I Will Build my Church the Pillar and Ground of Truth

March 5, 2021

Early one morning, Jesus and His disciples came to the coast of “Caesarea Philippi and he asked His disciples “whom do men say that I the son of man am”? They answered and said, “some say John the Baptist: some Elias; and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets.”(Matthew 16:13-14.)

Then He asked them, “but who do you say that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said you thou are the Christ, the son of the living God”. Then Jesus said to Peter: “thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church. (Matthew 16:13,15,16,18)

So Jesus began to build His church around 2,000 years ago, shortly after His death and resurrection, on the day of Pentecost. He also stated “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Meaning it would not die.

Where is His church today? His True Church, can we know?

There are many churches out there, with many different beliefs and teachings.

When our Lord said: “I will build my church” the word He used for “church” is “singular” meaning one, not “plural” meaning many.  So why so many churches around the world if He is only building one?

If Christ is building one church, and not many different churches, how can we know which one is “The one True Church”?

In today’s Bible Study let us look at what the Scriptures say about God’s church.

First, let us understand something:The word that Christ used for “Church” is Strong’s #1577 ekklesia = which means: “Called Out Ones”.

The “church” is not a building; the church is the people, the members.  The building where we meet for services each week (or any building made of stone or brick) is not the church, it is the “shade” to keep us out of the sun and rain when we congregate.  The people, the members, are the ekklesia, the church.

When our Lord said: “I will  build my church”  He was saying I will build my members, my flock (my brethren)  And that word “build” is Strong’s # 3618 oikodomeo = meaning edifyembolden. “Edify” means = instruct or improve someone morally. (right behavior) “Embolden” means = give someone the courage to do something. Courage means = the ability to do something that we fear. Yes, Courage is “Strength in the face of pain or grief.”

When our Lord said: “I will build my church” He was saying: I will “edify” “instruct” my people to improve their behavior, to be a better person. And I will give them the “courage” the “power” (that’s His Spirit) to accomplish becoming a better Person Yes, God’s “church” is the people, the brethren.

What He wants us to accomplish, is to be a better person, a much better person, He wants us to become just like Him, Holy and Without Blemish.  (Let’s see that.) Our Lord is soon to return and present (or feast) His True church. And He is looking for “Perfection” (Full Spiritual Growth.) (Ephesians 5:27.)

Where is this one True church? Can it be found?  The answer is YES! Let us move on and read the Scriptures that tell us where the church is, who is a member, and how to join.  The Apostle Paul defines the church for us as: “The house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the Truth.” (1 Timothy 3:15)

The one True church is the Pillar and Ground of the TruthIf you want to find the one true church, you have to find the Truth. Let us define “Truth” and see what the Scriptures say about “Truth.” Truth is Strong’s # 225 meaning true, as not concealing or hidden. God has much to say about “Truth.” Truth is Very important. First, let us see where Truth comes from, where it can be found: John 17:17

“Truth” is the Holy Scriptures. A person becomes Holy by studying the Scriptures and walking in them. The New Living Translation says: “Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, your word (Scriptures) is truth.”  We have to learn what the Scriptures say, and walk in them, walk in Truth. Our Heavenly Father also wants us to worship Him in Truth, in Spirit and in Truth: (John 4:23-24.)

The True church is a Spiritual organization. One is a member IF he has God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within him. (Romans 8:9.) How does one receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and become a member of God’s True church? In order to receive the gift of God’s Spirit, and have God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within us, we must follow God’s instructions. When the church began on the day of Pentecost, many were called, and told what to do to become a member of God’s church, and to receive God’s Spirit. The requirements are the same today. And they are found in the book of Acts. (Acts 2:38.)

Now God does everything decently and orderly. There is a procedure to follow to receive God’s Holy Spirit.

  1. You must “repent”.Repent means to think differently, to sincerely regret about our wrongdoings or sins, and to turn and walk this earth properly, upright, according to His ways.
  1. One must be “baptized”.  (And baptized properly.) The word “baptize” means “submerge.”  To be properly baptized, one has to be put totally under water. (Sprinkling is not Scriptural.)
  1. After one is properly baptized, God requires what is called the “laying on of hands.” The laying on of the Apostles hands is how God gives His “Spirit”to the newly baptized person. (Acts 8:18.)

Many churches properly baptize by totally submerging in water. But the only church that performs the “laying on of hands” by the Apostles, is the True church. The True church is referred to in Scripture as: “The Church of God.” There are many references to “The Church of God” some are as follows: (Acts 20:28. – 1 Corinthians 1:1-2.) (And many more places.)

Now before we end, let us understand one more thing. The Apostle Peter was not appointed the head of the church. Let us reread Matthew 16:18 again, and define the words spoken there.

(Matthew 16:18)  “And I say unto thee, That thou are Peter (Peter – Strong’s # 4074 = piece of rock, small rock.) and upon this rock (rock Strong’s # 4073 = Massive Rock) I will build my church.”

Christ told Peter that He was going to build His church upon a “Massive Rock” That Massive Rock is Christ. Our Lord Jesus the Christ is the Head and only Head of the church, not any man.

There are many more Scriptures in the Bible that support what we discussed today concerning God’s true Church. The Holy Bible (The Scriptures) is the True source of Truth. No one is allowed to add to the Bible, or to subtract from the Bible, under penalty of plagues and curses. (Deuteronomy 4:1-2.)  (Revelation 22:18-19.)

Our Lord is soon to return. Many in God’s church will be taken by surprise, because they are not ready for His coming, because they are too busy with this current world. If we want to ready for His soon coming, and be in God’s true church, we need to study our Bibles, prove what is True, and walk in Truth. Truth and Church go “hand in hand” or together.

(For Homework, Read the following short very important letter written to the “Last” generation alive, the ones who will see all these things be fulfilled. (Yes, written to us. This generation who will witness His coming.) (Matthew 24:34.) (3 John 1: 1-14) (Truth is very important!)

Gaius name represents (The True Church) Diotrephes is the bad guy (and there are many today. Demetrius is the good guy.