Kenya Updates

January 8, 2018

Greetings Brethren,

It is with great pleasure we bring you this January 2018 update. Thanks to the many blessings that our Heavenly Father has bestowed on us, a lot has been accomplished at the Sengera House Orphanage. We are happy to inform you that the construction of the cafeteria is moving well along. The children are now able to use the cafeteria, sitting and eating comfortably on benches at tables, instead of packed into the sitting room of the boys house where some were standing to eat due to lack of space & chairs. What a blessing this is for the children. We thank the donors for making this possible. We now need to put the glass panes in the windows, purchase and install the plywood tops on the remaining table and benches, and plaster the outside of the building with cement. Then this much needed project will be completed.

School also began on January 2nd. We were able to pay the school fees for all 15 elementary level children. We also purchased their books, uniforms, and additional school supplies.

We also have two boys who are beginning their first year of High School. Felix is now enrolled in a High School just outside of Kisii Kenya, and Nehemiah will begin attending another High School approximately 150 miles away. Both boys will be boarding at their newly assigned schools. This is a big move for them leaving the security & protection they have experienced living at the orphanage.

In Kenya, the Government assigns which school you will be attending, they base it on the results of your High School entrance examinations. Both boys are extremely happy and thankful to be furthering their education (which is not all that common in Kenya.) And it is thanks to you donors who have made this possible for them. Praise God for your good works. I’m sure when their parents rise up in the resurrection, they will be very appreciative for the care and concern (yes the Agape love) that you have been giving to their orphaned children.

We (KHofH) have also continued assisting a number of “true” widows scattered around Kenya, including the Maasai boarder area, Ogembo, and a couple in Sengera. Most of the assistance has been for food aid. Many Kenyans are severely food insecure, with millions, yes millions unable to put even one meal a day on the table. Kenya depends mainly on rain-fed agriculture. With the poor seasonal rainfall recorded throughout 2017, the country has been struggling to feed its people. We still have brethren rationing their food, and famine can be found in all corners of the country.

We all have much to be thankful for, and much to pray for. But the top of our prayer list needs to be “Thy Kingdom Come” because many around this world are suffering (some horrendously.) Our Father’s Kingdom is the only solution to the mounting problems of this untoward world in which we are living.

Once again we want to thank the donors, your good works are Glorifying our Heavenly Father.

bill Goff

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