Greetings Brethren, I am happy to inform you that we reached our fund-raising goal and have purchased the second sewing machine. Now the children will begin learning to sew. This is another huge boost forward for the orphans as they continue learning skills and trades that will enable them to become self-supportive. We have also reimbursed the Sengera House budget we used to purchase the motor bike. Let us praise and thank our Heavenly Father for continuing to bless the work we are involved in here in E. Africa. We are also happy to inform you that the children living at Sengera House continue to excel in many areas. As you may know, Kenyans are good runners and have achieved gold medals in numerous Olympic Games. One of our young men has demonstrated his athletic skills. Nehemiah came home from school last week and informed me that there was going to be a sports event that afternoon in the City of Kisii, Kenya. He had no previous knowledge of the upcoming event, but wanted to know if he could participate. We told him yes.
Nehemiah arrived just in time to begin the race and little did we know he would win the race. Afterwards, he told me he was extremely tired as he approached the finish line and wanted to give up. But as he heard the cheering from the crowd (Including Government officials who attended) it gave him the extra strength needed to continue on and win the race. What a boost this was for his morale. Brethren, Let this be a boost to your morale. As members of the body of Christ (the called of the Father) ye also are approaching the finish line, the Kingdom of God. As I see the help you continue to give the many widows and orphans living in that impoverished country, I keep hearing “Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord.” “I was hungry and ye gave me meat, thirsty and ye gave me drink, naked and yet clothed me.
The motor bike is a big help at the orphanage. Not only is it transporting the boys to High School but is also easing the purchasing of supplies from the nearby village of Sengera and Ogembo.