And he said to me, you John must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
Revelation 10:11 KJV – Revelation 11:3 – Revelation 11:7 – Revelation 11:9 – Revelation 11:11-12
Greetings Brethren,
Here we are living at the end of the age, a time when we need to be “Watching”, a time when we need to be “Ready”, a time when we need to be “Careful” that we are not taken by surprise at the return of our Lord and Savior, a time when we need to be found “So Doing”. Matthew 24:42-51
I have much to report on today concerning what is being accomplished in Kenya by us working together under the leadership and direction of our Lord and Savior. The church has a commission “to preach the Gospel to the world”, to “feed the flock of God which is among you” and to “visit (inspect – relieve) the fatherless and widows in their afflictions”.
Let me start with the purchasing and distribution of Bibles. Thanks to your donations, we have been able to purchase and distribute more Bibles in the various tongues of our impoverished brethren.

Nehemiah purchasing Bibles in English, Kisii and Swahili languages.

Manley also helping with Bibles
(Concerning Manley, let me also mention here that we are still hoping to find someone who is able and willing to sponsor him during his University. As mentioned in previous Updates, Manley has graduated from High School, and has qualified for the Kenya Government to pay his University tuition. He has been accepted to Mount Kenya University. But there will be other expenses during his schooling that will need some funding. If you are willing and able to assist him, that would be wonderful. If you have questions concerning this matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.)

Benjamin Bett traveled to Bomet, Kenya to purchase more Bibles in the Kalenjin tongue.
Today (Sabbath of February 25, 2023) Nehemiah and David Mokoro traveled to Rigo church group, Benjamin Bett to Merigi church group, and Chatles Mokoro traveled to Rongo church, to distribute Bibles.

Rigo Church
This group still meeting on Sabbath under trees, they have no hall for congregating.

Merigi church (The ones who needed Bibles.)

Rongo Church
The drought in our area at the orphanage continues to worsen. This week our well dried up. So the children have been fetching water at a nearby artesian well and carrying it back in 20 ldr plastic containers.

Fetching water from a nearby artesian well

That’s Jackson and Papa (Isaac) in the front, they’re not to savvy at carrying the heavy containers of water which weigh about 45 lbs each. But following them is Lucy, Eunice and Mildred carrying the heavy container on their head. They can walk long distances like this.

The girls returning with firewood and water, and judging from the shadow on the ground, it’s approximately 11:35 am. Most of us need to look at our watches to know the time, but in 3rdwould counties they know the time by the Big Clock in the sky.

The girls are washing their clothes back at Sengera camp.

Timothy and James washing windows at the boy’s house.
These orphans never cease to amaze me of how energetic they are, always ready to jump right in and do any work or chores without hesitation, but with eagerness and bliss. At the dormitory (both boys & Girls) they make up their own schedule, and each morning one of them is mopping the floor of their entire dorm.
In James 1:27 we are told to help our widows and orphans in their “afflictions”. That word means: troubles, anguish, burdens. For many of us living in these wealthier countries, we have no clue concerning the afflictions that our impoverished brethren living in these 3rdworld countries endure on a daily basis. Let me mention a few here just to help you realize how much your donations, your love and concern, has been helping these impoverished brethren of ours and easing their suffering.
Your donations continue to assisting 50 church orphans and a dozen widows, and not only with food, clothes, bedding, schooling for the children, but also much much more, including toilets. Having a toilet suitable and safe for use is a Huge problem “affliction” amongst many of our brethren. Their toilets are located outside consisting of a hole in the ground covered by a wooden platform on top. Often (and I mean often) the wooden floor collapses from becoming rotted or eaten by ants and termites, and it is quite common for a person to fall into the muck. The situation is quite critical and always requires an emergency trip to a hospital, not only for immediate cleaning of the entire body, but usually treatment for fractured arms and legs. I cannot count the number of times we have been faced with this situation from young children to the elderly falling in and nearly dying.
As you can see in previous updates we have assisted many of our brethren in replacing their collapsed toilets with new and improved ones. Many have been replaced for the remote orphans and widows living in the bush, and numerous times we replaced collapsed toilets at various church meeting halls. We replace them with much better construction, including a deeper hole, and with a cement or concrete floor on top that will not rot or cave in. In the past few Months alone (thanks to you donors) we have replaced four of these toilets, and currently we have three of our orphan families desperately in need of new ones. It is against the law in Kenya not to have a working toilet, and if you don’t comply they are quick to arrest and incarcerate you.

Typical old toilet

The ones we are replacing have thee stalls, 2 toilets, and stall for showering.

One of three toilets currently needed is for the widow Margaret in Ogembo, her old toilet collapsed two weeks ago. Another is Calvin (he is the 17 year old orphan living with, and caring for his 5 younger siblings.) Their toilet collapsed just over one week ago. The third toilet needed is for the young orphan Peter who lives with his Grandpa Samuel. Their toilet recently collapsed and 88 year old Samuel fell in. It was a struggle to get him out and to a hospital, but they managed, and he survived. (All of these brethren are currently fearing being arrested.) The cost to replace these toilets has been calculated, start to finish they each run approximately $500 plus $80 for permit, and few dollars a day to feed the workers. (In Kenya if you hire someone to do a job, you are required to feed them breakfast and lunch, if you fail to comply you will be arrested.) Grand total for each toilet construction is around $650.00. Currently we don’t have funds yet to move forward with these toilets, but we continue to help with other dire needs.
A dire need can even involve something as simple as a pot to cook in. I first met Peter at church services about 4 years ago, and recently visited him and his Grandpa Samuel. They live in a small mud house with a leaking thatched roof. Their request was not for a new roof, they know we currently have no funds to help with that. What they did request was for a more critical need, a new cooking pot. The two they had were totally worn out, cracked and leaking from the many years of cooking on a wood fire. These brethren are so poor; they can’t even afford a couple of new pots. But without a pot, how can you cook? And please don’t think they’re lazy. They spend their day (like most of our peasant farmer brethren) digging and tending their gardens, hoping for a harvest so they don’t starve to death. Remember, there are no food banks in Kenya. If your garden doesn’t produce, if you don’t have a harvest, you starve. And as I have been mentioning in recent updates, many in the surrounding villages are dying from starvation almost daily. None of our brethren are lazy in any way. They also have to walk to fetch all of their water, and all of their wood for cooking. (For some it can be a distance of a mile or more one way.)

Peter and Grandpa Samuel holding their old pots (the young boy is a neighbor.)

Thanks to you donors they now have two new pots.
(I just received a call from Nehemiah) I had text him earlier this morning questioning why the picture of the Rongo congregation holding the new Bibles only showed 5 members in attendance today. He told me that one of the member’s young daughter (11 years old Jenifer) died this morning of starvation, and most of the brethren went to their home to express their condolences.
The suffering of our impoverished brethren will continue until our Lord and Savior returns and established the Kingdom of God here on this earth, there is no doubt about that. BUT in the mean time let us continue to assist our impoverished brethren (especially the widows and the many orphans) It is the right thing to be doing, and there is much good fruit being produced as we continue working together. And let us not neglect “watching” so we will be “ready” and not taken by surprise at the soon return of our Lord. Remember, He says He will come “quickly”.
I want to end this Update back where I started, concerning the times in which we are living. The time when He will send His two Witnesses to prepare the way for His second coming. Some churches teach that when these two witnesses arrive, the work of the church will be over. Brethren, nothing could be further from the Truth. When the two witnesses arrive on the scene, the work of the church will accelerate into high gear. There is a Hugh work ahead for God’s church, He has His church scattered today for a very important reason.
In Amos 3:7 we are told that our Lord will do “nothing” but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. And in John 16:13 the last night our Lord was on this earth He told His disciples that he was going to send the Spirit of Truth to them, and that it would “guide” them into “all” Truth, and even show them things to come. Well how about these two witnesses of His, who are soon to come on the scene, will He reveal the secret of their identity to us now, before they arise? Will the “Spirit of Truth” who Scripture says will even show us things to come, include informing us of their identity, and what the soon coming work of the church will be? Brethren the answer to that is yes! And it is important for us to realize this, because it will help us to get our High calling back on the front burner of our lives. (Especially now at a time when the anointing of our eyes with that Laodicean eyesalve is so necessary for so many). Revelation 3:17-18
In 2 Timothy 3:16 we are told “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
That word “reproof” means evidence. When we came into God’s church, we opened our Bibles and proved that many of our old beliefs were contrary to the Scriptures. Let us not be afraid to reprove any of our beliefs. We need to be growing in grace and knowledge. We need to be sure we are allowing the Spirit of Truth to be guiding us.
There is a study titled: “I will give power unto my two witnesses” I believe it clearly elaborates with the Scriptures who these two witnesses are, and what the church will soon be deeply involved in as we approach the return of our Lord and Saviour. If interested in the short study, the link is posted below. But please let us realize that we have a God who means what He says, and says what He means, And He does not lie fact is God cannot lie. Let us believe Him, Let us believe the Holy Scriptures.
Link to the study:
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Thank You
Bill Goff