And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. (Revelation 22:10-12)
Greetings Brethren,
First let me thank all of you for the wonderful help you have been giving to our impoverished Brethren. Your good works, your compassion and outgoing concern for those suffering is wonderful. At Sengera we have been distributing food (both beans and maize) directly from Nehemiah’s shop, and as you can see in the pictures below, the local church widows have been coming there for assistance.

David handing out beans and maize to the local church widows.
Bernard, local church member also collecting food for his family of four.
You can see from the smile on Bernard’s face how happy he is to be receiving some food. When this picture was taken, his family hadn’t eaten in two days. Conditions in Kenya haven’t changed; many Kenyan’s continue to be food insufficient and many go to bed hungry. Yes, starvation there is all around. But thanks to your donations, prayers and help, none of our brethren have died of starvation since my last report.
But many in the villages are starving, and crime has increased; we have to take many precautions. At the end of the day, we don’t leave any additional food in Nehemiah’s shop, we put it in a more secure place or it will be stolen. Even for our remote orphans and widows living in the bush, they cannot leave their house unattended during the day, or it will be broken into and robbed.
Sometimes I wonder why these brethren of ours continue to suffer so much. I think maybe God has been allowing their suffering condition to continue, in order to see the reaction of the rest of us, see who will help, or turn their back. Since 2007 there has been more and more exposure of the suffering through our update page (and other church organizations too I’m sure) showing the dire conditions many of our brethren are enduring. Under these conditions, our Creator can easily test our hearts (whether soft, or still hard?) Even our level of compassion and Love can be measured here by our reaction, when seeing their suffering..
The Father needs to check the condition of all of our hearts, all who have committed to Him (gotten baptized, had hands laid on to receive His Spirit). I think that’s why we keep getting more exposure to our updates. (Brethren, we need the cry of our impoverished brethren to be heard.) Even “7th Day Churches of God” Website posts some of our updates from time to time. You can see that at:
I don’t thank you donors often enough for all the help you continue to give to our impoverished brethren, especially the widows and orphans, But you deserve much thanks, you have been easing their suffering a lot, and you will receive great rewards up on that Sea of Glass when you stand before our Lord at His soon return.
The Father continues to inspect the growth of His church. How our change (or conversion) is coming along, from having sinful natures (bad trees) uncompassionate, unloving, to becoming (good trees) through His Spirit changing our bad and sinful natures, and developing in us His Holy Righteous Character, which is full of Love and Compassion. He can check it by our fruits, or lack thereof. (Luke 13: 7-9)
I have more to say concerning that, but let me first shows how “Nehemiah’s Daily Bread” outreach is continuing to produce mush good fruit.
I pray that you are doing great in the Lord.
Great News!
Today’s journey to Matara’s home was very successful and it happened earlier in the morning. Our arrival was an arrival of hope and soul healing to not only Matara but the kids as well. When Matara and the kids saw us carrying food, tears of joy rolled down their chicks for they hadn’t eaten for a few days. Immediately the kids started singing, a neighbor joined us, for Matara is very old, up to an extent that he can’t cook food due to his eye problems. He requested the lady to help in preparing food for the kids.
Filling bellies at Matara’s.
Here we go;
These are the bible based stories I tackled today and it happened to be amazing:
For today we started from the story of Noah and the flood.
After the study I asked the following questions;
- The ark was made of what?
- How many were entering into the ark
- The animals that are clean to eat, and unclean?
- Which method they used to enter into the ark?
- How many days did it rain?
- The offering that Noah gave to God?
- What happened with the dove when it was sent?
- Why the rainbow?
The kids responded to our today’s teachings wisely and I was more than happy to see even Matara reading my Kisii Bible fluently. I noticed of need of getting them few more Kisii and Swahili Bibles for the older kids.
For sure there is a need to support Matara’s situation, and the kids he is taking care of. In Fact I felt so sad when I entered in Matara’s house where he stays with the kids. His beddings are a mess, worn out mattresses and blankets and at the same time no mosquito nets.
Besides that, the kids he is taking care of were stinging due to lack of washing soaps. (We were able to send Matara $400.00 to address those issues.)
Despite of these challenges, I assure you brothers and sisters of Daily Bread ministry, that they were very active and very amazing in asking and answering questions concerning our today’s teachings. (Some questioned if we have to individually build our own ark today?) I think that question can be answered just by defining the “pitch” that had to be applied both inside and outside of the ark. If they failed to apply that “pitch” both inside and outside, the ark would have sunk. That pitch is Strong’s # 3722 also found in Leviticus 23:28 “to make an atonement”. We all need to be at one, or close tour Creator. He ismthen only one who can save us. Let’s keep on praying for Matara and the kids he is taking care of.
May our lord God bless you abundantly.
Your faithful child in Christ;
Children’s Bible study at Matara’s
Remember, there are many orphans, and many children in Kenya. Almost half the population of Kenya are children under 14 yrs of age.
Sharing Food at Enoch”s
Receive warm greetings From Daily Bread ministry Kenya.
We pray that you’re all doing well in the lord.
Today my journey to Enoch’s place was very successful. The kids were so much thankful from their face expression and they really showed much love to you fellow supporters of Daily Bread ministry.
Immediately I arrived there we ate and then we read the scriptures. They were so much thankful for the five Bibles we brought them, and they were able to read. It really shows wonderful and blessings for young kids to be able answer questions from the Bible and read as well.
We read the following scriptures:
We asked the following questions:
1. When did the Israelites receive the Ten Commandments?
2. What are the Ten Commandments?
3. Which best describes the 4th commandment?
4. How did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
5. How were the Ten Commandments written on a stone?
6. What did God tell Moses when he went into the mountain?
7. What can we learn from this story of the Ten Commandments?
8. Why are the Ten Commandments so importance to us?
Once again I thank the supporters of Daily Bread.
Enoch Bible Study
Greetings once again brethren, it’s another wonderful moments that we have met here due to the grace of our Almighty God. Today I conducted our Bible study at Sengera camp orphanage. It was extremely good everyone enjoyed it and all of them answered the questions. If you can recall, it’s the message I was supposed to give at the border but I couldn’t due to the riots. Today I decided to give it at the camp orphanage here in Sengera.
Title for the study was “The Church”.
The church isn’t a building, but it is the people.
1 Corinthians 13:16-17
The following questions were asked:
- What’s the church?
- Benefits we get from attending?
- Importance of the Sabbath.
Once again thanks so much the donors of the Daily Bread ministry.
Yours faithfully
Sengera Camp Bible study Friday July 21, 2023
Eating after Friday night Bible study at Sengera Camp.
Receive warm greetings from Daily Bread Children Ministry.
All is progressing from our side for our lord God is there with you and me.
Today’s Mission to Kelvin’s place was very successful with a great and awesome testimony.
Here we go; When I arrived at Kelvin’s home, more than 15 kids were waiting for me. As usually we went to Itibo Market and bought Irish potatoes, cooking oil and some spices and then we came back.
Immediately when some children saw other children, together with Kelvin and me, they joined us. A widow came and she was very much interested in our mission. She offered herself to cook the food for the daily bread children. We shared lots of bible stories because we had enough time.
I was more than happy to see lots of kids asking good questions concerning today’s topics. After our services, I gave out a signal to the widow that was preparing food, that we have concluded the study. Without hesitation, food was brought and kids were served.
The shocking thing that happened, other kids were not served at first, for the usual amount of food that we always buy, wasn’t enough for today. But, this happened as a test to all the kids; I personally thank God because they passed the test and shared the food with all, thus showing an act of love. So all got to eat and be satisfied.
Today’s Mission was very perfect and I need to let you know that we are needed to get a number addition of Swahili Bibles. All these kids will grow while believing and working as the word of God says. Our faithful prayers to you our lovely brothers and sisters of Daily Bread Ministry is thanks for being sacrificial sons and daughters of God for the vulnerable children to see the light of God shining, Christ be with you all.
Thank you, God bless you and be blessed.
Yours faithfully
Kelvin’s Place
Food served at Kelvin’s.
Receive warm greetings from Daily Bread Children Ministry.
All is progressing from our side for our lord God is there with you and me.
Today’s Mission to the border place was very successful with a great and awesome testimony.As usual we took our study and later we had food, which was rice and potatoes.The kids there were so happy, and they sent their greetings back to you, they thanked all of you donors for the wonderful work that you are doing to them.
Our subject was;
All went well, kids appreciated so much for the kind words and they learned much from the study, and about the praying outline that our Lord taught us.
Many of them asked questions and they were answered.
Yours faithfully
Border Group.
Food served at the Border.
All bellies were satisfied at the Border.
That ends Nehemiah’s report concerning the latest groups he has visited with these studies and readings and food.
So let me focus on other issues. The schools have closed in Kenya, as the term ends. Those who were boarding away at High School have now begun returning home for a couple of weeks break. Pictured below are those who have reached home so far.
Some of Sengera House Orphans who have returned home from school.
Brethren, please don’t get weary in doing this good work we are involved in. (Galatians 6:9) Your assistance continues to help them so much.
God continues to be much involved, and much good fruit is being produced. You donors are performing many Good works, good works that are Glorifying Him. Please remember, the need continues to be great, but still, the laborers continue to be few. Let us continue to pray for more to join hand with us. If only others would hear about the dire needs of so many of our suffering brethren, they would join hands with us and help. But we continue to be blocked by those who are against us. BUT thank God for those who are for us, and on our part. (Mark 9:38-41) Because working together is exactly what we the church needs to be doing to function properly. God’s church is coming together and will continue to do so as long as we recognize and follow our Leader, our Head, our Lord.
Even now with so many of our brethren continuing to need our help with food, and other necessities like soap etc. I need to mention some other upcoming needs. Soon schools will reopen, and we will need to help these orphans with school fees.
Then there’s the upcoming Feast approaching.) Without our help, these brethren will be hungry even during Tabernacles. We don’t need a truckload of funds, we just need others to join in and help. Let us continue to pray for more workers. (Matthew 9:37-38) Our financial situation at the moment is the same, depleted. As the funds come in the funds go out.
In closing, let me mention something else concerning our growth, and becoming “Perfect” and “Holy”. Of and by ourselves we can’t do it, we cannot become Holy or Perfect by our own power, that’s for sure. But we are not by ourselves IF we have His Powerful Holy Spirit in us.
And Brethren make no mistake about it. If we have been given His Powerful Holy Spirit, and have it dwelling in us, Then we have no excuse not to overcome. We have no excuse not to become Perfect (and that word perfect only means “complete”, “full grown in mental and moral character”.)
Don’t believe all those false teachers and their false teachings that we cannot become Holy & Perfect now, while still in the flesh. Those who believe and teach that false doctrine poses the “spirit of antichrist”, and there are many in the church who poses that bad spirit. But fear not, because it is quite easy to discern between who possesses that bad spirit, and who possesses the Spirit of God.
Just ask this simple question: “is it possible for a flesh and blood human like you and I while still in the flesh to walk this earth totally upright, just like our Chief Corner Stone Jesus the Christ did? Or was that only possible for Him, and impossible for us until our change into Spirit?
We need to “try” or test the spirits, whether they are of God or Not of God. It’s a simple test that easily discerns who is of God, and who is not. And the testing is simple to perform. (1 John 4:1-3) Do we believe “acknowledge” that our Lord was made flesh like you and me, was He tempted and able to sin like the rest of us? Or was He different like the false teachers teach, teaching that He could walk this earth totally upright, but we cannot.
Brethren, too many of the pulpits in the churches of God teach that we cannot walk this earth holy and upright like our Lord did, until after our change into Spirit. Too many teach that we can only “try” to accomplish that, yes, only “try” to overcome, but impossible to succeed while still in the flesh. I ask, how can anyone hit the bull’s-eye if they’re not even aiming at the target?
Need proof that false teaching is the norm that is taught by many pulpits in God’s church? Just check out the links below. One is an article published by a larger splinter church that (falsely) states very clearly that we cannot overcome the sinful ways of this world while still in the flesh. They say that God only expects us to be trying to overcome. And they say that teaching is taught by the entire church of God community. We refuted that teaching hook line and sinker. The link is below, and this is very important matter, it concerns our eternal salvation.
In (Romans 8:22) we are told that the whole creation groaneth for God’s Kingdom to come. Well how about us, do we also groan for His Kingdom to come, or are we content with this evil and dying age in which we are now living? God help us to wake up if we are.
Rebuttal to Church of God International’s article titled “False Teaching Exposed”:
Spirit of antichrist link:
Link to “7th Day Churches of God” Website:
Link to “Featured Sermons”:
Phone: +1 843-447-0140