Greetings Brethren,
We want to thank you for the quick response and help you gave to our orphans and widows. We were able to send all of them funds for food (including some tins of maize and beans, and additional ingredients for porridge). They appreciate your help Very much, the food has kept them from starving. (Reports from both Ramula cog and couple of church groups in Bomet area are also reporting of starvation in their villages.) your assistance continues to help our impoverished brethren significantly.
From the recent donations we were also able to pay half the school fees for the children who are returning to High School. The balance for them (and the school fees for those returning to elementary school) will be due by the end of the week. Currently our funds are once again depleted.
The Sengera House children send you their heartfelt thanks.
Manley has now graduated High School, and we are waiting and hoping to hear from the Kenya Government to place him, and also fund his higher education. In Kenya if your grades are high enough, the Government will fund the cost for you to go to University. Manley’s ambition is to become a surgeon, and his grades have been good.
Manley Mochama 18 yrs old
( I received this thank you letter from Manley )
“ Hello, how are you doing? Am humbled and thankful to almighty God.
Am greatful to have this opportunity to converse with you. Have got every reason to thank you for the generosity that you have shown unto me and others here in Kenya ,through this have learnt so much about life experiences from you and that will never be forgotten. All that you have done is heart touching and can never go away from me personally. I could not have come this far if it wasn’t for the hand that God directed you give in for people like me so as to have hope once again that was almost fading away.
Actually, I thank God for his mercies and favor for I did not expect to be in the situation I am today.Glory be to God. God touched your hearts, filled you with Agape love, full of care and concern to those in need, like my case. Through your great support that you have given I have managed to graduate from high school am waiting for the results before the end of this month I have been performing well in the internal examination trials so am hoping and praying to get the very best that will place me in a university. I wish I had that ability to pay all that you have done but I promise not to forget all that you have done to me and other kids, its was not a easy journey but God has really showed the way and his grace to us human beings (proverbs 31:6-8 Its the lord who goes before us he will never leave us or forsake us).
Thanks for sacrificing yourself in order for a person like me to appear the way I am today. Thank you so much for all you are doing to our orphanage Sengera through our Papa Goff.
Always praying for you, our lord God is faithful.
Lastly may the lord God of Abraham Jacob and Isaac bless you and your families.
Manley Obure Mochama.
Matara, Wako, Jane & Truce.
Matara is now 96 years old, strong and doing well thanks to you donors. wako (Brian) is now 19 years old and also doing well with the furniture making business that you have gotten him started in. Jane, Truce and Mokeira (not in the picture, she was fetching water) are also all doing well. They send you their heartfelt thanks for all the love you have given them.
Kelvin and his five young siblings.
Kelvin and his brothers are also doing well. As you can see they are growing, getting big and looking good. The police were troubling them being they are not in school, but the area Chief stepped in to help them. As you know you donors have gotten Kelvin in the sewing business (which is also doing well). The Chief said that being Kelvin is teaching his siblings how to sew, that will suffice for their schooling.
Thomas and his four young siblings.
Thomas and the boys are also doing good. The boys are also learning the sewing business that you donors got Thomas started in. They also send you their heartfelt thanks for the love you have given them. Nehemiah is also doing good, thanks to you donors he not only has his sharpening business started, but is also now a M-Pesa agent. Which will bring him a steady income. M-Pesa is a mobile banking service that allows users to store and transfer money through their mobile phones. M-Pesa was introduced in Kenya as an alternative way for the population of the country to have access to financial services. This is also how we transfer funds to the remote widows, orphans, and other impoverished brethren of ours.

Four NIV Bibles in English & Reading Glasses.
We have been buying Bibles a few at a time. On this particular day we were preparing to travel to the Motumboru church group for Sabbath, they had requested us to visit. We were looking to buy 10 Bibles and bring them with us, but all we could find in the book store that day were the four pictured above. During services I asked for a show of hands to see how many had Bibles. There were no hands raised, not one person in that entire congregation had a Bible. So Bibles are still much in demand by many of our impoverished brethren. I’m going to start a fundraiser for the purchase of additional Bibles.
Motumboru church group
Margaret and her three orphaned grandchildren.
As I’ve mentioned in the past, almost half the population of Kenya is children under 14 years of age, so there are many orphans. We have been assisting Margaret for some time now. When we first met her she had been hit by a car while walking, but her fractured leg was never treated, so she was suffering a lot not only from the pain in her leg, but also from starvation. She also sends her heartfelt thanks and appreciation for you loving care. As you can see, she and the grandchildren are doing well from your assistance.
( I will try to include pictures of more windows and orphans that you have assisting, in the next update )
Guess I better end for now, so let me thank you again for your continued assistance for these widows and orphans. We have been accomplishing much from your donations. The reason our funds are depleted now is due to school reopening, and having to pay the school fees.
May our Heavenly Father bless all of you for your continued prayers and assistance.
Bill Goff