Kenya Updates

July 21, 2023

“Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works” Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? (James 2:18-20)

Greetings Brethren,

Hope all is well with you! I have a lot of good and exciting news to share. Kenya Hands of Hope (Nehemiah actually) (Nesh) has begun (expanded actually) his outreach ministry of bringing Bible studies to the youth. It’s called “Nehemiah’s Daily Bread” It’s directed at youth, both inside and outside the church of God. He has been moving around to our various church groups, and giving the studies, and also serving a simple nutritional meal. (Can’t learn with an empty belly.) The study is open to all youth’s, and the project is being funded by other youth’s here in the States. The first two studies went really well.

But before I elaborate on that, I have more good news. Remember the Principal at Nehemiah’s old High School (the one who liked Nesh’s Bible studiers so much that he called the entire school to assembly numerous times and had Nesh give the study to all students and staff”?

As most of you know, those Bible studies were going on great, there were so many having their first love, learning Truth direct from the Scriptures. Until the Monsignor was informed, who immediately stepped in and put a stop to it. (The High School is a Catholic establishment.)

Nehemiah was quite worried that the Principal (who loved what he was learning from the studies) would lose his position, his job. But I assured the Principal at that time that our Creator would only bless him for not only his love for Truth, but also for allowing the Truth to be shared with the entire school. (And they all knew it was Truth that they were learning, because Nesh gave the Principal [as he did to all of the teachers, and some students] their very own Bible so they could read and study and prove for themselves what the Word of God actually says. I reassured the Principal at that time that this trial would turn out quite positive, because I knew that God was involved in these important studies right from the start. But the Principal feared, because the Monsignor had opened up a full investigation into the matter.

You may remember from previous updates how this all started, with God’s hand in it, and how much the students, teachers, and Principal loved the teachings and were on fire for the Truth they were learning. One teacher (back then) asked Nesh: “which church do you belong to Nehemiah?” Nesh quickly responded “church of God”. Teacher responded “Church of God knows the Bible better than anyone.” Yes, how true that statement is, after all, “The church of the living God is the Pillar and Ground of the Truth.” (1Timothy 3:15)

Well the verdict is in, and God’s hand is clearly seen, the Principal was blessed. The investigating committee just finished their probe, and in their conclusion they stated that: “the Principal did nothing wrong by allowing Nehemiah to give those Bible studies, after all they said Nehemiah graduated High School here, and he has even been giving teachers and students, their very own Bibles”. They commended the Principal for allowing the Bible Studies. And they went on to say that Nehemiah is welcome to continue coming and giving the studies anytime, that the door is open. The only stipulation is that he doesn’t try to draw people away, into his own group.

Well no problem there, because the “True” church of God would never try to draw followers to themselves, but only to point them upstairs, to our Creator. We have been against that kind of behavior ever since we first came in to Kenya in 2005; and we addressed it quite boldly, we called it “turning that tide”. Here is a quote from our “Why support this ministry” page published back in 2007:

Common Problem Plaguing the Church of God World Wide”

“Aside from a lack of mosquito nets, and Bibles, I also found another problem among many of our brethren in Kenya, a “Huge” problem, and one that has been plaguing the church of God all around the world. Many of the brethren were confused about whom they need to pledge their allegiance to. You see, all the big groups are there in Kenya, and many are confusing the brethren by competing for control over them. Many of those groups pressure the brethren to be part of their particular “man-made” organization. (Some even preach that one’s salvation depends on it.) So our work was cut out for us. It was time to turn the tide; by pointing the brethren to God and teaching them that He (God) is the one that we all need to be pledging our allegiance to. There is only one “Head” in the church. There is only one Body, one Spirit, and one Vine that we all need to be directly connected to.

God is opening doors Brethren, and we need to be walking though them. Many of our studies show how our Lord is soon to return, and that the Beast power (the last world ruling Government) is forming right in front of our eyes. The Governments of this world are transitioning right now. The new world order, or the great reset, whatever they want to call it, is coming. The church has referred to what is coming for a long time as the revival of the “Holy Roman Empire”, but I think a better way to put it is the revival of the “Babylonian Empire”. And soon it will be in control of the inhabitants of the entire planet. Now that the ten “toes” the ten Kings of (Daniel 2:41-43) and (Revelation 17:12) are rising into position, and eventually will receive their power. It is Babylon that is going to fall. (Revelation 14:8)

The YouTube links we have been posting at the bottom of the recent updates (including this update.) show how the last world ruling world government is now forming right in front of our eyes. And for those who don’t believe it, they will see King Charles on top of this coming Beast as the “man of sin”. He may not be revealed to the world yet, but he has been revealed to the church. And don’t believe that false teaching being taught by some pulpits, that we cannot understand prophesy until it has been fulfilled. That is not true; our Lord told His disciples that the Spirit of Truth (which has already come) will not only “guide” them into all truth, but even show us things to come. (John 16:13) and (Amos 3:7)

Now let me elaborate on “Nehemiah’s Daily Bread”, it’s going really well. The first study was on Friday night at Sengera House, attendance was good, and everyone really enjoyed both the study and the hot meal. The following is Nehemiah’s first report:

“The Bible study was good, everyone enjoyed the Story of Noah and they all answered the questions. It was impressive that many kids attended, and we took some rice and potatoes. They also enjoyed the food and they appreciated the donors, it was wonderful.

Nesh Sibwoga”.

 Children taking a hot meal during Nesh’s Bible study.

The next study was on Sunday July 16th at Getare church group.

Getare Youth.

Hot meal taken at Getare group.

Nehemiah’s second report:

“Shalom brethren of Daily Bread Ministries. We pray that you are doing great in the lord and of Good health. This is Nehemiah Sibwoga, am the elder Orphan in our Sengera camp under Papa Goff. On behalf of our Daily Bread Ministries from this side of Kenya, the good news is that our orphans and children from different homes have come to accept and love our Friday, Saturday and Wednesday, bible based studies. This has come to be a wonderful platform where many kids have opened their minds, thus improving their morals and their relationship with God and their fellows.

They told me to let you know that, they are very much thankful for the teachings, and the food they eat together. Some said that getting food in their homes is like an accident. (Rarity) So they said now their cognitive health is improving thus making them sharp in memorizing the word of God, through the bible stories that are being taught.

The whole of last week, I shared creation stories, the story of Noah and Creation. They have discovered the love of God towards children of His, the rewards of being obedient and the consequences of disobeying God.

May our Good God, bless you and this ministry that is after shepherding children and laying a Christ and Christian oriented Foundation. May our Good God multiply your finances for you sacrifice a lot of your time and efforts, promoting the Kingdom of God. All our faithful prayers are to you. Wishing you well, Thank you, God bless you. Much love to you all.

Yours faithful.



We also want to again thank you for your continued prayers; your prayers have gotten us through many dangerous situations that occur in that 3rd world country. Even now as I’m writing this update, I’m just receiving text from Nesh, he’s caught up in riots in the village of Monianku, as he’s traveling to the Border group for today’s (Wednesday’s study.)  He snapped a quick photo as he escaped from the city. Some being hit with stones and hurt badly, others suffering from the teargas, some randomly shot.

Riots in Monianku at the border.

Please continue praying, Nesh escaped with no serious injuries. We thank God for that. But I’m waiting for additional report from him concerning the four orphans who were with him at the market, and our motorbike driver Salim. It’s quite chaotic there as people are running for their lives, and the hospitals filling up with the injured.

Francis and Grandma Josephine.

I reported on Francis and his Grandma in the last update, but didn’t have their picture.

Oh, I just received the following report from Nesh concerning being caught in the Riots:


I pray that you are doing perfect in the lord.

Here we go; My today’s Mission was to Take our Daily Bread message to the orphans and other children of the border. As usual, I picked a motorbike as a mean of transportation to the border area.

Immediately when I arrived there, I found a good number of kids waiting for me. They received me warmly and told me to feel at home. As by our Daily Bread routine, the kids escorted me to the Market to buy rice, onions, tomatoes, cooking and Irish potatoes as our food of the day.

At the marketplace, everything turned to be a mess, the kids and I had no option other than disappearing for our safety, the police force came from nowhere to stop people from protesting and demonstrating.

Within no minute the air was filled with teargases, personally I was unable to see where I was running to. Later on I found myself in a widow’s house, she helped me with water to clear the pains of the tear gases from my eyes. I had to wait for more than an hour for everything to come in order. Later on, I heard that people are being arrested, I had no option other than looking for a different route to home. At the moment, am worried about those small kids’ situation and that of the motorbike rider who took me there. Please our lovely brothers and sisters, pray for me to get a positive report about the kids and the motorbike driver.

Let’s pray our lord to put everything in order. But we know that will not completely happen until His return.

God bless you abundantly.

Thank you.


It’s now Thursday and I just talked with Nesh again. The four orphans are okay, they were overtaken from the teargas yesterday and brought to the hospital. We are now paying for their treatment and release, and they are headed home. We are sending them some little funds for food also, but our brethren continue to survive on porridge, funds normally run low, as they come in they go out, but We thank our Creator for sparing the lives of those four children of ours. Some children were shot. Salim is also okay, although his bike was damaged.

Trouble is brewing everywhere brethren. But let us not be too troubled by it.  It’s all in God’s plan, as He tries to get all of us (all of mankind actually) to repent, and walk in His ways. And all the more sooner for us, His church, because we are His “FirstFruits” . Planted first, Grow first, Mature first, and will soon be Harvested first. IF we have succeeded in overcoming that is. Eternal Life IS a free gift, but all mankind does have to “qualify” to be allowed in, Scripture clearly states that sinners will not be allowed in. No matter who we are, we (all mankind) have to be converted; we have to have our sinful natures changed, and instead have the “Holy Righteous Character” of our Heavenly Father dwelling in us, yes, “walking upright” to enter into God’s Kingdom. Scripture clearly says that sinners will not be there. (1 Corinthians 6:8-10)   (Galatians 5:19-21)

As for the church today, and its condition? It’s quite clear and quite simple, just step back and take a LOOK. Man has the church divided into hundreds of separate groups, but in God’s eyes there are only two groups, the wise and the foolish, the sheep and the goats. The sheep and the goats can easily be distinguished, depending on if one helps his brother, or doesn’t help.  But many need to investigate what distinguishes a ”wise” virgin from a “foolish” one. To do that, we only need to know what this “oil” represents. What it is that the wise are filling their vessels with? And its not Spirit, the oil doesn’t represent “Spirit” like most pulpits still teach today. The oil in that parable that we all need to be fetching and filling up on, represents “Truth”. Are we growing in Truth, or do we think we have it all, no more digging, studying,  and searching to do, just needing to hold on to what we have. NO, (Jude 1:3) is for us today, and once we heed it (which some in  the church are doing) (The ones who continue searching the Scriptures for correct doctrines, Truth) and walking in it. Once we get back to the Faith once delivered (and that faith is speaking of doctrine, belief, Truth) then the “signs following” will be there to confirm. (Mark 16:20) Our Lord will not confirm us if we’re preaching any fables or half truths, He will only confirm His “Word” “Truth”. (Mark 16:20)

We as a church need to contemplate, we need to muse, and we need to study God’s Word, and rightly divide the way of truth, and walk in it. We need to discuss God’s Word often. Iron still sharpeneth iron. (Malachi 3:16) (Proverbs 27:17)

Thank you Brethren, for your Love, your support, your prayers, Good fruit is being produced by us working together. We are fulfilling the pure religion of (James 1:27) Let us be sure we are fulfilling the end of that verse, to keep oneself unspotted from the world. Let us continue to pray for His guidance, to be led by His Spirit. To become humble, and top of the list, let us pray “Thy Kingdom Come.”

There is a link below to: “Parable of the 10 virgins”

Thank God the end of this evil age is finally coming. And thank God His Kingdom is soon to come. And thank God for you donors who continue to help the widows and orphans in their afflictions.

Thank You.

Bill Goff

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