He MUST be right”, then you’re literally bearing false witness againstyourself! (Exodus 20:16). And “He will surely reprove you!” – and that’s exactly what happenedinJob 42:7-8. Chapters 4-31 are just the same story over and over; Job says he hasn’t sinned and wants toconfrontGod about why he hasn’t been forgiven; then one of the friends says the wicked suffer andtherighteous are blessed, and Job should stop sinning. Job says he can’t, because he isn’t sinning; anotherfriend says the wicked suffer and Job should stop sinning. And so on. I won’t go through the whole book here, but just to illustrate the point read Job 15:14-16, 20(Eliphaz);Job 16:1-5, 17-21; Job 17:5-7 (Job); Job 18:1-4 (Bildad); Job 19:1-7. In this final exampleJobcomplains they’ve accused him ten times, and STILL no one has told him WHAT his sin is, if any!
Both sides of the argument spoke true things; Job as well as his friends. But Eliphaz’s dreamwasinspired by the devil, and his one clever lie fed their conviction that Job must have sinned becausenoteven angels are perfect! And even though most, if not all, of what they said was TRUE, it was twistedand misused to condemn a righteous man. That is Satan’s greatest talent!
God, of course, was watching this process. God heard Job’s requests for an audience withHim, andgranted it by proxy, by inspiring Elihu to speak with him – Job 33:4-7 (compare to 2 Corinthians5:20). Elihu was angry with all four of them – righteously angry, because all four were wrong! But theywerewrong in different ways, as Job 32:1-3 showed. He couldn’t help but conclude, that although“DaysSHOULD speak, and multitude of years SHOULD teach wisdom… Great men are not alwayswise:neither do the aged understand judgment” (Job 32:7-9). He listened to them patiently (Proverbs 25:8), and heard them out fully (Job 32:11-13). But ashewatched their arguments spiral into tighter and tighter circles, he concluded, as you nearly alwayswill,that both sides were wrong (Proverbs 13:10). God didn’t give the understanding to Job’s wise, respected friends. He gave it to an insignificant youthto “confound the wise” (1 Corinthians 1:27-29). These statements shocked themspeechless(Job32:15). And so now we finally get down to the truth of what was really going on here, fromanobjective, spiritual viewpoint (1 Samuel 16:7). As I said, God stirred Satan up and allowed him to torment Job for Job’s own good (Hebrews 12:5-11).So how did this profit Job? Or what was Job doing wrong, to cause all this? Howwas Godjustifiedinallowing such suffering to happen to him?
That was the question Job never asked! Job sought to find answers to justify HIMSELF, not tojustify God! (Job 32:2, Job 40:8). So Elihu had to justify God for him (Job 36:2-4). WhenElihuwassent to Job, he brought SPECIFICS!
You can find these in Job 33:8-12 and Job 34:5-6, 9. Elihu says Job was WRONGto saythis… butwhich part? Was Job wrong to say, “I am innocent”, “I am righteous”? God didn’t think soinJob1and 2! So it was the OTHER part of that statement which was wrong!
God wasn’t cruelly chasing him down to punish him for the sins of his youth! God was actuallyHELPING Job and a heart that trusted God would never have doubted that! Elihu answers thechargethat God had perverted Job’s judgment in Job 34:10-12, 23. What does Elihu say Job SHOULDhavedone? What was the RIGHT ANSWER to his problems? It’s summed up in verses 31-32. Theseareamong the most important verses in the Bible. To avoid this trial, Job SHOULD have humbly said, “I have borne this punishment; I will not offendagain; that which I don’t see, teach me; if I have sinned, I will sin no more”. And continuedsaying–and doing – that as long as it took. And if Job’s beast had trusted his soul, and his soul hadinturntrusted God, that’s exactly what he would have said!
Another example of what Job could have said is Psalms 22:1-5. If Job had said either of thesethingsinstead of saying, “God has perverted my judgment”, the trial would have been much shorter –andifGod had been sure Job was the sort of person who WOULD say that, it wouldn’t have happenedat all!Elihu was mad at Job for saying that all his righteousness had no meaning to God, and servingGoddidn’t bring the blessings he’d been promised (Job 35:3). And finally, Elihu summarizes theproblem
in Job 35:14-16. God had been watching, and God was judging faithfully; therefore, saidElihu,TRUST IN HIM!
But now because it WASN’T SO – because Job DIDN’T trust God – THAT IS why God allowedSatanto bring this suffering on Job! See Job 36:16-18. It was because of Job’s LACKOFFAITH! GodWOULD have delivered Job long before this IF Job had handled this problem correctly!
But after chapter 2, when Job started “sinning with his lips” he “fulfilled the judgment of the wicked”.Isn’t that an odd phrase? But think about it! Satan had said Job would turn on God if he facedpersonalsuffering (Job 2:4-6). And Job was heading down that road, and making the devil right! Hewas“fulfilling the judgment of the wicked”!
THAT was making God angry, but not very angry (Job 35:15). Elihu was showing Job howrighteousGod’s judgments were, and giving Job reasons why he should have had more faith inGod(Job36:19-26). Remember how in the previous lessons, your soul should remind your beast “Remember of all thesituations we’ve survived when you trusted me?” – that’s exactly what Elihu was doing for Job’sbeastsince Job’s soul hadn’t already done it!
And after showing many examples of God’s greatness, Elihu shows the POINT of all this was toteachthat God does not afflict people for no reason, as Job was saying He did! (Job 37:14, 23-24). It wasatthat point God stepped in, personally, and took over the argument from Elihu. God’s point is thesameas Elihu’s. This speech about “where were you, Job, when I…” wasn’t to abase Job’s PRIDE, as the entireworldbelieves; it was to teach Job that God was great and He should be trusted, because His judgmentswereTruth!
The funny thing is that Elihu said Job’s three friends were “wicked men” (Job 34:36) – andyet theentire Christian world takes their side in condemning Job’s pride! They call him“self-righteous”,which was exactly what Job’s wicked friends said (Job 32:1). Which REALLYangeredGod(Job42:8). Job didn’t know what his sin was, because there wasn’t one! Because not trusting Godis not asin!It’s a character defect, but it’s not a sin under the law! Because the law does not involvefaith!!(Galatians 3:12). In the beginning, when Job said “that which I greatly feared has come upon me”, we seeJobwasafraid that, even though he’d done everything right (and he had), God might allowpunishment tocomeon him anyway! And it was, ironically, that FEAR that something would happen – that lackof faith–that CAUSED something to happen! A lesson so many could benefit fromtoday!
Job was perfectly righteous but Job was not perfectly faithful! Satan couldn’t point out that flaw,because Satan doesn’t understand faith, having none himself! Job’s FLAW, whichGodcouldplainly see long before Satan came to visit heaven, was that Job did not fully trust God. HetrustedHim some; but not ENOUGH (Job 13:15).
And by pointing him out to Satan, God gave Job exactly what he needed to learn to trust God!SoGod manipulated this whole sequence of events, with Satan, Job’s friends, and Elihu, to showJobthatmen – himself included, and in particular – cannot be trusted absolutely; but that God CANbe. This is the lesson Job learned from this (Job 42:1-6) and he repented bitterly for his lackof faith.Because NOW he could see a flaw he could repent of, and that’s all his soul had wantedfromthebeginning!
The lesson had to be taught this way so that Job could see that he wasn’t truly ruling his beast! (Job39:9). He had humbled it, but it didn’t truly serve him, it served its own fears! Not only didhissoulfail to teach the beast to trust it, his soul was trusting his beast, not God! (verses 10-12). Forheletthe beast’s fears mean more to him than the promises of God!
Seen in this light, you can finally see that most of God’s speech in Job 39-41 was about ruling,humbling, providing for, or conquering various kinds of beasts! (Job 38:39-41, Job 40:19-30, etc.).Specifically, binding beasts into a covenant to obey Him (Job 41:1-4). And the point of all of it was that God was willing and able to take care of beasts… andthat Jobhad failed to convince his own beast of that fact! Job failed to apply the golden ruletohisrelationship with God, because you can’t truly understand the golden rule and lack faith in God. If Job had simply applied the golden rule, he would have put himself in God’s shoes; if oneofJob-as-God’s children had broken a cup when they were five years old, would Job-as-Godstill beharboring resentment for it thirty years later??
So if Job had understood the spirit of the law, he would have known that an ancient sin that hadbeenput “as far as the east is from the west” (Psalms 103:12) couldn’t be the reason Job-as-Godwasn’thelping his own children! Therefore even his beast should have been confident that there was nowaythat was the cause of God’s apparent punishment! (2 Peter 1:9). Likewise, you shouldn’t assume that just because someone hasn’t answered your email yet it’s becausethey’re mad at you! But your beast always does. Likewise, if God goes ten seconds without answering,it’s proof of the beast’s fears that God is a kid with a magnifying glass and we’re the anthill!
Job describes what he learned during this process as the difference between HEARINGabout God, andSEEING God (Job 42:5). And if you’re paying attention, you’ll remember that’s the differencebetween the OC and the NC!
Israel SAW God on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 24:10-11), because that was meant to be aspiritualcovenant! But they rejected that covenant offered to them, and “they said unto Moses, Speak thouwithus, and we will HEAR: but let not God speak with us, lest we die” (Exodus 20:19). They went from SEEING God (the NC), to only HEARING about God through Moses (the OC)! ButJob was traveling in the other direction; Job was under the OC at the beginning of this book, andwasas righteous as a physical, carnal man can be; but Job only understood the letter of the law!
And that’s why his beast didn’t have faith! Because beasts are made of flesh, and flesh cannot seetheKingdom of God! (John 3:3). So anyone who is led by their beast cannot see God. They canonlyhearabout God indirectly!
This ability to see God through faith, starts with hearing (Romans 10:16-18), just as Moses toldIsraelabout God long before they had a chance to see Him! But when they reached that critical turningpoint,as Job did, Israel turned away in fear! Why? Ephesians 4:17-20, Romans 1:21. When youareblinded,you can’t SEE God or Christ! (John 12:40, 2 Corinthians 4:4). Seeing God is something only a spirit can do (1 Corinthians 2:9-14), for He only reveals Himselftothose who obey Him (Acts 5:32). If you had to sum up the difference between the OCandtheNCin one word, that word is FAITH. The Word – the spirit of Christ – was not mixed with FAITH in the Israelites, so the spirit of Jesusdidn’t profit them! (Romans 9:31-33). But it WAS mixed with faith in Moses, Caleb, and Joshua… andnow Job! Romans 10:4-5. Job had obeyed the law… but now he believed in the spirit behindthelaw!2 Corinthians 3:12-16. That’s why after his trial was over, he received TWICE as much as he had before (Job42:12) just asthe first resurrection (NC) receives TWICE the inheritance of the second resurrection (OC), becausethose who rule well are worthy of a double portion! (1 Timothy 5:17). Remember, God doesn’t stutter! These are the elders who labor in the word ANDthe doctrine…inthespirit and in the teachings. Those who teach others to rule the SPIRIT and the HEART! And, of course,rule their own bodies, their own houses for God, as well! (1 Timothy 3:4-5). Remember… trueinevery sense!
The story of Job is about the removal of that veil that prevented their HEARTS fromSEEINGGodbehind the laws! At the beginning of the book, Job’s fear stands out – the mark of the OC! HebelievedGod’s word, obeyed God, but that was not mixed with faith!
Elihu condemned Job’s lack of faith, and Job was humbled by that, and realized his mistake!Herepented bitterly and at that point Job passed into the New Covenant and SAWGOD! (2 Corinthians4:3-6, 3:18). The purpose of the book of Job is simply summed up in a single scripture, as always. For it’s thesamestory that happens to everyone God tries to save in this time. Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and fromthe power of Satanunto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among themwhich are sanctifiedby faith that is in me. Job realized how foolish his heart had been, and how foolish his soul had been for ever humoringitsfears, for it made him behave “as a beast before thee” (Psalms 73:22)… and a beast cannot cometothe mountain of God! (Hebrews 12:18-20). That was why the beast-ruled Israelites were terrified because in their hearts they knewtheywerebeasts! And any beast who approaches the Kingdom of God must be killed, because fleshandbloodcannot inherit that mountain! (1 Corinthians 15:50).
And that is why Paul said “I die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31). This is what it means whenwearecommanded to present our BODIES as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). That’s whywemustmortify – kill – the deeds of the body (Romans 8:13), crucify the flesh as Jesus did (1 Peter 4:1-2). Read the original story in Exodus 19:12-13. The context of this is when the “trumpet soundethlong”.When is that? 1 Thessalonians 4:16. So this apparently trivial rule about an ancient mountainisinfacta prophecy of the return of Christ and the requirements for being able to approach that mountainwhenHe returns!!
For your soul to approach the mountain of God, your beast must die. It can either be stonedbyGod(Daniel 2:34) at His return to try again in the second resurrection with a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26), orcast through with a dart (Luke 2:35) by using the spirit of God to symbolically kill the beast yourselfBEFORE His return! (Hebrews 4:12). Job was called to approach that mountain. It was time for him to realize just howstrong the beast hadahold of his soul, so he could set to work sacrificing it upon the altar daily, casting the wordof truththrough his heart like a spear to kill the works of the flesh. Because before you can ascend that mountain and be a part of the government of God, there cannot bethe slightest chance that you would ever put the desires of your beast above the Truth. Anybeast canhear about God, but if you ever hope to see God… you’ll have to leave your beast behind.