Donor Letter December 14, 2024

I pray that all of you are well, as we patiently await the return of our Lord and Savior. The sooner His Kingdom comes, The Better, because so many around this world are suffering and some horrendously, including some of our church orphans living in Kenya.)

We are also saddened to inform you that we lost another widow last night due to starvation. Times are really rough again for our African Brethren. Some are going two or three days without eating. We are still hoping and praying for a financial “boost” as mentioned in our last Donor Letter dated December 3, 2024.

The authorities are merciless to the orphans and widows. As mentioned in a previous writing, we were instructed to paint the exterior of the kitchen, dining room and store room. We asked for a little time to accomplish that project, because we were trying to save funds for the upcoming school fees which will come due in about two weeks. But their harsh reply was NO. They said if we don’t have enough funds, that’s our problem, and that if we didn’t comply and begin painting soon, Nehemiah would be arrested. (They love to arrest people, and then they look for a bribe to release them.)

At the same time there are numerous deadly diseases that are easily contracted in Kenya, like: Tuberculosis, Malaria, Typhoid, Cholera, Yellow Fever, Pneumonia and more. Most of these diseases are curable if treated quickly. But Hospitals and Clinics there will not treat unless payment is made first.

Below is an extremely troubling picture of 13yr old Brian. We brought him to a local clinic in Ogembo two days ago, but they misdiagnosed him, and the injections they gave him were ineffective. (His condition has not changed.) Currently our funds are again depleted. But if he is not treated soon he will die. If not from the disease itself, from starvation (he cannot eat.)


We also have a 14yr old orphan named Teresa in the Getionko congregation who has open sores “all” over her body that are so horrible that I cannot even show you her picture. She too will die soon if not properly treated.

I know I’m always asking for more help, but the situation is once again dire. Please, please, continue to pray for our Creator to intervene. And IF you can help financially, please do so. These are young innocent orphans and “true” widows that are going through many afflictions. (James 1:27) (1Timothy 5:3-6) None of our widows “liveth in pleasure” they are all suffering in that 3rd world country. (1 John 3:17).

For those of you who have been consistently helping, we thank you from the bottom of our heart. Your donations continue to help them so much. We just need a few more to join in and help, because the need is so great, but the donors are so few. We are still caring for around fifty orphans and about eleven widows.

Pictured below is James. He fell and broke his leg a few days ago.

James Fractured Leg

As mentioned before, school fees will soon be due. The schools have begun informing us of the cost. Including their shopping for clothes, books etc. it will run around $5,000.

Thank You.

Bill Goff


December 3rd Donor Letter:


Phone: 843-447-0140