February 5, 2019

The orphans at “Sengera House Orphanage” in Kenya want to say thank you to those whom have been supporting them. These church orphans came to us from various cog groups around Kenya. They arrive at different times, but in the same “heart wrenching” condition: skin & bone hungry (starving actually) wearing only the worn out clothes on their back, and out of school. Now, thanks to some companionate donors, they are well fed, clothed, and All are in school.

Dressed for school

Many of us here is America and other prosperous countries, don’t comprehend the suffering that many (if not most) of our impoverished brethren around the world endure on a daily basis.

We first traveled to Kenya/Tanzenia back in 2005, after hearing rumors that there were brethren who were suffering, and in need of help. Upon our first visit, found conditions to be much worse than what was rumored. Most were former members of the WWCOG (some even go back to the Radio COG) but all were suffering, and lacking in some of the most basic and important items like bibles and mosquito nets. Malaria plagued members of every family, (including children) because they couldn’t afford the $4 mosquito nets. (A full report can be found at: )

We started a non-profit back in 2007 called: “Kenya Hands of Hope” and have been busy trying to help our impoverished brethren (especially the true widows and orphans) ever since. Thanks to our loving Heavenly Father, some of our impoverished brethren’s suffering has been eased.

At the orphanage much progress continues to be made. There are a total of 20 children living here now (10 boys & 10 girls.) Sixteen are in grammar school, three in High School, and one in trade school. The orphanage also serves as the main site for congregating on God’s Holy Days, including Feast of Tabernacles, and Feast of Unleavened Bread which our Kenyan Brethren celebrate for the entire seven days of that spring festival. Last years FOT was attended by 350 at the Sengera site alone.

Manley (age 14 pictured below) is in his first year of High School. He is currently boarding at “Itierio High School” near Kisii, Kenya.  His goal is to become a surgeon. Itierio is ranked the best school academically in the entire region.

After his 1st Month of school, they had visiting day.

Haron (the overseer at the orphanage) visited Manley along with Manley’s sister Jemima. Both children have been with us ever since their parents died just over a year ago.

Our next project at the orphanage, is to construct a new dormitory to  house the boys. The house they are currently in was constructed of mud, which is a temporary building. It is not only showing signs of future collapse, but is also insufficient to adequately house the ten boys.  Our hope is to construct a new two story brick building that will also be sufficient to take on some additional church orphans who are currently suffering, and in need of help.

As always, your prayers are much appreciated. Let us pray for us to be good stewards, moving forward according to God’s will, and doing things that are pleasing in His sight. We always like to remember Romans 8:28 where we are told that “All” things (not a few things, not most things or many things) but “All” things work 

together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. And loving God is a matter of keeping His Commandments. So let us strive to live by every word that proceedeth out of His mouth.

Bill Goff