A Jealous God

Bible Study Course Lesson 3 – 17

The Simple Answers… To Life’s Most Important Questions.

The concept of exclusivity is almost completely unknown in ancient religions. The universal attitude

was “the more gods, the merrier”. The idea that one of them would resent you having an image of

another was incomprehensible to pagans, which is why when God spoke to Israel for the first time, one

of the first things He said was…

Exodus 20:2-5 I am the LORD thy God… Thou shalt have no other gods before me… for I the LORD

thy God am a jealous God…

This makes perfect sense to us, because we’ve been raised in a monotheistic religion. But the idea of a

jealous God took some getting used to for people who had just left Egypt and its dozens of gods. And

really, Israel never really did grasp it, continually adding other gods into their worship – read almost

any verse of the first part of Judges, for example.

The pagan view of things was to acknowledge and respect every god, but to choose one you liked best

and make him your favorite, much like the Catholic worship of saints. Israel was usually willing to

make God their favorite, but that wasn’t good enough – God demanded absolute exclusivity in their

relationship, and considered anything else spiritual adultery (Ezekiel 23:36-39).

The later pagan religions – Romans and Greeks, in particular – developed the idea of syncretism, a

fancy word for what we could call ecumenicalism, which is a fancy word for Satan’s desire to get all

churches everywhere to compromise with each other and form a single deceived church. He doesn’t

care how they compromise – as long as they compromise, he wins.

This is what he has ALWAYS desired, and has always done with religion – merged and ruled. So when

when the Greeks went to Canaan and found a deity there called Ashtoreth who was a goddess of love,

fertility, whose symbol was the planet Venus, they said “Wow! That’s just like our Aphrodite!” and

declared her followers brethren and merged the two deities into one fertility goddess!

They basically believed that all gods could be merged into a single pantheon – their own, of course –

and as the dominant culture in the world at the time, the Greeks sought to equate all other gods and

goddesses with Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite, and so on.

Zeus and Jupiter are identical in Greek and Roman myths, respectively, even sharing the same name

although it isn’t obvious on the surface; the full name of Zeus was “Zeus Pater”, or Father God. This

equates to Jupiter, which is spelled in Latin “Iuppiter”, which was a contraction of “Deus Pater”, the

same as the ancient Sanskrit Dyaus Pitar, which all share the same ancient root – probably dating from

Babel – “Dyeus Pater” meaning “bright father”.

So clearly they derive from a single, very ancient idea that the sun is the supreme god and creator of all

things. Under a different name, you find a similar concept in Egypt, where the sun-god Ra was seen as

creator of all.

The Egyptians had a fondness for creating new gods, then associating them with old ones, creating

fusions. Sometimes this was political – for example, let’s say one city worshiped Amun as creator sungod,

while another city believed Ra was the creator sun-god. If one city conquered another, they could

merge the two cities and their deities by calling him Amun-Ra.

This placated the believers of both religions, and helped to secure the new kingdom as a single

kingdom with one god. The same trick was played later, when the Greeks connected Amun with Zeus

and made statues of a single deity exhibiting the unique features of each, calling him Zeus Ammon.

It was surprisingly easy to do this because most gods around the world easily fall into a few basic

categories like fertility, war, weather, ruler-and-lieutenant, and so on; because the fact is, they all derive

from a common mythology after the flood, which in turn is a deliberately misunderstood version of the

truth of the Bible.


The Romans of course believed Zeus, and thus Amun, and therefore Ra, were all simply other names

for their own deity Jupiter – faces their gods showed different nations. This is how the ancient world

treated their gods. This is why God was very clear that He was DIFFERENT. That He was not another

name for Ra whom they had known in Egypt.

Even Moses had trouble grasping this at first in Exodus 3:13-14. They needed a name, so they could

see which of the gods they already knew in Egypt was speaking to them! Or at least, so they could

connect Him to one of them. But the true God didn’t want to be fused with the Egyptian Ra!

So He was deliberately vague about His name at first, saying only that He was the God that is. That He

was “the existing one”. The YLT translates this verse “And God saith unto Moses, ‘I AM THAT

WHICH I AM;’ He saith also, ‘Thus dost thou say to the sons of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.’”

People tend to over-mystify the name of God here, but it’s really not that complicated. God simply said

“Tell them the God that has always existed and will always exist sent you”. He wanted them to know

that He was the supreme BEING, the existing one.

God said this from time to time, for example in Psalms 90:2, Isaiah 44:6, Revelation 1:8 and John

8:58. By simply reading Exodus 3:4, it’s difficult to understand what God is saying. But when you

merge all the similar times God identified Himself this way, it becomes quite obvious what He meant!

He meant He was the God “Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning

of days, nor end of life” (Hebrews 7:3), something no other god even pretends to have! Every god

in every pantheon around the world was born from something. The idea of existing for past eternity,

except in the most abstract sense, is almost nonexistent in paganism.

For example, supreme god Zeus was son of the former supreme god Cronus, god of the harvest and/or

time (through a pun on his name with the word chronos, meaning time). Cronus was son of an older

supreme god Uranus, god of the sky… see a pattern here? The myths disagree as to whether Uranus was

the son of Aether – what we would call outer space; or Nyx, night.


Aether in turn was son of… you get the idea. The Greeks invented several more generations of evermore-

abstract deities to get around the fact that everything comes from something else. So who made

God? That’s why when Moses asked His name, God chose something unique about Himself – His

ever-existence – to identify Himself. Because among all the gods, God alone makes no attempt

whatsoever to justify His existence from eternity to eternity.


Birth and rebirth is natural for a sun-god, who goes through these cycles on a constant basis. But there

are many scriptures we fail to grasp the full import of, not being raised in overt sun-worship. For

example – does the Father go through a life-death cycle? James 1:17.

What does the “father of lights” mean? Genesis 1:16. Does Jesus go through a cycle of existence?

Habakkuk 1:12, Micah 5:2. To us, these are rather self-evident facts, but to Tammuz-worshipers this

would have been a big deal. While Tammuz grows and weakens, God continues shining in glory

without fail. Clearly, this makes the true God better than Tammuz – even by their own logic.

There are a lot of other veiled insults to Tammuz in the Bible that we don’t get because we don’t grasp

the context of how they worshiped Tammuz. For example, Amos 8:10. This speaks of mourning “an

only son”. It’s a small stretch, but well within the bounds of plausibility, that this was a direct reference

to Tammuz.

Obviously the mourning aspect could be for anyone, but morning for “an only son” is interesting

because the literal translation of the name Dumuzi in Akkadian (Babylonian) is “the true son” or “the

faithful son”.

Connecting that to the idea of the “only begotten son” is not hard, and pagans would certainly have

counterfeited the idea of Jesus’ only-begottenness if they knew about it. So if God did indeed refer to

Tammuz’ worship here, then this verse takes on a whole new meaning as it would say, in effect “I will

make you mourn for yourselves like you mourn for Tammuz”.

There may also be a reference to Tammuz’ worship in Jeremiah 22:9-10, since the context goes

immediately from worshiping other gods to mourning “the dead”. Which dead? Tammuz, Osiris?

Another reference is Isaiah 17:10-11. Remember how Osiris was mourned by planting a garden in the

shape of a corpse? And when the plants sprouted, it was seen as a sign of his rebirth? The same was

done for Tammuz.

This verse is difficult to translate, as you can see if you compare translations. The YLT says “Therefore

thou plantest plants of pleasantness, And with a strange slip sowest it”. According to various

commentaries, the phrase “plants of pleasantness” could just as well read “plants for the Pleasant One”,

one of Tammuz’ names; and “a strange slip” is sometimes translated “vine slips of a strange god”


These interpretations are arguable, but everyone agrees that God is trying to say something about false

gods here. Isaiah 1:29-30, Isaiah 65:3, and Isaiah 66:17 all denounce sacrifices made “in the

gardens,” which may also be connected to the cult of Tammuz.



Baal is a Hebrew and Canaanite word that means simply “Lord” or “Owner”, even “Husband”. Based

on names like Beeliada, “Baal Knows”, or “The Lord Knows”, it seems like Israelites used the word

interchangeably with Adonai and other titles to refer to the true God, much as we use “Lord” instead of

“Jesus”. This was true at least as late as the time of David, because Beeliada was son of David

(1 Chronicles 14:7), who certainly wouldn’t have named his son after a false god.

You can also see in Hosea 2:16 that God was accustomed to being called “Baal” by the Israelites. (If

your Bible doesn’t show “Baali” as God’s title there, it may translate it as “Lord” or “Master”; suffice it

to say, it refers to the true God being called Baal.)

It’s interesting because the verse shows that God minded it not because of its association with Baal

Hadad, but rather because it implied a distant relationship of Master-and-Servant, and not Husbandand-

Wife, Man-and-Friends (John 15:15).

However, under the rule of Ahab and Jezebel, who publicly promoted a specific Baal, her own

Canaanite Lord Hadad, Baal became a thing of horror to righteous Israelites, a shame even to speak

(Ephesians 5:12) – rather how I feel about pasting pictures of idols into these lessons.

So as a result, later writers deleted “Baal” from the name and usually replaced it with something else.

Beeliada became Eliada (2 Samuel 5:16), meaning “El Knows”, being much more specific about which

Lord we’re speaking of.

The other name of Gideon, Jerubbaal, was changed to Jerubbosheth (2 Samuel 11:21). Even though in

this case there was a valid reason to have Baal in his name (which roughly means “Bite me, Baal”

(Judges 6:32, 7:1)), they still replaced it with bosheth which means “thing of shame”.

This happened quite a lot, for example Meribbaal (1 Chronicles 8:34) became Mephibosheth

(2 Samuel 4:4). Eshbaal (1 Chronicles 8:33) became Ishbosheth (2 Samuel 2:10), and so on. The

point is, that Baal was once a generic title for any god – ours or theirs, much like the English word…

well, “God.

That’s why God told Jacob “I am the El of Bethel, where thou anointedst the pillar”. When Moses was

called out of Egypt, God identified Himself as “I am the Elohim of thy father, the Elohim of

Abraham,” etc. (Exodus 3:6). Later, in the Promised Land, God frequently identified Himself as “the

Yahweh Elohim of Israel” (Joshua 7:13).

As you’ve seen, this specificity was necessary because the Canaanites had these same names for their

gods – names which traced back to the real truth about God known by Noah and taught after the flood,

but slowly corrupted over time to where the only true thing left in the religion was the name. Sound


Yet saying that the Canaanite El was a false god is like my saying that the Catholic “God the Father” is

a false god. In a way, He is… but at the same time, the Being behind the name “God the Father” isn’t

wrong. It’s just everything they know and teach about Him is wrong!



I often tell you that one of the biggest keys to Bible study is reading the context; but an extension of

that is understanding the historical context of events in the Bible – particularly the beliefs of the pagans

that the prophets were sent to refute. As you’ve seen, Baal was a pretty generic name, but even so the

person who used the title often had a very specific Baal in mind. And it’s important to understand that

who this was changed over time!

“Scholars propose that, as the cult of Hadad increased in importance, his true name

came to be seen as too holy for any but the high priest to speak aloud and the alias

“Lord” (“Ba’al”) was used instead, as “Bel” was used for Marduk

among the Babylonians and “Adonai” for Yahweh among the Israelites.”

(Wikipedia, “Baal).

God never seemed to care much about how His name was pronounced in

Hebrew, or which name you used, as long as you did what He said (Luke 6:46).

It was the Jews who made it too sacred to speak aloud – a custom they learned

by copying the way Canaanites and Babylonians treated their gods

(Deuteronomy 12:30 once again).

Knowing that Baal referred to Hadad at this particular time in history, it casts a

very different light on a well-known story. Go ahead and read all of 1 Kings 18.

This was a contest between Yahweh Elohim and Baal – a contest which was

central to the religion of the Canaanites as described in the Epic of Baal roughly

700 years before this contest took place. So in a sense, this was a reenactment to

remind Israel who would really win such a contest.

It’s interesting because the prophet who brought the challenge was called Eli-Jah,

which literally means “[my] God is Yah” – who, you will remember, was Baal’s mortal enemy in his

epic! On the other hand, Baal’s full name was Baal-Hadad, lord of storms, and he was often pictured

with a lightning bolt in his hands as in the picture at right. So rain and lightning were, most

specifically, his domain.

And that creates a whole new meaning for this challenge, for Yah-Is-God challenged Lord-Of-Storms

on his own turf (1 Kings 18:21). What’s more, he did it while his mother-spouse watched (verse 19,


Another important fact is that this was at the end of the 3-1/2 year drought Yah-Is-God had brought on

Israel (James 5:17). “The absence of Ba‘al causes dry spells, starvation, death, and chaos” (Wikipedia,

“Hadad”). This explains Elijah’s mocking tone in verse 27; “maybe he is asleep, or on a trip!” Because

that would explain the drought that ELIJAH caused!

After Elijah suggested that Baal might need awakened they proceeded in verse 28 to cut themselves as

if in mourning (Leviticus 19:28). Remember how Baal died and the land had to mourn to resurrect

him… or AWAKEN HIM in order to defeat YAH!

They were literally acting out their sacred scriptures in the epic of Baal but this time the sun-god

doesn’t help the queen of heaven whose 400 priests were there find Baal! Which is why Elijah was

mocking them at NOON, when Shamash was at his brightest to help them find Baal!


So after giving the false church every opportunity, when evening came Yahweh’s “heavenly fire”

consumed the sacrifice and burnt it to ashes even though it was soaking wet. What could this heavenly

fire have possibly been? Psalms 144:6. So Yahweh stabbed Baal with his own spear, so to speak!

And after the slaughter of the priests of Baal, Elijah prayed to Yahweh and made it flood (1 Kings

18:41-46) which Baal, god of rain, had been unable to do for three years! And the people, duly

convinced by this contest, shouted “Yahweh is [the true] Elohim” (verse 39), which is what Elijah’s

name had already told them!

1 Kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions?

if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

This contest was necessary because, then as now, God’s people were trying to serve Yahweh while also

obeying Baal! And then as now, God wants you to choose one or the other – either serve Baal, or serve

Him, but don’t pretend to serve him while following Baal’s rituals in the name of Christianity!

Serve God and only God or don’t serve God at all!


As I said, Baal is a generic title, and in the time of the Judges and early Kingdom of Israel, “Baal”

mostly referred to this Canaanite deity, but by the time of Nebuchadnezzar, the “Baal” of the Bible was

a new Babylonian fusion deity.

“During the first millennium BC, the Babylonians worshipped a deity under the title

“Bel”, meaning “lord”, who was a syncretization [merging] of Marduk, Enlil, and the

dying god Dumuzid. Bel held all the cultic titles of Enlil” (Wikipedia, Marduk).

Bel was a result of the conscious fusion of Tammuz, Enlil, and Marduk, under the full name of Bel-

Marduk. So while Judges 2:13 refers to the character from the Epic of Baal, over time the worship of

the Canaanite Baal was overshadowed by the worship of the Babylonian Bel (Jeremiah 32:29), which

has the same meaning of Lord.

This helps you grasp the historical contexts of their idol worship – Judah was in a very precarious

position in the Middle East, stuck between Babylon and Egypt. When faith in God waned, it was

natural enough that they would pray to the God of the most powerful nation around them for help.

So if you were scared of being slaughtered by the Babylonians, wouldn’t you seriously consider

praying to their own Gods for help? Jeremiah 19:4-5. Never mind that idolatry is what started the

problem, it still makes sense to the carnal mind, which is all Israel ever had.

And so today, where does someone who wants to solve their problems go? To the Bible? A hard-tounderstand

book they’re told they can’t really trust? Or to a large thriving church full of people who

seem to be loving, people who dress the part and appear to have their life on track?

After all, they worship a God by the same name as the one in the Bible; who has a Son who died on the

cross, just like we do. Can you really blame them for being deceived? What Christian today has done

any better than the ancient Israelites, who always went a-whoring after other gods named Lord and God

in Hebrew?


Have not the false religions of the world done the same as they always have, worshiping “Baal” – Lord,

in English – in thousands of false churches? Praying to BAAL to give them utterances in tongues,

begging to BAAL to bring them salvation, and giving their heart to BAAL?

Sounds much worse when you say it that way, than when you say “Lord”… but it’s the exact same

word! To quote a charismatic protestant preacher “Can I get a ‘Praise the Baal!’”


One of the most common excuses for using a cross that Christians use is that it allegedly began with the

Chi-Rho, the “monogram of Christ” formed by superimposing the Greek letters X and P which form

the sound CHR. It looks like the picture (right), which is obviously a thinly disguised sun-cross. Many

versions use six points (below). Interestingly, neither cross looks much like the Greek letter Chi

(center). So clearly, that explanation was a lie.

But this tells us something very important – that the false church uses the

first letter(s) of a name to symbolize their false Jesus. And while I’ve said

their worship has changed a great deal over the years, their methods have


Dumuzi was originally spelled out in Sumerian cuneiform, wedge-shaped

symbols; later in the second millennium, around the time of Moses,

alphabets became far more popular and started to replace cuneiform

which was ridiculously hard to learn and use. Our own linguistic forbears

adopted the alphabet from Latin, who got it from the Greeks, who got it

from the Phoenicians, who had shared it with the Hebrews.

So our English letter T can be traced directly back to 1500-2000 BC in

Palestine. Of all the letters, it has arguably evolved the least over time,

recognizably a T (called Tau) in ancient Greek. At that time, the Hebrew

letter Tav looked like . But that sign evolved from from a more

primitive sign, in stages, represented by these three signs (newer to the

right, oldest to the left) .

You can see that the oldest version of this letter, in the ancestor of

Western alphabets, looks remarkably like a lowercase t today. And you’ll

notice the oldest form of this letter is a sign like a cross. Actually, not a

sign like a cross. A cross.

And that’s not an accident. Because in the earliest alphabets, the name

Tammuz was written with a very recognizable Latin cross as the first

letter. And so if the ancient deceivers used the same methods as they do

today, then they would have abbreviated the name of their mystery God as

a ✝!

Now remember, the sun-god was seen AS A CROSS. Tammuz WAS a sun-god. The first letter of his

NAME was a cross. You could not have made a better symbol of Tammuz, and so OF COURSE

they used that as his symbol!



God didn’t invent the alphabet – He let men do that. So when the Phoenicians invented this alphabet,

they used common things for the shapes of the letters; the shape of a bull-head became the letter A; the

shape of a house became the letter B; and so on. And the mark of deity was a CROSS.

A people who worshiped the sun could not have ignored the sign of the sun-god in their alphabet! So

they gave Tammuz a sun-cross to honor him – the letter Tav, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the

letter they designed to be shaped like his symbol!

At right you see the word-name “Anu” in Sumerian cuneiform. Look familiar? It was also the

word “God” in ancient Babel (because all God’s people are called after God’s name,

remember? Ephesians 3:14-15).

All letters in Hebrew have a meaning associated with them – think of it as a “word” one letter long.

And tav means “mark, sign, signal, monument”, etc. That’s interesting, because they gave TAMMUZ

the letter meaning “sign”. Why that meaning for that letter?

The true God had a mark, but it wasn’t something you could tattoo on your hand, or scratch on your

house – God’s mark is the Sabbath, which is representative of obedience to Him in general. And that’s

all God ever wanted – for you to write the laws (not paint a cross) in your hearts.

But this mark of the cross, that was important to someone else – it was important to those who

worshiped false gods in secret. It wasn’t always safe to worship false gods in Israel – see

Deuteronomy 13:6-11.

But if you scratched a simple letter of the alphabet on your house, it would merely be an idle doodle to

a righteous Israelite who abhors idols – but a sign that you follow the mysteries of Tammuz to other

secret believers like you!

Interestingly, this is exactly what the apostate Church did in post-apostolic times – they worshiped

“Christianity” in secret, identifying themselves to each other using the sign of the cross, sometimes

disguised as an anchor, or a swastika; to them, that proves that the early Christians used a cross.

To us, that proves that the “mystery of iniquity” was already working and that followers of

Tammuz still identified themselves to each other with the first letter of his unholy name! Because that

mark, that letter, was shaped like the sign of TAMMUZ, his most holy symbol!


The false church changes doctrines and details, but they haven’t changed tactics in thousands of years!

And that’s why in this artifact in the Berlin Museum, found in Ashur from 1500 BC shows Tammuz – it

actually IS literally TAMMUZ – holding his sacred signs of the CROSS!

Left, true color; center, enhanced for contrast. Right, a 19th century icon of

Jesus. Or is it… a 19th century icon of Tammuz? They’re even wearing the

same hats! Just like the pope does today, as he holds the same sign!

But sometimes the Pope carries a shepherd’s hook instead. Because Jesus was

a shepherd? Or because TAMMUZ was a shepherd? And because the Pope

is trying to rule over, and subjugate, all the TRUE sheep of God??


As it happens, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet – or rather, aleph-bet –

was the letter called aleph. The letter was originally a

drawing of a bull head – one of the main symbols of God

in the OT.

Numbers 23:22 The God who brought them out of Egypt

has the strength of a wild bull.

So rather than calling the letter aleph, ancient Hebrews

called it el – the name of God. This makes sense not only

because God was associated with a bull (hence, why

Israel made calf idols in Exodus 32:4), but also the “word” A meant “strong, power, leader”.


Thus the letter A and, more importantly, the Greek letter Alpha, evolved from a letter that originally

referenced the true God. This is important, because it means that God began the alphabet, but Tammuz

ended it.

As a doctrine of the false church, this has obvious meaning – that God created the Earth, but Tammuz

rules it. And this casts a whole new light on a familiar verse – Revelation 1:8. In Greek, the last letter

of the alphabet is Omega – so this, again, is a direct slap in the face to Tammuz – that Jesus is not only

the Aleph, but ALSO the Tav; the beginning and the end of the plan.

This seal at left shows Tammuz; no one is quite

certain what it all means, but it seems to show

Tammuz’s death, descent and torture in hell, and

resurrection (far right) as a fertility god bringing

with him branches as springtime always does!

(As the artifact above showed crosses

resembling branches).

As I said in the beginning, false gods never

claim to have come into being from nothing.

They are never the be-all, end-all, ultimate origin – there is always another deity that bore them. But

the true God is. He is the ROOT of all things, and from him all things consist… BUT TAMMUZ IS

HIS BRANCH! The “only true son”, the supposed GOAL of God’s plan!

Or so he claims… read Zechariah 6:9-12. These men had just come from BABYLON, they KNEW

Tammuz (called Bel-Marduk by that time) was the branch! And God was telling them that not Marduk,

but JOSHUA (Hebrew for Jesus) would be the TRUE branch! And now that YOU know this, you can

see many old scriptures in new contexts (Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, Jeremiah 33:15).

Even Isaiah 53:2 is a counter-counterfeit of Tammuz! Tammuz relies on the outward appearance, and

was young and beautiful; so Jesus came to Earth plain and unattractive, so that people would judge on

the heart!


But going the other way, by better understanding those lies we can better understand God’s reaction to

them. A perfect case in point is Romans 10:4. The false church was – and, using this verse, still is –

teaching that we don’t have to keep God’s law to be saved.

They were (and are) teaching, that Tammuz went to hell to END the law, to free the false Church from

obedience! And this verse is Paul’s response to that, saying that CHRIST is the end result of the law –

not Tammuz – and that righteousness and faith, not the sign of the cross, will save you!

You might be skeptical of that interpretation of these well known verses… which is fair. But your

skepticism may fade if you read the context with new eyes. Starting in verses 1-3, Paul said that Israel

worshiped God in the wrong way. Not based on what He said, but based on their Babylonian traditions!

Romans 10:2 (NET) For I can testify that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not in line with

the truth.


But which God was this? The El of Israel? Or the El of Canaan? You can’t tell by His NAME! You can

only tell by how He is worshiped and Israel didn’t know how to do that right! How is that different

from what the Catholics or Protestants – or, for that matter, the Muslims and Jews – do today?

Then keep reading in verses 6-7. Those are quoted from Deuteronomy 30:11-14, which phrases it

slightly differently, so read that too. Knowing pagan mythology better, you can now see why Moses

and Paul used these words so significantly! Because Ishtar had to GO TO HELL to bring Tammuz up

again FOR US!

Gilgamesh had to journey across the world to FIND THE SECRET OF IMMORTALITY FOR US!

Asherah had to go to a FAR MOUNTAIN to get El to save us from Yam! And the false Jesus had TO

ASCEND UP TO HEAVEN to forgive all your sins, past, present, and future whether you repent or not!

But the truth is, you don’t need to weep for Jesus; you don’t need to go to pilgrimages to holy sites, join

monasteries on distant mountains; this isn’t that hard! All you have to do is LISTEN to what God

says, DO what you’re told, and LEARN to keep the golden rule.

The WORD OF FAITH is already in your mouth and in your heart… because who doesn’t know how

He wants to be treated?


When Noah left the Ark, he knew a great deal about God – he must have. And he would surely have

shared that with his children, before and after the flood, for he was a “preacher of righteousness”

(2 Peter 2:5).

We know little of what Noah understood, but by examining the doctrines Babel invented to deceive his

followers, we can reconstruct a pretty good picture. Easter is a mangled, distorted, deception but one

that was meant to replace the true Passover Jesus commanded us to keep.

Therefore the very existence of the counterfeit Passover proves that true Christians were keeping it!

Likewise the very existence of a virgin goddess proves that Noah was preaching that a savior would be

born of a virgin; why else concoct a false virgin?

Why have a false savior represented by bread – unless the true Christians were prophesying of the

coming of the “bread of heaven”? (John 6:35). Why describe a serpent with seven heads, unless people

were teaching that Jesus had seven angels working under Him? Revelation 4:5, 5:6.

Which is the same reason why Inanna came up before the seven judges of the underworld, the

Anunnaki (sons of Anu), which is the same title God gives the archangels in Job 38:7, who he calls

“Elohim” (members of the family of God), and sons of “the most High” in Psalms 82?

These things were known, and taught – and some of them God inspired to be written down and saved

for us clearly, others He left as pieces scattered around the Bible for us to assemble. But God’s people

have always known exactly what they needed to know to fight the children of Babel – no more, no


Nearly every Christian on Earth is worshiping an image of the beast today; and that’s why it’s

important for you to know this. You need to know how to recognize the mark of the beast when you see

it, so you can save yourself and warn others.


Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who did the signs before him,

by which they were turned from the true way who had the mark of the beast, and who gave worship

to his image: these two were put living into the sea of ever-burning fire.

I said earlier in this series that the mark of the beast was Sunday worship, and as I said before, that was

completely true – but not the complete truth. Because Sunday worship was specifically created to honor

“the venerable day of the sun”.

“If pagans call [the Lord’s Day]… the ‘day of the sun,’ we willingly agree, for today the

light of the world is raised, today is revealed the sun of justice with healing in his rays.”

(St. Jerome, as quoted in the Catholic Catechism)

So Sunday keeping is itself a sign of something else; the rays of the sun. Because the original mark of

the beast, the sign that the original beast loved and worshiped and which commemorated the death

and rebirth of their favorite savior, was the cross.

All of their doctrines are derived from this concept, and every one of them is tainted with the ancient

mark – the most beloved icon ever scratched, cast, or carved on this Earth by rebels against the truth of


Nimrod was the first beast after the flood; Tammuz is another name for him; Tammuz’ symbol is a Tau,

a cross; thus, the cross is literally an image of the original beast. And so anyone who uses any of the

forms of Tammuz, who worships on any of his holidays and cherishes a single one of his beliefs or

idols are literally worshiping an IMAGE of the beast!

So when the whore made the world worship the image of the beast, her husband, EVERY single one of

her daughter churches has something in common: THE SYMBOL OF THE CROSS.

Something no true Christian has.