Greetings Brethren, I hope all are well, as we eagerly await the return of our Lord and Savior. The increasing events of “unprecedented” this, and “apocalyptic” that, are coming upon us almost daily now, and should be a wakeup call. Thankfully our Lord is soon to return, to establish God’s Kingdom on this earth. And the sooner He returns, the better, because so many around this world are suffering, some horrendously. As stated in the book of Romans: “And we know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And not only they, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.” I have more good reports to share today concerning our impoverished brethren and the widows and orphans. let me start with Thomas and Kevin, the two church orphans who both are head of their households. Thomas has three younger siblings he is raising, and Kevin has two. As you know we have been assisting them, helping them to get on their feet. Last week they moved in together at Thomas’s house. They will use Kevin’s property to garden or farm to grow their food. Between both families they had almost nothing. So thanks to your donations, we purchased them some pots & pans, blankets, and some seeds for planting. Thanks to your assistance, things are becoming much better now for both families. Yes, they had “almost” nothing, but thankfully they were not lacking in the most important thing, Faith. Thomas and Kevin (like other poor) are Rich in Faith. They both prayed so fervently to our Creator for help (especially after both families lost one sibling each to starvation.) Yes, they prayed for help, and our Lord sent it, via His Brethren, You Donors! Impoverished people often times pray for mere survival, because times are always rough and tough. Thomas now has 3 siblings (one died of starvation last Month.) Kevin now has 2 siblings (one of his also died of starvation a few weeks ago.) As previously mentioned, both families moved in to Thomas’s house, so they are working together, managing together. Those Brethren of yours are quite a distance away, but if you listen very closely, you will hear them saying “Asante Sana” (thank you very much, our prayers have been answered.) and you will also hear them saying “Barikiwa” (Blessings to you Brethren for helping us.) Your donations didn’t stop at the physical assistance; you have also been provided them with the more important Spiritual assistance. We supply families with “child youth lessons” (usually the ones put out by WWC years ago.) and Most Importantly, we supply them with Bibles so they can prove all things for themselves. Yes, so they can verify if what “Men” say, is So. Verification of our beliefs is very important, because Truth is much better than Fables, and according to the Scriptures, many fables are still being taught today. Doctrine is so very important; we have to be very careful what we are believing, and teaching. That’s why Scripture is also for “reproof.” That word reproof means “evidence.” We should have evidence that supports All of our beliefs. Remember it is Truth that defines the True cog. Correct doctrines “Truth” is of utmost importance to us, because we not only have a lot of influence on these widows and young orphans, but on many Brethren. The cog (in modern times) began in the 1950’s in E. Africa as the “Radio cog” was broadcasting from “Radio Luxembourg.” And the church is still growing today. There are still numerous small groups being raised up. And the church is not only growing in numbers, but in knowledge also, as it should be. There is a message titled: “Perfect or in Part?” that elaborates on that growth (the growth that we all must have.) I’ll post the link at the bottom of this Update.
Again, Thomas, Kevin, and their siblings (The other two young siblings are in bed not feeling well.) but they all thank you donors from the bottom of their heart for helping them in their affliction. Our 3rd world country brethren around this world suffer a lot. We must help them the best we can. In our last report we mentioned how one of the orphans (Mokoro) had fallen and dislocated his knee. We thank you for your prayers; he is now back to attending school, and doing well. We also posted a letter from another orphan (Manley Mochama) telling of the horrific fire at his boarding school. He is also now okay and already back at school. Also, the three young orphans (Alex, Zedinah and Wycliffe) are now living with a widow. We have assisted them with food, clothing, and they also will be introduced the youth Bible lessons. We also began moving forward to supply Grace Rafiki (church Widow) with doors and windows for her house, they will be installed soon. Again, we thank you donors for your assistance, and your powerful prayers, as they continue to be answered. We have no stock pile of funds in our church bank account. But every time a need comes, so does a donation. (Praise our Heavenly Father for that.) Our Father also continues to open door, and the Gospel continues to spread, even in these latter days in which we are living. God continues to call others into His church, and into His upcoming Banquet. This is something for us, the members of God’s Church to consider very seriously, because some of the empty seats at the upcoming Wedding Feast, are from some who turned away from their High Calling, and placed the cares of this evil world on top of their to do list. Its better put in (Matthew 22:1-10) verse 3 says: “He sent forth His servants to call them which are bidden to the wedding: and they would not come. It goes on to say some put the cares of this world, before the Kingdom of God, before their High Calling. There is a sobering verse for the cog found in (Revelation 3:11) where it’s another warning concerning who our biggest culprit is, when it comes to learning and walking in Truth. He says: “Behold, I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Men are good at leading others astray. Some men in God’s church are saying our Lord is still a ways off. Don’t be lured in by their blindness. God’s end time plan is rapidly moving ahead, end time prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes. That Midnight Cry of Matthew 25 is rapidly approaching. Those who can’t discern the times in which we are now living, are Laodicean blind, and in need of that eyesalve. In Kenya many thirst for Truth, and our Father has been providing for them also. As you might know from previous reports, many small congregations have been established over the recent years, and God continues to call more, and in amazing ways. Nehemiah (the eldest orphan at Sengera House – 18 yrs old) has been giving Bible studies to some of his classmates in High School for some time now. At first he was speaking amongst some of his classmates, then some of the teachers began listening, and they liked what they were hearing. One teacher asked “which church are you in Nehemiah?” His response was “the cog”. The teacher replied “cog knows Bible better than any others.” They like his messages so well, that when Nehemiah gave the last study, they called for an assembly, and he addressed the entire school, all students and staff were in attendance.
The Title was “I Will Build My Church” addressing where the True Church is today. Kenyans are ripe for Truth. If your show them a Scripture that supports a teaching, they are quick to change. (Even if it’s contrary to their former beliefs.) When they read and understand a Scripture, they Believe what it says. That’s why it is so important to for us to “reprove” our beliefs. To be sure what we believe is True. Coming into God’s church we learned a lot of truth as we studied the Bible. That’s step one. But there is another step that is required if we want to be sure we are following all Truth. We have to go further and take step two, “reprove” the Scriptures. Reproof “reprove” Strong’s 1650 means “evidence.” We need to search for evidence. (2 Timothy 3:16.) When one searches for evidence, they find Truth. But you have to search for it! Takes time, lots of digging. Sad to say many never take step two. When you question some about their beliefs, their reply often starts with: “What did minister So and So say?” Brethren, let us not rely on men to know Truth. We need to verify all of our beliefs with the Scriptures themselves. We are living at a time when “damnable heresy” lurks about, and the way of Truth is evil spoken of. (2 Peter 2:1-2.) That warning is for us, the members in God’s church today.
We give them KJV. The schools all have Bible study class, but they require the students to use “New Living Translation” which as many know are missing many important words. So we also trying to give the teachers inserts (if that’s the correct word) from David W. Daniels book: “Look What’s Missing.” It does a good job of showing these teachers just how misleading many of the newer translation are.
(Moving on) Benjamin Bett traveled to Merigi, Kenya to visit a remote group there that I myself hadn’t seen in 3 years now. Many of our brethren live quite remote, (deep in the bush) and can takes days of traveling to reach them. He sent the following report: “Greetings from Kenya brother Bill. First let me take this opportunity to say thank for the support you gave to travel from home to Merigi near Tenwek to meet the brethren there. They invited me over the Sabbath to go and share with them the word of God. So it was a blessing to meet the brethren who were ready to learn and know more truth from the Bible. I completed the teaching almost 6pm and on the following day I continued with additional teachings. This was wonderful because we know that Famine of the Hearing of the Word is coming. (Amos 8:11.) They were all quit happy. So now am preparing to visit brethren from Narok on Friday. Let us all be prepared for the upcoming Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread.” Speaking of upcoming Feast, thanks to your donations, we are supplying the Brethren with Passover wine, and flour to make unleavened bread. Without our help, most would not have wine for Passover, and few would even have bread to eat. So again thanks go out to you donors for the Feast assistance that you sent. They are prepared physically for the Spring Feast; now let us all be sure we are prepared Spiritually.
You may have seen this picture before; it was taken at the orphanage about two years old. That’s Naomi, such a sweet and precious child, just returning from the river carrying 20 liters (that’s over 5 gallons.) of water on top of her head, and a package in her hand. These children are amazing. How Blessed we are to be able to help them. Let me end for now, trying to get this posted for Sabbath. The link I mentioned earlier is: |