The Simple Answers… To Life’s Most Important Questions.
Bible Study Course Lesson 3 – 18
The sum of this series of lessons is simple – what you think of as Christianity is not Christian.
If you took away everything from your church that was imported from pagan religions, there would be
quite literally nothing left except a Bible no one reads.
Christianity today is merely a relabeling of a variety of sun-and-sex-worshiping religions that date back
at least to Babel, if not to the original sinning Mother Goddess, Eve herself. And nothing illustrates that
better than one last foray into the nature of Tammuz – the false Jesus.
In the OC times, Jesus was typically portrayed as an overly harsh tyrant. This was the only way the OC
world knew Jesus, as Yahweh/Enlil, a tyrannical ruler and judge of the world. But this all changed in
the NT, because the false church realized that rather than cast Him as cruel, they could simply portray
Him as weak or even effeminate.
Think about it – in all the scenes you’ve ever seen Jesus pictured, you’ve seen Him in exclusively three
contexts; first, a helpless baby in a manger, or nursing, or in some other way needing His mother’s
Second, as a suffering, dying, or dead figure on or near a cross. A pathetic figure of weakness, a pitiful
symbol of frailty and hopelessness. And finally, as a compassionate, effeminate, long-haired creature
with distant eyes and hopeful, outstretched arms.
So where is the Jesus who comes back to rule the earth with a rod of iron? Where is the Man who
ascended to take all power in heaven and earth? Why do we never see Him slaying the armies of the
beast until the blood flows to the horse’s bridles? Because that’s not the Jesus in these pictures! He
only exists in the pages of the Bible!
“Tammuz was generally visualized as a young man or boy. Under some of his
aspects he is of marriageable age; in others he is younger, a mere child. He is dearly
loved by the women who surround him—his mother, sister, and later, his young bride…
Correspondingly, the laments for him are by his mother, sister, and widowed bride,
never by a father.” (, “Tammuz”)
Doesn’t that sound just like every single picture of Jesus you’ve ever seen? Either a tender, beautiful
young man – which Jesus certainly wasn’t (Isaiah 53:2), or as a pathetically dead figure on or off of a
cross, surrounded by women weeping at a cross of Tammuz. And never, ever, by a father figure. So is it
really Jesus you see on every crucifix… or is it Dumuzi, or Osiris, or Baal?
“After the Old-Babylonian period there was a change in the documentation: only
lamentation songs, which mourn the god’s departure, were transmitted; Dumuzi as a
lover and a bridegroom was almost completely forgotten. Only the authority he took
post mortem as a great officer of the netherworld is still mentioned.” (Ibid.)
This is the only way we see Jesus today; mourned, passive, effeminate, and if given any authority at all
it’s in a distant place as “great officer of the netherworld” – i.e., the deliverer from death, as Osiris and
Dumuzi and Baal were. But the clear and present deity is always His mother.
That’s why no matter how you see Jesus and His mother portrayed, she is always in some way
dominant over Him – even if it’s merely by pretending to be submissive to get her way. Notice
how similar her winged figure is (right, 1750 AD) to Ishtar’s winged body (center, 2000 BC)… or to
Isis (left, 1100 BC). Different goddesses… Really?
And notice how Ishtar holds the rings of divine authority, which is noticeably similar to the ankh. Two
rings – one for each God she claims to hold authority over.
It is widely claimed today by fringe groups bashing Christianity – false Christianity or Christianity as a
whole – that Easter and Ishtar are one and the same. But the fact is, no one can prove that. So here is
what the facts actually are:
Easter: “Old English Easterdæg, from Eastre (Northumbrian Eostre), from
Proto-Germanic *austron-, “dawn,” also the name of a goddess of fertility and spring,
perhaps originally of sunrise, whose feast was celebrated at the spring equinox, from
*aust- “east, toward the sunrise” (compare east), from PIE root *aus- (1) “to shine,”
especially of the dawn.” (, “Easter”).
The word Easter can be traced back to ancient German “Eostre”, which was the name of a
poorly-attested fertility goddess from the early Middle Ages. This goddess was associated with the
“shining in the east at dawn”, and is related (obviously) to the English word “east”.
So the word Easter points back to the worship of a goddess of fertility that shines in the east at dawn.
Now solar deities are usually male, and rarely fertility deities in the human-sexual sense. The celestial
fertility goddesses are overwhelmingly associated, not with the sun, but with another astral object that
often rises at dawn: Venus.
As you’ve seen, Venus was almost always the star of fertility
goddesses like Ishtar, Inanna, Aphrodite, and so on – and of course,
Venus. So Eostre being worshiped at dawn almost certainly points to
that star, and not the sun – the star of the Queen of Heaven, Ishtar.
Notice how Isis stands behind Osiris (right) as he receives the key of
life at his resurrection. Who is really in charge here? The man? Or the
woman standing behind her false savior-husband, letting him take the
credit and blame and do all the work, while she has the real power of
life and death?
And yet Easter as observed today is all about the Son of God, His resurrection, the alleged sign of His
life – the cross. So are these really connected to Ishtar? There are the easy ways to answer “yes”,
connections to fertility symbols such as eggs and bunnies, and those are fine, but the far better way to
connect it to Ishtar is an astronomical one: Venus rises first and paves the way for the sun’s
When the world goes out Easter Sunday to worship the risen sun – call him Jesus, Tammuz, Baal, or
Osiris, it matters not – before they see the sun, they’ll often see the brightest object in the night sky
helping him rise. They’ll see the planet Venus – whom the Babylonians called Ishtar. Standing
behind her husband as he receives the key of life!
So yes, they’re there to worship Jesus – but only because His mother-wife properly embalmed Him,
wept for Him, and helped Him rise from the dead. Thus, calling the festival after the name of a
fertility goddess who rises in the east – and was born in the east (Babel) – is perfectly logical.
Because at the end of the day, whatever false humility she displays, this holiday – like all holidays –
always points back to her.
Or does it?
The central member of the trinity is not consistently male or female because both portrayals are
“true” – the false Church is pictured as the third member of the trinity, because she gets her power from
the devil, the ultimate unholy spirit (Revelation 13:2-4, 11). She represents him to the world.
And so while Venus is behind Jesus, Satan stands behind her. And that’s why, when speaking of the
same planet Venus, God cuts through the deception and called Venus, the Queen of Heaven, the Great
Whore, by the name of the true power behind her throne!
Isaiah 14:12 (GWV) How you have fallen from heaven, you morning star, son of the dawn! How you
have been cut down to the ground, you conqueror of nations!
This is that star that rises above Christmas trees, the star that is omnipresent in manger scenes, the star
that is always the brightest among all the stars of heaven. This is who Christianity worships in
ignorance. He whom they believe to be their greatest enemy is in fact their God.
As I said at first, Christianity is not simply a corrupted version of itself; what you call Christianity is
wholesale pagan philosophy and mythology with little changed but the names. The Bible is used to
support their theories wherever possible, of course, to give them credibility; but the fundamental beliefs
of Christianity are no different from Babylon, Canaan, or Greece.
As a single case in point among many, look at how similar modern Christianity is to Osiris worship.
The story goes that Osiris was murdered by his evil brother Seth, god of Chaos. After Isis finds his
body, briefly resurrects him, and gets pregnant by him in a virgin birth, their son Horus (Osiris’
“resurrected” form), is trained by Osiris’ spirit in the arts of war to avenge him.
This of course closely parallels the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The battle between Horus and
Seth is a long story, but like any action movie, the hero has many narrow escapes before he conquers
the enormously intimidating Seth and then gloats over his win using very Revelation-like language
about the destruction of the “devil”.
But naturally, Seth didn’t really die, only his physical body did; he “lived” on in the underworld and
after Horus eventually moved on to that other plane of existence…
“And so it comes about that Horus and Seth still contend for the souls of men and for
the rule of the world… But the Egyptians believed that the Last Battle was still to
come – and that Horus would defeat Seth in this also. And when Seth was destroyed
forever, Osiris would rise from the dead and return to earth, bringing with him all
those who had been his own faithful followers. And for this reason the Egyptians
embalmed the dead and set the bodies away beneath towering pyramids of stone and
deep in the tomb chambers of western Thebes, so that the blessed souls returning from
Amenti should find them ready to enter again, and in them to live for ever on earth
under the good god Osiris, Isis his queen and their son Horus.” (Akan Takruri “100
African religions before slavery & colonization”)
That sums up most Christian apocalypses, doesn’t it? That Jesus-as-Horus wars against Satan-as-Seth
for men’s souls and the rule of the world? (But in fact, it’s not a war, Jesus saves whomever He chooses,
and Satan’s rebellion has very narrow limits which he dare not exceed (Job 1:6-12)).
And don’t they believe that after a climactic battle and triumph, Satan will be sent to hell where he will
continue to rule and battle for men’s souls? (Not destroyed, as the Bible says in Ezekiel 28:16-18).
And that God’s followers will return to Earth to receive their original bodies at the resurrection? (Not
far better, new ones as the Bible teaches in 1 Corinthians 15:35-50).
Then don’t they believe that the holy trinity will come to Earth and dwell with man? (When in fact, the
Bible says that the Father will never come to this Earth, but to a NEW, remade Earth – and when He
does, it won’t be with the Queen of Heaven at His side (Revelation 21:1-5)).
So you see… the heart of false religion has never really changed, as much as they try to confuse you
and hide behind details, their prophecies are eerily similar to what any Protestant or Catholic believes
The details are different, of course. If you focus on the details, as critics of this paper would do, you’ll
find minor differences between them; Sun–Gods are usually male. But Shapash of the Canaanites is
Isis is symbolized by Sirius, brightest star in the sky, while other fertility goddesses are symbolized by
Venus, brightest planet in the sky. Does that mean the thesis is invalid? That there is no connection
between them, because a few details are different?
Or does it simply mean someone changed a detail, perhaps by accident – a young priest misunderstood
“brightest object in the sky”, and substituted Sirius for Venus, and it just stuck. Or perhaps they did it
deliberately, changing minor details specifically to deceive the world, so that people could say “these
aren’t the same religions! I’m not worshiping the gods of Egypt!”
If you look closely enough, you can find differences between each congregation even among the most
orthodox sects. Does this mean they aren’t the same religion? No two Christians agree on every single
point, do they therefore worship different gods?
Likewise, while the differences between Christianity and Babel, Egypt, or Canaan are noticeable… the
differences between Christianity and the Bible are far, far larger.
And that means that the similarities between pagan and Christian religions are far more disturbing. For
they betray the fact that what you call Christianity is not Christian.
By now, you must surely be asking how it is that no one knows this today. How can all these churches
be so wrong about God, and all these millions of Christians be deceived? Let me turn your own
question back on you… how can all these churches be RIGHT? Matthew 7:13-14.
Babel promised a WIDE GATE that led to heaven – and certainly no way to heaven is easier than
simply “confessing that Jesus is Lord”. What, exactly, is “narrow” and “hard” about that? In what way
is 2.18 BILLION Christians (2011 Pew Survey) a “little flock” (Luke 12:32)?
So really, I should be asking you how it is that you can imagine that 1/3 of the world’s population has
basically the right ideas about God – when Jesus wondered if, when He returned, He would find
ANYONE who was faithful? Luke 18:8. How many people did God expect to save? Jeremiah 3:14.
So what church today could that possibly be if there is only, MAYBE, one per city? So you see what
sounds like a very reasonable question is in fact based on an irrational assumption. The devil deceives
the WHOLE WORLD, deceiving ALL OF CHRISTIANITY except a few, the “very elect” (Matthew
24:24) with his false CHRISTS.
But if you’re reading this, it means you just might have a chance to be one of those few. Might. In
1 Thessalonians 5:21, Paul tells us to “Prove all things: hold fast to that which is good.” He doesn’t
say “prove all things, hold fast that which you can’t disprove.” He says prove all things and ONLY
keep that which you can prove is GOOD.
And that’s not how most Christians approach the Bible; they take their beliefs to it and say “here,
confirm this for me; show me a scripture that can fit with my belief”; but no one walks up to the Bible
and says “what shall I believe?”
And that is why no one understands the truth – because they already decided what to believe before
they ever asked God’s opinion. And that, in short, is why no one knows this today.
Left alone for eternity, you would NEVER have developed the doctrine of an immortal soul from the
Bible; you would NEVER have come up with purgatory, a trinity, the queen of heaven; you would
NEVER have concluded that you should go to church on Sunday.
Like pretty much everything else “Christians” believe today, you can’t prove those from the Bible
unless you’re already convinced before you start. You should observe only that which can be proven
using the Bible alone. That’s how you can be sure you’re a true Christian.
1 John 2:3-4 (BBE) And BY THIS we may be CERTAIN that we have knowledge of him, if we KEEP
HIS LAWS. The man who says, I have knowledge of him, and does not keep his laws, is false [a
FALSE CHRISTIAN], and there is nothing true in him:
Anyone who doesn’t do that is Christian in name only – and if there’s one thing you’ve learned in the
past ten lessons it’s that worshiping the right God the wrong way is worth absolutely nothing to God
(Matthew 7:21-23).
Satan calls himself Jesus when it’s convenient – and it usually is (2 Corinthians 11:4). And
worshiping “the Lord” is no different than worshiping Baal, if it’s Baal-Hadad’s commands
you’re obeying. And sadly, the “Lord” most people are praying to isn’t the true Jesus, but the “God of
this world” – who can be identified by his beliefs, his commands, and his nature.
1 John 5:19-20 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. And we
know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is
true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. THIS IS THE TRUE GOD, and
eternal life.
This “true God” is the one in the Bible; NOT the one taught by the doctrines of men, the traditions of
any church, or the opinions of any man. Including, especially, mine. I make mistakes – you’ll find
them in these lessons, if you look, and you should look. I don’t want you to follow me, I want you to
find the truth for yourself.
Most people never understand God even after a lifetime in church because most spend a lifetime
attending a false church who commands them to pay and pray and shut up. Their faith is a blind faith,
in every sense of the word (Luke 6:39).
Unlike them, I know that these lessons are not the final answer, they are merely a starting point for you,
a place for you to get a basic grasp of the big picture and then go out, knowing what to look for, and fill
in the blanks for yourself. It is impossible to scatter the sheep by smiting the shepherd, if you have
learned to shepherd yourself (Matthew 26:31).
So Google “Persephone” and see how she compares to Tammuz and his sister; Google Demeter and see
how she compares to the queen of heaven. Google Dionysius and Orpheus and Adonis and see how
much like Tammuz and the false Jesus they are. Put the pieces together for yourself, and no one will be
able to take them away from you.
In every church in the world, whatever their official position, you’re discouraged to question,
discouraged to study anything but narrowly supervised books and inane “studies” which are really just
doctrinal statements. Most especially you’re discouraged from studying the literature of other
The true Christian, on the other hand, “works out his own salvation, with fear and trembling”
(Philippians 2:12). You’ve obviously decided to flaunt those rules and study for yourself, or you
wouldn’t have made it past the first lesson (75% of students don’t). But that’s not enough.
After a few short months, you have learned more about God simply by reading your Bible and asking it
questions than most ministers and evangelists know after a lifetime spent studying. You’ve seen a
glimpse – and believe me, it’s only a glimpse – of the wonders the Bible has in store.
What you’ve seen so far is perhaps 3% of what *I* can show you. And I would be shocked if I
know 3% of what the Bible has to offer. So calling this a glimpse is a massive understatement.
But there is a price to pay for knowledge – Responsibility. Read Ezekiel 33:1-20, because it’s about
you. You are now the watchman, because you have the word of God. You are now responsible for your
brethren, your family, your friends.
Maybe they’ll listen, maybe they won’t – but you have to tell them the truth (verses 8-9), as I have told
you. You owe it to them, and God expects it from you. And this, too, is a test. You’ve heard the truth,
listened, and wanted more; but what will you do when your family disagrees with you? Matthew
Does God expect – and want – that to happen? Verses 34-40. So you are faced with a hard decision.
Are you able to accept that the “Christianity” you’ve been a part of for so long is a complete sham? Are
you willing to stand alone against your friends, your family, your church, if necessary (and it will be)?
The whole reason God allowed Satan to copy His name and worship was to see whom you would
rather serve (1 Kings 18:21) – Baal or the true Jesus (1 Corinthians 11:19). To sort people into the
categories in Mark 4:3-20. Which category will you end up in?
We talked about the purpose of deception in Lesson 1-12 but it takes on a new dimension when you see
just how deep the deception goes, and just how many people are deceived. You MUST be willing to
“come out of her”, otherwise you will receive the plagues with them.
You must be willing to walk away from that spiritual Sodom and never look back… or else… Genesis
19:26. Churches like to explain that by saying she looked back “with longing”, which it doesn’t say;
she just looked back. Why is that a problem? Luke 9:62.
If you’re holding a plow being pulled by a team of oxen and your attention falters the plow can easily
hit a rock, pop out of your hand, get tangled, and break! What was the lesson of Lot’s wife? Luke
17:31-32. The lesson wasn’t that you shouldn’t look back with longing, it’s that while fleeing to save
your life, you shouldn’t stop to pack!
And while fleeing false Christianity, you shouldn’t wait another minute lest it be too late to escape!
(1 Timothy 6:3-11, especially verse 11). So don’t let the false Christianity, your family, or your job
distract you from what matters, and prevent your escape from the burning building that is Christianity!
Sure, you could stay in your church and try to do “some good”, agreeing to disagree with your fellow
church-goers… but can an alcoholic recover from addiction surrounded by other addicts?
1 Corinthians 15:33 (GWV) Don’t let anyone deceive you. Associating with bad people will ruin
decent people. (Or as WEB translates it “Evil companionships corrupt good morals.”)
And yet, as usual, there’s another side to the story. I’ve hit churches pretty hard in these lessons, with
good reason; but I treat them all as rebels, and that’s only true on the corporate scale, not of individuals
within those churches.
Because there is a huge difference between a rebel and a dupe; both may do the exact same things, but
the rebel knows he is defying his Lord, and the dupe believes he’s fighting for a good cause.
Christians are, almost universally, duped today. They know no better than the ancient idol-worshiping
Athenians did, and so God doesn’t hold them accountable for their actions (Acts 17, particularly verse
And like the Athenians, when informed of the truth, most Christians will mock; some will say “we will
hear you again of this matter” (verse 32). And having said that, Paul left as should you… after you’ve
said the things he said!
What you read in the previous section is true – you must be willing to leave your church, because I
promise you that sooner or later you’ll have to – they’ll kick you out. But that doesn’t mean you just
sneak out of your church without a word! Because the Bible also says…
Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: NOT
forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another:
and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
If you care about these people you’ve been going to church with, you owe it to them to tell them what
God has shown you; PROVOKE them to good works. The same good works you’ve learned about –
and usually good works start by condemning evil works (Psalms 15:4, Psalms 97:10).
They may not listen, in fact I can guarantee that many will not, and they may hate you for trying – but
wouldn’t you have wanted someone to show YOU the truth about the false church say, ten years ago?
Wouldn’t a true friend at least try? (James 5:20). Therefore, isn’t that what the golden rule requires
you to do?
So provoke them to good works; show them what the Bible says about the Sabbath, or heaven, or hell,
or the plan of God; show them about the law, or faith, or grace, or Tammuz, or Easter, or Christmas, or
the Great Whore… any of a hundred things you’ve seen pointed out in your Bible.
Share whatever meant the most to you, whatever you saw as being the biggest problem in the church.
Exhort one another according to the commandment, and you won’t need to leave your church. They’ll
help you out the door.
But maybe, just maybe, you’ll take one or two of them with you, and into the Kingdom of God.
Remember, if the watchman has sounded the alarm and the people sleep through it, that’s their problem.
But sounding the alarm is just as much a commandment as “thou shalt not kill”; it is in fact, the
very same commandment.
Don’t bother to keep one without the other; don’t refuse to kill, then say “I’m not a good speaker, I
can’t argue with people, I hate confrontation” because if you don’t warn them, you’re signing their
death warrant. Killing by inaction has the same result as killing by action.
Now once they’ve heard your words and seen the scriptures, if they say “well, I know that’s what the
Bible says but that’s not what we believe”, or “you’re welcome here, but your beliefs are not” – then
they have changed from being dupes, and become rebels, for now they have heard the word of truth
and rejected it.
And that means your work there is done – you can’t help them, and the longer you stay there the more
they’ll try to deceive you.
How many fruits did Eve have to eat to be kicked out of the Garden? Genesis 3:6. How many people
had to sin, to make all of Israel unclean? Joshua 22:20, (referencing a story from Joshua 7). How
many unclean things must God see in you to turn away? Deuteronomy 23:14.
So how many false doctrines does it take to make a false church?
2 Corinthians 6:14–17 (GWV) …Can right and wrong be partners? Can light have anything in
common with darkness? Can Christ agree with the devil? …Can God’s temple contain false gods?
Clearly, we are the temple of the living God. As God said, “I will live and walk among them. I will be
their God, and they will be my people.” The Lord says, “Get away from unbelievers. Separate
yourselves from them. Have nothing to do with anything unclean. Then I will welcome you.”
A Christian church with a cross is not an imperfect church of God. It’s a church of the devil called after
God’s name like all Satan’s churches are!
But this does not mean the people are evil; they’re deceived, just like you were – and for that matter,
on some subjects, still are.
But the church itself, the corporate entity that defines your doctrines and beliefs is, whatever their
motives, serving the devil. And after they’ve heard the truth, if the people side with that corporate
entity – and almost all will – then they serve the devil too.
Of course there are differences between Christian churches today, reflecting which of the false
doctrines their founders cherry-picked from the Great Whore, and how exactly they justified those
deceptions with scripture.
But does it really matter what shape your cross is, when they all trace back to the literal symbol of
Babylon? The actual sign of Tammuz, the quintessential image of the beast?
Does it really matter how often your church bakes cakes to the queen of heaven? Or what time on
Sun–day they worship Baal? Does it really matter which false trinity they worship?
How much wrong can a church have, before it loses the right to call itself “right”? How much darkness
can it allow, before it’s no longer a church of light?
How many idols – crosses, saints, angel statues, “he is the light of the world” pictures, etc. – can it
have, before it is a temple of a false god, and not the true God?
How many pagan customs can it have, how many heathen beliefs, how many holidays to honor the
enemies of God can it have before it is a false church, a church which God commands you to “separate
yourself” from, and “have nothing to do with”?
It only takes one.
One belief, stubbornly held in the face of clear scripture, is all it takes to be a false Church.
One holy day you keep “for the children” is all it takes to be a false Christian.
One idol you refuse to destroy is all it takes to be an idolater.