“Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” (Revelation 22:12)
Greetings Brethren.
I hope all of you are well both physically and more importantly spiritually, as we patiently await the return of our Lord and Savior. The Apostle Paul said there is a “Crown of Righteousness” that will be given not only to him at our Lord’s return, but also to all those who love His appearing. (2 Timothy 4:8).
Brethren, the ones who will not love His appearing at His return are the “foolish” virgins of (Matthew 25:3). Why? Why will the foolish virgins not love His appearing? Because they failed to prepare, they failed to fill their vessels (themselves – their minds) with the “Oil” spoken of in that parable of the ten virgins. That oil we need to be filling up on does not represent God’s Spirit as many still falsely believe and teach.
The oil in the parable of the ten virgins represents “Truth”. God’s Spirit cannot be bought, Simon Magus proved that. (Acts 8:18). God’s Spirit is a free gift. But what can be bought, and must be bought is “Truth”. We buy it with our time by studying and rightly dividing the Word. (Proverbs 23:23) (Psalm 119:105). That oil represents “Truth”. (There is a Scriptural study on that titled: “Parable of The Ten Virgins”. The link is below.)
I have much good news to report on today. First, let me thank you donors for your wonderful support. All of our Sengera House orphans (plus some of the orphans who are living in the bush with a single Grandparent) have now returned back to school as they begin their 3rd and last term. This is wonderful Brethren, our Heavenly Father continues to provide for these orphans, and He’s doing it through you.
Pictured below are nine at Sengera House, some of whom are now back to their (Government assigned) Boarding Schools.

As you can see they have different uniforms on, because they attend different boarding schools. The Government assigns all students to various High Schools according to their Grade School performance.
We also have Isaac (Papa) (pictured below) who lives at Sengera House, he is also in High School. But not boarding. Isaac walks to and from School each day (it’s just over one hour each way.)

Isaac (Papa) Grade 10
Now Naomi and Rebecca (each of whom live with their Grandparent) have also returned back to School. They are pictured below:

Naomi (Grade 10)

Naomi Fetching Water Back At Sengera House
Naomi is doing well, living back with her Grandma Helen. It’s been a while since she carried those 20ldr containers of water back from the river, when living at Sengera House. (Kenya children are strong, both boys and girls, they are strong from carrying all their water and fire wood, and more.)
And living in the bush also demands a lot of hard work. Most get up at 4am and start their day by sweeping the floor, starting a fire to make tea, and IF there is any dough for bread, it will be breakfast. (Our orphans and widows still go from time to time with empty bellies.) Then after those morning chores, Naomi walks 1 ½ hours each way to and back from school. That’s 3 hours of steady walking each day.
Please don’t misunderstand me. No one is complaining. The orphans and the widows you are supporting are so appreciative for your love and concern for them. Your support continues to ease their suffering. Orphans are often considered worthless in that country. But they are as precious to us, as they are to you. And they are so grateful to you donors for all your help, especially to be in school.
We (KHOFH) continue to support both Naomi and her Grandma, and also the other remote widows and orphans that are under our care. (Thanks to you Donors of course) including paying their school fees, and other afflictions that these orphans and widows encounter.
Brethren the work we are involved in is a good work. It’s that “Pure Religion” spoken of by James. (James 1:27). Also, in (Psalm 41:1) we are told that you donors will be “Blessed” and “Delivered” in time of trouble. And make no mistake about it, Trouble is in the forecast. (Matthew 24:21).
This brings us back to the need for us to continue studying the Scriptures, and proving all things. We need to have Scriptural support for all of our beliefs. We need to have a “love” for the truth. (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12). Brethren we have no time for taking pleasure in “unrighteousness”. We are the church “The Pillar and Ground of the Truth.” (1Timothy 3:15) Truth and church go hand in hand. If you want to find the one and only true church, you have to find where the truth is believed and taught.
In (2 Timothy 3:16-17) we are told: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
That word “reproof” is Strong’s # 1650 meaning “evidence”. We need to have Scriptural evidence for everything we believe. Too many of us too often say: “Mr. so and so says this, and Mr. so and so says that…. We need to be saying Scripture such and such says this, and Scripture such and such says that.
No man can lead us into all truth, that is not man’s job; it’s the job of our Lord, and He accomplishes it through the “Spirit of Truth”. (John 16:13).
The “Contemporary English Version” says it like this: “The Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The Spirit doesn’t speak on its own. It will tell you only what It has heard from me (from our Lord) and it will let you know what is going to happen.”
Our Lord and Master is our teacher, brethren, (John 6:45) (1 John 2:27). Now it’s okay to listen to men, but one must verify their words with the Scriptures. Many pulpits restrict their congregations from hearing any “heresy”. But heresy is not necessarily a bad thing. Paul was accused of preaching heresy, and he was proud of it. (Acts 24:14) Heresy is just a teaching that is contrary to what is normally taught and believed. It’s “Damnable Heresy” that we have to be on guard against. And use caution here Brethren, because according to Peter, there are some damnable heresies that many in the “church” today are following. (2 Peter 2:1-2)
Those are not my words, but Peter’s words that he wrote a long time ago in the “future” tense to warn us. Brethren the future has arrived, so let us read his admonition in the proper “present” tense to drive the point home:
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there are false teachers among you, who privily have brought in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
And many (not the few, but many Peter says) are following their pernicious ways (Strong’s # 684 ruin or loss destruction die) by reason of whom the way of truth is evil spoken of.”
Many in the church today are following the teachings of men, and this has led “many” astray. What we are talking about here has to do with “Faith”. Many in the “church” today have the “wrong” kind of faith. (Its even the reason why the “Signs Following” those miracles that were present in the early New Testament church have been absent.)
We need to get back to the “correct” Faith. Its quite simple to comprehend what I’m trying to say here. You see Faith and Belief go hand in hand. But Faith Comes Before Belief. Faith is Strong’s # 4102 and means “persuasion.” One has to be “persuaded” to believe what he believes. The problem in the “church” today is that too many have gotten their persuasion (their faith) from men, instead of from the Scriptures. That’s why Jude (Jude 1:3) tells us “today” to get Back To The Faith that was once delivered to the Saints. The pulpits still falsely teach that we have already gotten back to that faith, and that all we need to do now is hold on to it…… But Nothing Could Be Further From The Truth. That Faith only comes from being persuaded by the Scriptures. (Romans 10:17). Following men (which we have been ward of so many times not to do) leads to only one place, the ditch. (Matthew 15:14)
Brethren, there is no need for panic here, but lots of need for studying, and proving. Our Lord is soon to return, and He plans to present to Himself a Glorious and Unspotted church. That includes correct doctrines. (Ephesians 5:27).
The signs of our Lord’s soon return are upon us. That “Day of Christ” spoken of by Paul in (2 Thessalonians 2:1-2) is approaching. Times are different now. The words that are often repeated these days by the news commentators (concerning the tragedies that continue to increase all around this world) are words like “Unprecedented” and “Apocalyptic”.
Yes, end time prophecies are on the move. Even the destructive prophecy concerning Damascus is now in focus, with the removal of president Assad in Syria. The significance of Damascus is: Its the oldest capital and longest-inhabited city in the world, and according to (Isiah 17:1) its soon to be destroyed and become uninhabitable. That day may not directly affect many of us here in the USA, but as Scripture go on to say in (Isiah 17:3) There is a fortress in Ephraim that’s going to cease (or fall) and that will directly affect us.

Rebecca (Grade 11)
Rebecca and her Grandma Jacqueline are also doing well. Rebecca is back in school. They send you their Highest Greetings, and Heartfelt Thanks, for caring so much for them.

Enoch (Grade 9)
Do you remember Enoch? He is also living with his Grandma, Eunice. I took a picture of him the very first day he arrived at Sengera House. It was another one of those “Kodak Moments” we had just finished eating, when Enoch immediately began collecting all the dishes (without even being asked) as he headed off to wash them. I told him “stay right there, let me grab my camera.”

Timothy (as you probably know) is living back with and assisting his elderly Grandpa. He is now learning the furniture making trade, working with a local carpenter. When he first came to Sengera House, he was in the same condition as all of the other orphans we took in from various cog’s (and a couple of other churches.) They were destitute, and in dire need of help. We gave no concern to which church their families attended prior to their parent’s death, our only concern was to help them in every way possible. (And that’s what you donors have been doing.)

Timothy Making Furniture

Taking Lunch one Sabbath at Sengera House.

Dorcah and Her Two Boys Stephen and Aiden
Deceased Haron’s wife Dorcah stays busy at Sengera House, she is Chief cook, and also Matron to the girls. She sends her Love and Greetings to all of you.

Nehemiah and Mokoro Conducting Church Affairs in Kisii Town.
Please be sure to keep them in your prayers. Kenya can be a very dangerous place. Aside from the local criminals, we also have the “Al-Shabaab” terrorist group out of Somalia. We have had many close calls with danger over the years. But thanks to your prayers, our Heavenly Father has gotten us through all of them.
We mentioned in previous Updates about the Getionko meeting hall needing to be replaced. We did start a fundraiser for that which has brought in around $400.00 (The link is below.) Part of the $400 was used to take down the old dilapidated mud building. The authorities demanded its removal or Dauglas would be arrested. (The cost to remove the old building was already in the budget.) So we thank you for the donations that have begun coming in for that project. Currently the Getionko congregation is meeting on Sabbath under trees. As more donations come in for that project, we will move forward accordingly.

Removing Getionko Church House

The metal sheets will be reused.
Currently our funds are becoming very low, especially after paying all the school fees. So please continue to help these orphans and widows. And please continue to inform others that we have brethren, members of the Household of Faith that need our help. (Galatians 6:10). And please (most importantly) let us pray “Thy Kingdom Come.”
Thank You.
Bill Goff
Website: www.khofh.org
“Parable of the Ten Virgins”: https://khofh.com/parable-of-the-ten-virgins/
Current Fundraiser: https://gofund.me/08307e79
Donate: https://khofh.com/support-us/
E-mail: goffb50@aol.com
Phone: 843-447-0140
(Please feel free to call anytime night or day, our impoverished Brethren need our help, especially the orphans and true widows.)