Donor Letter March 9, 2025

Greetings Brethren,

First, let us thank our Heavenly Father for creating us. Yes, let us thank Him for giving us a chance to learn of Him and all of His wonderful ways. He gives us physical life so we can learn and see by experience how wonderful His ways are, and how evil the ways of this world can be.

Second: let us pray to our Heavenly Father and ask Him to give us the power that it takes to come out of this untoward world (Scripturally known as Babylon) in which we live. Brethren, it takes a Lot of Power to come out of this world because many (too many) continue to take pleasure in its temporary riches, and its ways of unrighteousness. (Revelation 18:4-5).

We thank our God for you, you who have such compassion and love for the orphans, the widows, and our other suffering poor brethren. I’m sure all of our brethren living in 3rd world countries live very difficult lives. I know they do in Kenya. And they appreciate your help so very much, as they struggle to survive.

As you probably know, thanks to you, they recently planted two more one acre gardens which are growing well. God has blessed us with rain, and as you can see in the picture below, the large church field of sweet potatoes at Bernard’s is looking good. (That’s Bernard in the garden.)

Church Garden At Bernards.

The potatoes are now in need of more care and cultivating. But currently food supplies are low, and a little more help is needed by our brethren. How can one dig without physical nourishment?

At the same time, the orphans who attend school (whether local or boarding) have now returned to school as the midterm break ends. Again, thanks to you donors we were able to pay for their transport back to school, plus other school needs including some additional books, and other various school demands. So we thank God for you donors, what a blessing you are to these orphans. It’s a wonderful work we are involved in helping them and the widows. It’s a good work that continues to glorify our wonderful Heavenly Father.

But once again we are in need of help. Today we were visited by the authorities, and their complaint concerned the need to replace some of the current orphan’s bedding. Their mattresses and blankets are worn out. And there is a repair needed to one of the walls that encompass the perimeter of the compound.

The problem is that when the authorities request something, it needs to be addressed quickly, or you go to jail. But our funds are now depleted. So we are praying for additional help so that Nehemiah doesn’t get arrested.

These poor brethren of ours don’t live in a country like the USA where one is innocent until proven guilty. Over there one is guilty until proven innocent. (and If you do not comply with their demands, they’re quick to arrest you and put you in jail.) And jail over there  always includes a beating and the need for hospitalization upon release.

Please pray for God to continue protecting Nehemiah. Father please don’t let Nehemiah be arrested like deceased Haron so often was.  And please pray for others to join us in helping these impoverished brethren of ours. The needs “afflictions” of our orphans and widows is great, but the laborers (donors) are few. In (1 John 3:17) we are told to help our brethren if we can.

We have also posted a new message by Mark Rusinko, addressed to our impoverished Brethren to encourage them in their suffering, titled: “Caught in the Eye of the Storm”. We can all relate to this message. The link is below.

Also, our Myrtle Beach, South Carolina mailing address is still good. We will notify you soon concerning our new address which will be in New Jersey. Yes, khofh will be relocating to New Jersey. Door after door has opened up for us to move back to the “Garden State” of New Jersey.

So for now if you can, please continue helping our orphans and widows using the Myrtle Beach address, or “PayPal”.

Thank You.

Your brother in Christ.

Bill Goff

P.S. I just received word from Dauglas, it’s very sad news. Another orphan, Brian from the Getionko congregation has now died from starvation. And a few widows are too weak to get out of bed, they too are starving to death. God Help Us.  The need is great over there; we need to make others aware of the suffering. If others only knew of the suffering they would help.



Mark’s Message


Telephone: 843-447-0140 (Call anytime night or day, our brethren need our help.)
