Kenya Updates

February 19, 2018

Greetings Brethren,

Let us praise our Heavenly Father and His beloved Son for calling us out of this untoward world and into their marvelous Truth. Let us also thank them for the protection they continually give us, as we continue to preach the Gospel to the world, and try our best to do good unto all men especially those of the household of faith.

Kenya can be a dangerous place, especially when riding in one of the many privately-owned taxi buses known as matatus, that ferry people around the city and suburbs of Kenya. We often take this means of transportation because it is much cheaper than hiring a taxi. But there is much danger involved because of the high speed of the driver, over loading of passengers, and lack of seat belts. Accidents are quite common. On Wednesday February 14th Haron (the administrator of the Sengera Orphanage) was traveling back from the city of Kisii when the matatu he was in crashed. There were 14 fatalities in that matatu, but Haron walked away unscathed. We thank our Heavenly Father for His protection, and we thank all of you who keep us in your prayers.

The Sengera Orphanage is doing well, as we continue to make progress with the improvements. Below is a picture of the newly constructed security wall along the road in front of the compound.

The local school has changed the color and pattern of their required uniforms. Pictured below are the children wearing the new ones.

Timothy in the yellow shirt and Enoch to his left are still waiting their new uniforms from the tailor. Hopefully soon we will be able to purchase our first sewing machine, and the girls are looking forward to learning how to sew.

We were finally allowed to visit Nehemiah. He has been boarding at a High School quite a distance from Kisii. I was quite concerned about Nehemiah’s well being when I saw the picture Haron sent me after arriving to visit him. Nehemiah had lost a lot of weight due to lack of food. We come to find out that even though the students meals were included in their tuition, they only give them a cup of tea for breakfast, and probably a skimpy lunch and supper. We were able to give Nehemiah funds so he can purchase additional food. Pictured below is Nehemiah. Haron got him some food soon after arriving to visit.

Felix is also boarding, but at a different High School. Upon visiting we found his overall condition much better. Picture below was taken by Haron when visiting.

I have no current picture of Brian (Ibu) who is enrolled in a local trade school in Ogembo, but he is doing well, and has been coming home to the orphanage on weekends. All of these children owe their appreciation to those of you who have been donating to Kenya Hands of Hope. It is thanks to you that they are being well cared for. And your good works, are glorifying our Heavenly Father.

bill Goff

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