June 2, 2019

June 2/19
Scripture says if you don’t work, you don’t eat!

Greetings Brethren,

What a beautiful sight, to see the Sengera House Orphans hard at work in the garden. These children you donors are supporting are wonderful. This picture was taken after school on Wednesday May 29th. When asked if they could work a bit in the garden, there was no hesitation and no complaints, they got right to it (without even having a snack to satisfy their empty bellies.) They are growing cabbage, maze, (corn) beans, kales, squash, melons and more.

It’s hard for us to comprehend how poor our brethren are living in these 3rd world countries. Even the local school our children attend has discontinued their lunch program because they have no food to cook. The children are sent home to eat lunch, and we do our best to feed them something (usually rice and or potatoes.) but we rarely have anything for them to snack on after school. They usually have to wait for supper. Please understand we are not complaining here, just wanting you donors to know that the funds you are sending are very much appreciated, and we continue to pray to be good stewards, using every donation as efficiently as possible. Believe me, there is no extravagant spending or living here. And Our Heavenly Father continues to stretch the funds that are received. But there are few donors, that is why we continue to try to make others aware of the situation.

It’s been a busy Month of May. We were finally able to plaster the inside of the Ogembo widow’s house. You supporters of Kenya Hands of Hope (khofh) built Margaret (a young church widow) a house to live in with her 4 young children two years ago after her husband died. But we were unable to plaster the walls until this past week. She is very grateful to those of you who have assisted her and the children. As soon as funds permit, we will complete plastering the outside of the house.

June 2/19

Also, MATARA (the 92 year old man caring 5 orphans) sends his heartfelt appreciation. He is so appreciative to khofh that all five orphans are in school, wearing uniforms and school shoes. And to have a toilet and place to shower (which khofh also funded) is very much appreciated. We are also introducing Matara’s orphans to the “Youth Bible Lessons.” Previously MATARA was associated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA) but our Heavenly Father continues to open “eyes” and “ears” and call others into His flock of believers. What an exciting time to see brethren with that zeal of their “First Love” having their minds opened to Biblical Truths. Yes, the “Great Supper” that our Father has prepared for us is “ready” brethren, but sad to say, some have asked to be excused from their “High Calling” yearning more for the cares of this “dying” world. Let us not waver from our calling, the promises made to us are “sure” and “soon” to be delivered.

June 2/19
Nehemiah at the Cyber Shop printing “Youth Bible Lessons.”

Thanks to you donors, khofh was also able to continue assisting some of our brethren who were evicted from their homes and property due to the Mau Forrest evacuation. As many of you know, this was a very trying time for our brethren who were chased off of their property and forced to flee for their lives, leaving their few possessions behind. They took shelter in the woods, and even buried some of their children there who died from exposure to the elements. Many of those brethren are still suffering. Benjamin Bet and his family have been going without food for some time, but thanks to some brethren’s compassionate hearts, they have been assisted.

June 2/19
Benjamin, his wife Brendah, Tito, Dominic, and Denis.
Receiving some food relief in their time of need.

We were also able to visit our brethren living in one of the slums just outside Nairobi. Those brethren really have it rough. Our message to them on Sabbath of 5/18/2019 was full of hope, reminding them that our Lord and Savior is aware of their current suffering, and will soon return with a reward to give every man according to their works.

June 2/19

Inside the hall where our brethren meet was clean and neat, but outside was in shambles with filth and open sewers. How sad for anyone to have to live in a place like this.

June 2/19
One can contract a deadly disease here just from breathing the air.

Let me end by thanking, and asking for your continued prayers for us to be good stewards, for us to do everything according to Our Heavenly Father’s will. And please continue praying for our safety. Haron (the orphanage overseer) was once again arrested and spent a night sleeping in a cell on a dirty concrete floor with not even a blanket. Fortunately he was released the following day. And walking through that slum, I was retained by two men demanding money to satisfy their empty bellies. I was able to break loose from them unharmed. Praise God for His protection. And most of all, let us pray “Thy Kingdom Come” because many are suffering all around this world, some horrendously.

Your brother in Christ
Bill Goff

June 2/19
This is what the widows house looked like before the plastering,
letting in much cold air during the night.


June 2/19
Inside is looking great now.


June 2/19
And this is what the outside still looks like


June 2/19
The children hard at work in the garden.


June 2/19
Ian and Ibu sitting in the store room at the orphanage


June 2/19
This picture was taken just down the street from the orphanage
Famine continues to touch every corner of Kenya


June 2/19
Visiting a church group in Migori


June 2/19
Printing more of the Bible correspondence courses


The muddy roads are treacherous to drive on
But there are always people around to help you out of the ditch


MATARA and 3 of his orphans The other 2 girls were sick in bed
MATARA and 3 of his orphans
The other 2 girls were sick in bed