Greetings Brethren,
Greeting from your Brethren in Kenya. Let us thank our Heavenly Father for continuing to care for, direct, and protect those who are His. We need to see His Mighty Hands at work more and more in these trying times in which we are living.
I hope all of you are doing well and coping with the new norm of lockdowns, restrictions, shortages and curfews. For those of us who have been in the church for a long time, this pandemic should not come as a surprise to us. We have been anticipating this trouble for a long time. And what we are witnessing and experiencing now is nothing compared to what is ahead for this evil age in which we are living.
Now please don’t label me as a preacher of doom and gloom. On the contrary, what we see here should excite us, because the current virus (amongst many other things that are currently transpiring around the globe) is a “sure” sign of the soon return of our Lord and Savior. And this world is in desperate need of His return and the ushering in of the Kingdom of God here on earth.
Now for most Americans (hopefully excluding all of us) this present world has been just fine the way it’s been, with plenty of prosperity, plenty of food, drink, entertainment etc. But the majority around the world are suffering, and for many, suffering horrendously. We need this evil age to come to a close, we need their suffering to cease, we need our Lord and Savior to return and set things right. We need humanity to learn and walk in the good ways of our Heavenly Father, when joy, pease and prosperity will be abundant for Everyone. And we know from the Holy Scriptures that this present age is not going out peacefully, but with much trouble & tribulation. We also know that those who trust in God AND most importantly, walk in His ways, will be protected from the Great trouble that lies ahead.
This is not a time to Fear, this is the time to exercise our Faith, to truly “Believe“ in everything that our Heavenly Father tells us. The last chapter in Mark (especially verses 14 – 20) describes the current condition of the the church, and it’s not good, But fortunately, soon to be back on track. The key word in those verses is “Belief” Yes, a lack of Belief has been much of the churches problems for a long time. To long, and lacking believe prevents our Heather Father and our Savior from working with us, especially with the church as a whole. Mark 16:17 tells us that those important signs of casting out devils, speaking in new tongues, healing of the sick (Miraculously healing the sick) are signs that will follow those who “Believe”. “confirming of the Word” with the “signs follows” hasn’t been there in God’s church for a long time. Why? Because too many of us are lacking in Belief, yes, Belief. Belief has to do with doctrine. Believing in what our Heavenly Father tells us through the Holy Scriptures. The Scriptures do not contain any false doctrines, and its author our Heavenly Father does not, and cannot, lie. we have a God who says what He means and Means what He says. But, do we believe Him? Sad to say, often times we do not. His “Confirming “ of the word has to do with walking in Truth, following proper Doctrines, and our biggest culprit when it come to doing that, is none other then MEN. Let up be careful in all of our beliefs brethren, and not be led astray. Any one following any man can rest assure they they will both be falling into the ditch. It’s good to listen to men, but it’s of utmost importance to prove all their teachings. Truth “Doctrine” is for proof and reproof, and most importantly “Correction” and “Instruction in Righteousness.” And if there was ever a time for us to be corrected, and to have proper “Belief” (Better Put “Faith”) it is now. And time Brethren, is running out.
Don’t be scared to check and recheck our beliefs, because something is wrong, the “confirming” of the Word by Christ is not there. Why? Because Laodiceans (that’s what most of us are in these end time days) Laodiceans, especially when it comes to doctrine Think They Have It All, and got it right. Brethren, if there was ever a time to break out that “Eyesalve” and do some anointing of our eyes, it is now!
That word confirming is very important it means basal (and basal concerns the foundation, yes, the trunk of the tree.) This is serious subject here, because if we want the proper confirming of the Word, If we want Christ working closer with us and distributing those Miraculous Gifts, the Signs Follow (that we so desperately need, especially the gift of healing being most of us have some pretty serious health issues.) to have that Faith once delivered to the church, we have to be walking IN The TRUTH. And to be walking in the truth, one has to be studying and learning more truth. As Scripture says: We must be growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord. Some are doing that, but sad to say some are not.
The majority of the brethren in God’s church (and I mean the majority) still follow the same doctrines year after year. is it possible that some of our beliefs might be a little off? The cog pulpits have taught for a long time and still teach today that Jude 1:3 has been fulfilled, that we have already gotten back to the Faith once delivered, and just need to hold on to it. But I tell you Brethren, we have not gotten fully back yet, and it is imperative that we do so.
Now I’m not here to push my beliefs on anybody, but I do urge us not to close our ears to those brethren who challenge some of our traditional beliefs (Their called heretics who preach heresy) but heresy is not a bad thing, even Paul was good at preaching heresy (acts 24:14) it’s “damnable” heresy that we need to be on our guard against. And be careful here brethren, because you may find that some important doctrines that we have been following, might be incorrect. We need to be sure we’re following God (Scripture) and not man. The true church is the pillar and ground of the ”Truth” but truth only comes from Holy Scripture, Not from the mouth of men. That is why we have to prove All things and not take anything for granted, or trust any of mans words. We need to continue to study the Scriptures, and be sure our teachings are correct, and that our beliefs are all Scriptural, or can be supported with Scripture.
I have much more I’d like to say, but for now, I better get to reporting on the orphanage, As you know the Kenya authorities forced us to send some of the children “temporally” back to live with any grandparents or relatives that they may still have back in the bush. they wanted us to separate them, to try and stop any spread of the virus. So we were forced to send some of them back to their previous homeland. But, it’s been one Month now, and has caused them once again to suffer. We were sending them funds for food, but there are too many there that are starving, and It was difficult to feed everyone. So they were becoming very malnourished, also sleeping without mosquito nets and coming down with malaria, and also contracting typhoid. Thankfully we convinced the authorities to let them return to the orphanage, so thankfully they are coming back. Mildred was in the worse shape, very sick, and close to death. We even had to hospitalize her for a few days. I took a picture of some of the girls yesterday. (Three are yet to return.)
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That’s Mourine far left, Veroscovia next on top, Lucy next to her on bottom in pink, Anita in the red, Jemima in the green, and Mildred on the far right. |
As you can see, their very happy and still quite healthy looking.
The Kenya Government has also implemented school lessons on line, so the children are now doing school work through the Internet. Thanks to those of you who are supporting, the children are eating well, clothed, happy, and growing in a healthy environment. We thank and praise our Heavenly Father for that.
As for the virus, according to the Kenya Government there are only 363 confirmed cases, and 14 death throughout all of Kenya. But other plagues continue to increase, like the desert locust are now 20, yes 20 times worse then when they first began devastating crops six Months ago. The Government has now stopped trying to combat them because the swarms are far to large to contain or control. We are also being plagued with nasty biting flies that actually sting, and now painful stinging ants that are appearing everywhere.
As for the boys house construction, we are not far from completion, but had to stop working on it due to directing funds to higher priority areas. Although as previously stated in the last update, the boys are now living in the new house, quite safe and quite comfortable with beds, mattresses, blankets and mosquito nets. Again we thank you donors for all of that. Your good works continue to Glorify our Heavenly Father.
We have also been continuing to assist a number of widows with food, and also helping some start small projects of raising chickens and selling eggs. below is a picture taken today of Manley and Nehemiah building a chicken coop for another church widow:
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These boys are helping these widows Big Time. |
Concerning Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread, our Kenyan brethren were also forced to keep it in their homes. thanks to you donors, Kenya Hands of Hope was able to supply 257 church families with wine for Passover services, and flour to make their unleavened bread which we are commanded to eat each day during the 7 day feast. Our brethren thank you from the bottom of their heart for helping them.
Kenya is a rough place to live. Remember that man I reported on last update who found and returned Nehemiah’s wallet ”intact” after he was caught in that flash flood? well he turned out to be a 16 year old youth who found and returned it. The boy has been caring his five young siblings ever since their parents died one year ago. Their life is quite rough. In order to pay the parents hospital bill after their death, they had to sell most of the land around the house, so no place to grow any crops. The boy (Kelvin is his name) works any jobs he can find in order to buy food. Last week he dug for a man in his garden all day and was paid $1. Being they hadn’t eaten in a few days, he rushed off to the market to buy something for their supper, but he didn’t realize that the curfew had already begun. When the police saw him, they asked no questions, but beat him with wooden clubs to where he had to be hospitalized. The police here show no mercy.
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That’s Kelvin on the far right standing with his siblings. |
“As mentioned in previous reports, there are many brethren here suffering from lack of food, so we are continuing to assist them with all the ingredients to make a healthy porridge. We find this to be the best and most efficient way of assisting them.”
Let me mention one more thing here before I close. Most importantly the children are being taught about our Heavenly Father, and our Lord. They are learning that the ways of this world, the ways that we all have walked in the past, is Bad, and only produces what we see today around the world, suffering and heartache. Let us strive to learn and live in unity with our a Heavenly Father. specially now when we still have a window of opportunity to overcome this world.
Bill Goff