I will Give Power Unto my Two Witnesses

I will Give Power Unto my Two Witnesses

William P Goff

July 18, 2020

Over the years there has been much speculation over Who the two witnesses are. Many have not only speculated, but some have even falsely claimed to be one or both of them. But is there a way of knowing for sure exactly who they are? Do the Scriptures identify them, or is knowing their identity not given to us to know?

In Amos 3:7 we are told: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

In John 15:15 our Lord tells His disciples: “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things I have heard from my Father have I made known unto you.”

And in John 16:13 the disciples are told: “Howbeith when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”

AndJohn 16:14 In the NIV reads like this: “He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.“

So our Lord continues to speak (instruct) His sheep today. (And its quite a  secure “network” (for lack of a better word) Because only His sheep can hear His voice.

Well, I ask, Brethren, will He reveal this secret of who the two witnesses are unto us? Will the Spirit of truth guide us into all truth, including identifying these men, and showing us things to come? The answer to this question is yes.

The witnesses are clearly identified in the Holy Scriptures. There is absolutely no need for speculation. (And we will not be looking at any new Scriptures here today. For most, we have read these particular Scriptures that identify the witnesses hundreds of times over (we just read right over them) (or we sometimes, just don’t “believe” what they say.)

So, let us look at them today, and most importantly let us “believe” what they say. (And we need to be careful concerning what man says they say.(Let me clarify)  Men, are our biggest culprit when it comes to deception according to our Lord, and Peter, And Jude and more.) we have to do our studying, to show ourselves approved “ “rightly  divide” the Word of Truth.“  As we know, God’s Word is alive, God  Breadth, and every Word can have so much meaning, but only God can reveal it. Let us also remember like the Psalm says, a good understanding has those who keep His Commandments. And He has to open one’s eyes and ears for us to comprehend.

Now moving on, we need to put things that relate to this subject into perspective here, so let’s start with a little “Bible Speculation” concerning these witnesses for an Appetizer. We Have all heard plenty of various men’s speculation of who these witnesses are (from Moses & Elijah, to two men sitting amongst the newly elected Sanhedrin over in Jerusalem). But what about the Scriptures, can they speculate concerning these witnesses? Let’s look at some Scriptures that hint about the witnesses, then we will go to the direct and clear (and simple) Scriptures that contain hard evidence. As I stated earlier, the scriptures are quite clear. And, as we move on let us also remember that we have a God who means what He says, and says what He means. And He doesn’t lie and cannot lie. So, let us believe Him at His word.

John 21:20-25. (Read first please before continuing) After our Lord told Peter what death he would glorify God, Peter turned and looked at John, and questioned what would become of him. This is where our Lord says “what if” I have him “tarry” till I come, what is that to you. And as the scripture continues, rumor spread in the church that John wouldn’t die. (Church grape vine was well connected back then, and still is today.) So how about John, did he ever die?

According to John Fox’s “Book of Martyrs” all the Apostles were eventually put to death, bar one, the Apostle John. The Apostle John was never martyred.  He was eventually released from Patmos, and moved back to the city from where he was arrested, where he died of old age around 99 or 100 years old. John is dead and buried, awaiting the resurrection. But His resurrection (as we will see shortly) will be in the “plural” because he’s going to be resurrected twice. You see, John “has” to be martyred. Scripture is quite clear on that. Mark 10:35-40.

Christ told both James & John they were going to be martyred. (Ye shall indeed drink of my cup and be baptized with my baptism.) James was already martyred, but John was never martyred, not yet anyway.

Now we all know John was exiled to Patmos where he received the revelation. But do you know why he was exiled in the first place, and what was done to him before being exiled? He was arrested in Ephesus for preaching the Gospel, and brought to Rome. Word spread fast that this man couldn’t be killed. So, the Romans decided to publicly boil John in oil to quench that belief, as they continued to try and eliminate and stamp out this new growing number of “believers” that was rapidly spreading all around their world. But their plan failed, it backfired on them. Just as God had protected Shadrach Meshack and Abednego from the fiery furnace, and just like God protected Daniel from the lions, God protected John from the boiling oil. That gave early believers a Big Boost to say the least. The Romans couldn’t kill him in the boiling oil, (and they weren’t about to chop his head off for fear of the people in such hysteria,  so they exiled him to Patmos.

If you research this boiling of John in oil, and read what the contemporary historians wrote concerning that incident, their comments, and the hard evidence they bring forward (Which can still be seen today) verifies that the story is true.

Alright, enough speculation. Now let’s go to Revelation where we are brought to current times. (Yes, Current Times) like we discussed in that previous message titled: “crying wolf” we are no longer having any “false labor” pains. The church Is in “labor” Matthew 24:7-8 verifies that.  (24/7 as most know represents something that’s happening round the clock) Matthew 24:7 lists what’s been happening more consistently 24/7 in today’s world). And Matthew 24:8 defines where we are today in bible prophesy. (Travail = labor –birthing pain.)

Revelation 10:1-11 KJV  (please read it before we move on)

I think that angels placing one foot on earth and the other on the sea means that what he is about to say or do will affect the entire world.

Now the “cry” mentioned in verse 3 is the same cry of Matthew 25:6. “The Midnight Cry” (Check the Greek) of Matthew 25 comes from the word “cried” in Revelation 10:3 announcing the return of our Savior. It is the same cry.

And a very important cry for the church because this is the cry that awakens ALL of God’s people,  announcing Christ’s return. And don’t be fooled by the many false prophets we have today. Men may have the church divided into many denominations etc. But in God’s eyes there are only two groups, yes two, the “wise” and the “foolish “the “sheep” and the “goats.”

Matthew 25:1-13 tells us we better be filling our vessels with oil. (And that oil doesn’t represent God’s Spirit here, it represents “Truth”. Which we better be learning and growing in.) And we better make sure we “qualify” as sheep, because goats will never be allowed in. That’s not my saying, that’s His saying from Genesis to Revelation “the soul that sinneth it shall die” & “transgressors shall not inherit the Kingdom of God”. ! 1 Corinthians 6:9-10  Galatians 5:19-21 How wonderful it will be to live in a place that has no trouble, no sin. And Why? Because there will be no sinners abiding there.

Okay enough digressing, let’s move on, we need to know who these witnesses are. Back to Revelation 10:4 Now we may not know what the seven thunders are, but we do know when they will sound. As soon as the “cry” is made, the 7 thunders utter their voices. Now in verse 6 the angel announces that there should be “Time No Longer.”

(Now finally getting to the sound and concrete.)

Revelation 10:8 we read: “The voice that I (John) heard from heaven spoke to me once more saying: “Go, (John) take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.”

So, I (John) went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it John and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’” I (John) took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. Then I (John) was told, “You (John) must prophesyagain before many peoples, nations, languages and kings.” (That’s the role of the witnesses.)

John has not done that yet, but soon will. And the next few verses tell us how that will be accomplished. (Now man divided the Bible into chapters & verses, but the next verse is:

Revelation 11:1 John will be given a reed, like unto a rod, and told to “Rise” (same rise used many times elsewhere) 

It’s the same Greek word used numerous other times when some who had died were resurrected back to “physical” life, like Luke 7:14 & Luke 7:22 & Matthew 27:52 and elsewhere.

Yes, John will be resurrected back to physical life. First thing he will do is measure the temple of God. (The church) and humility and perfection is what our Heavenly Father is looking for in all of us. And lets not be fooled by all the false teachings that say Perfection & Holiness is not achievable while still flesh & blood, because it is. Oh, of and by ourselves we could never achieve it, but we are not by ourselves, If we have God’s Spirit dwelling in us. You know, that Powerful Spirit of the Father that our Lord used to overcome. Oh yes, he had it without measure, but we have it too, and we need to be increasing in it, asking for more of it, we need It to overcome. (And no matter what “church” we may be sitting in) all 7 churches are told “to him that overcometh will I grant this or give that. Just trying to overcome will not achieve, we must succeed at it. And it is achievable. Remember Jesus said of and by himself he too could do nothing. But with Gods Spirit He did everything. And with God’s Spirit we can overcome just like our Lord did.

Also note what Revelation 11:4 says concerning the coming Big Work of the church that is still ahead of us but soon to come, as it further describes who the two witnesses are: “two olive trees” And “two candlesticks” standing before the God of the earth.

Trees always represent men in the Bible. And olive trees are where they got the oil to burn to illuminate the Candlesticks. The two olive trees represent two men, the Apostle John and the other witness who we will soon see clearly identified in Scripture. But “Candle sticks “always” represent the church. I believe the two candle sticks represent two churches, Laydoceans and Philadelphians or wise and foolish. (the church is also called God’s witnesses, I forget just where, but it’s there). Remember at the midnight cry “all” 10 virgins, both the wise & the foolish trim their lamps. (You trim your lamp when you’re about to light your lamp to see, to do something, and to shine for others to see.) This world will be very confused when God’s two witnesses begin their ministry because the man of sin/false prophet will also be busy with “power and signs and lying wonders” Revelation 2:9 But God’s elect will not be confused, and He has them scattered all around this world so they will be there to help their neighbors know who is God’s true witnesses and who the evil man is, the “man of sin”.

Let us remember something else, God changes not. He has a procedure for entering into His Kingdom. It starts with what Peter said when those who were “pricked in their hearts” about who they had crucified was, and what they needed to do. Peter said; “repent, be baptized, and received the give of the Holy Spirit”. Baptism is a requirement to enter into His Kingdom John 3:5 Mark 16:16 Do you think two men will be able to baptize all those who Scripture says will come out of Great Tribulation? I think not, but His church will be there to accomplish that mission.

So, if Apostle John is one of the witnesses, who is the other? Scripture identifies the other witness in just 2 or 3 verses. But again, let us remember we have a God who says what He means, and means what He says. And He’s all Powerful.  Last book, last chapter, and last two verses of the Old Testament.

Malachi 4:5-6: “I will send you Elijah the Prophet!”

Yes, Elijah is also going to be back in the flesh. He comes just before the “Day of The Lord” that’s the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24:21. He’ll show up just like he did last time, out of nowhere, working miracles and defending the True worship of God over Baal worship which the world is saturated in now.

Some in the church have been a bit confused here concerning Elijah’s return, some teach he already came as John the Baptist, but let’s not have any confusion, we are the church, the pillar and ground of The Truth. Scripture says John the Baptist was prophesied to come as a “messenger” and to come “in the “spirit” (disposition) of Elijah. And he did, he had same disposition as Elijah, very rough character. Remember he spoke openly about the king’s brother’s affair, while all the other men had their tails between their legs.) He feared no man.

But we are told that “this time” God is sending “Elijah The Prophet” (there is only one Elijah the Prophet in Scripture) And he’s coming back to prepare the way for our Lord’s second coming.

There is a big work coming for the church, a time of spectacular events, those “signs follow” spoken of in Mark 16:17-20 will soon be flowing. And our Heavenly Father will be protecting the Philadelphians through the tribulation, but that subject is for another time.

So, what is important for us to do now, as we see the day rapidly approaching, is to be growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. And we need to become humble; it’s those with the contrite Spirit and contrite heart that our Father wants to dwell with. So, let’s utilize that Holy Spirit and “overcome” all the lusts that so easily entangle us. He wants us Pure, Perfect and Holy like we are told in 1 John 3:3

There is a lot here to muse on, and yes, our lord may have only suggested to Peter that He might have the Apostle John “tarry” until He returns. But in Mark 10:39 our Lord told John that he “shall indeedbe martyred. Brethren that has not happened yet, but according to Revelation 11:7 it soon will.  And in Revelation 10:11 KJV Apostle John was told:  “You John must prophesy again. That hasn’t happened yet either, but according to Scripture, according to the Word of God, he soon will.