“Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.”(Psalm 41:1)
Greetings Brethren,
First let me thank those who responded so quickly to our plea for help, we were able to get food to almost everyone, and they appreciate your help very much. You donors do such a wonderful job of fulfilling (James 1:27). Please continue to pray for us to be led by our Heavenly Father’s Spirit, to be better stewards, and to distribute funds according to His will, because some are still suffering. But the fruits of your labor are quite visible.

Diana – Ibu – Francis – Nehemiah – Anita – Mildred – Maurine – Enoch
That picture was taken June 15, 2016. These were some of the first church orphans to enter Sengera House. At that time they were all in the same condition, malnourished, hungry (starving actually) and close to walking naked. But thanks to your support of Sengera House their condition improved significantly. We were able to get them fed, clothed, into a save and loving environment, and enrolled in school.
Now Francis is no longer residing at Sengera House, he has requested to move back to his homeland and live with his elderly Grandmother because she has no one to help her in digging the garden, fetching water, fire wood etc. So we enrolled him in local school there, and he is doing well. When we first took him in, it was at his Grandparents request because after his parents died they could not afford to care for the young boy due to their poverty. But now his Grandfather has died and his Grandmother needs his help, and Francis didn’t hesitate to jump right in and move back to help her.
Enoch also moved back to his homeland and in with his Grandmother Eunice for the same reason as Francis, although both Enoch and his Grandmother have been in hospital being treated for starvation. But thanks to you donors we have now gotten them discharged and bringing both of them back home. These children have wonderful hearts; they have much love and compassion for their widowed Grandmothers. Life at the orphanage is so much easier than for the orphans who struggle living in the bush. But these children were willing to suffer in order to care for their Grandmothers. That takes Agape Love.
Enoch and Grandmother Eunice
As donations come in, we do our best to assist all of the orphans and widows, but as our Lord said: “the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into the harvest”. (Luke 10:2)
Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary concerning Luke 10:2 says the disciples were sent out to strengthen and encourage one another. That is what us working together is accomplishing, these poor brethren of our including many widows and orphans continue to be strengthened, encouraged, and helped in their afflictions.
Nehemiah – James – Isaac – David – Ibu – Diana – Anita – Faith – Margaret – Lucy – Rebecca – Maurine – Jemima
Currently there are 20 orphans total living at Sengera House (10 boys & 10 girls). The majority of them who are in High School are boarding. The Kenya Government decides which High School they attend, they assign them according to their grades. Some have been home for one week during mid term, that’s when the above picture was taken. We are still assisting about 12 widows and now 29 orphans living in the bush, bringing the total number of orphans to 49. So please don’t get weary in well doing, your donations are helping so many, and easing their suffering significantly. (Galatians 6:9-10)
Recently I visited our brethren in Tanzania; I hadn’t seen them in over four years. They are doing well. There are many church of God brethren in both Kenya and Tanzania due to the “Radio Church of God” that was broadcasting the gospel from “Radio Luxemburg” back in the 50s.
Kitembe Tanzania Group Children.
The highlight of the visit was when I asked the teenagers (not all pictured above) if they had Bibles. Their response was “no” they said they had no funds to purchase. When I gave each of them their very own Bible, they responded with such overwhelming joy, it brought tears to my eyes. It is so wonderful to see these young children so zealous for the Scriptures.
Widows at Kitembe.
There were nine widows at Kitembe. I was able to give each of them some funds, and they were also overwhelmed with joy. Brethren, it’s thanks to you donors that those teenagers now have Bibles. It’s thanks to you donors that so many of our poor brethren, widows, and orphans are being assisted and helped. You are true lights in this world, and your good works are glorifying our Heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:14-16)
Typical Brethren’s house with thatched roof.
I was able to visit some of our brethren at their homes. As you can see they live very modest. They normally have one house for sleeping (pictured above) and a second house for their kitchen (pictured below).

These These brethren may be poor, but they’re Rich in Faith, happy and content.
I received the following from Dauglas. You might remember Dauglas from when we first took him in after his parents died. They attended Church of God in Magori Kenya. We (khofh) had just built a small orphanage with a 3 room schoolhouse back then just outside of Magori in Masaba Kenya.
(There is a YouTube link below of the school that was taken just after it was opened.)
Douglas was living alone out in the bush back then in a small mud hut that didn’t even have a door. The brethren feared that some wild animal might attach him at night, so we (khofh) took him in. We built him a small brick room at the orphanage, furnished with a bed, mattress, bedding, and clothes etc. Today he manages the Getionko church group which consists of mostly elderly brethren. We do our best to assist that small congregation with some food on Sabbath (when we have enough funds) when we don’t assist, the brethren are often too weak to attend services. Many (if not most) in the surrounding villages are literally starving.
Hi, I’m Dauglas from getionko group. Our group has been suffering there is much starvation all around. We want to thank you for supporting us with food on some Sabbaths. Difficult for our Christians to attend or listen the word of God when bellies are empty so thank you for your help. It is pushing us along in the suffering time. Some Sabbaths we are too weak to get out of bed.
Conditions in Kenyan are really bad, food prices continue to escalate. The Government is full of corruption, even many Government workers haven’t been paid in Months according to many news reports. Thanks to you donors our brethren’s suffering continues to be eased. But more help is needed. The Rigo congregation tried to bury Brian (the 8 year old orphan who died from starvation July 4th) but they didn’t have enough funds to pay the mortuary or the transport, so the body remains and the bill increases each day.
Douglas (12 years old) when we took him in back in 2015
Douglas today (20 years old) services the getionko church group.
I need to end for now and get this update posted, but there are still a few more words that need to be spoken, it has to do with the signs of the times in which we are now living.
What we see transpiring all around this world, the unprecedented weather disasters, the heat, drought, flooding, wars, abounding lawlessness, fires, genocides etc. etc. etc., Even though we see so much horror transpiring everywhere, we need to be sure we see and comprehend the big picture. Our Lord is soon to return. No, I don’t mean tomorrow, or the upcoming weekend. But let us comprehend, let us understand, this is “not” false labor; this is the real thing, a birth is coming, and nothing is going to stop it now. We are in labor “travail” (and we have been for a while now) Matthew 24/7 and verse 8 clearly marks the times in which we are all now living. (Matthew 24:7-8)
And this is not “doom & gloom. In case you’re not aware, or maybe you have forgotten, the return of our Lord is a good thing, and for many reasons. For one big reason, many (actually most) people around this world are suffering, and many of them are suffering horrendously. All that suffering will finally come to an end once we get through the terrible tribulation that is ahead.
For now, we need to be ready and prepared for our Lord’s return. We need to take action, Like the Jews, when they saw what was coming. Some took action. And no, I don’t mean stocking up on silver & gold, or stockpiling food. We need to take action and be sure we are walking upright, like it says in (James 1:27) “to keep ourselves unspotted from the world”. Or in ((1 John 3:3) concerning those who have the hope of standing with our Lord (and soon) up on the Sea of Glass. We need to be pure, just like our Elder Brother is pure (and He was pure, even when He walked among us in human form, the same human form as you and me.)
Link to Masaba School video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJRwp_EL4eg
Link to” “Crying Wolf”
Link to “Perfect or in Part”
Link to “Featured Sermons”
Website: www.khofh.org
E Mail: goffn50@aol.com
Phone: +1-843-447-0140