July 25, 2019

Greetings Brethren,

We thank our Heavenly Father for being so Great, So Wonderful, So Powerful, so Merciful, caring and good, He tells us in the book of Romans chapter 8, that “All” things (not some things, not most things or many things) but ALL things work together for good to those who love Him, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” If we will be obedient to Him, and keep His ways (that’s what loving Him is all about, keeping His wonderful commandments). If we will do that, then we have absolutely nothing to fear, nothing to worry about, because He will work everything out to be good, according to His purpose.

Early this morning, fire broke in the boys’ dormitory of the Sengera House Orphanage.

Two years ago, we purchased smoke detectors in the States and put one in each building at the orphanage. About 4 am, Nehemiah was roused from a deep sleep by the shrill of the alarm. He got up to find the house engulfed in flames. Young Francis and Timothy were already unconscious because of inhaling the smoke, but he was able to get them out safely. They were taken to hospital and subsequently released. Thanks to God all nine boys are okay. But the dormitory, everything in it and all their personal belongings are lost. It’s believed that the fire was electrical.

Today we were able to purchase some mattresses and blankets. Tonight the boys will sleep on the floor in the cafeteria. It will be their temporary shelter and it will be a bit rough for a while, but our Kenyan brethren are used to rough. We thank our Heavenly Father that all are alive.

This is a major setback to the progress we have been making. The fire department arrived after traveling a great distance and the orphanage has been billed for their service. Our concern, above making certain the children are safe, is the requirement by the local authorities for making sure the children are properly housed.

The immediate needs have been met, however we need to start the process for rebuilding the dormitory and provide clothing for the children. Being proactive and able to show the local authorities that we are in control of the situation will benefit the children and lessen (but not eliminate) any chances that the authorities will cause difficulties with the recovery.

To that end, I am making an earnest plea for prayers and for those who can help to mitigate the damage done by this calamity. Please pass this message along to anyone who may be able to help in even a small way. Timing is crucial. The need is dire.

Any donations can be sent through:


With great gratitude for your prayers and support,
Bill Goff

July 25/19 Update
July 25/19 Update
July 25/19 Update
July 25/19 Update