Greetings Brethren,
I arrived in Kenya safe and sound (thank you for your prayers.) Found the children at Sengera House in good health and high spirits. Schools had just closed for the end of the second term, so they were all home. They send you their Highest Greetings.
We kept the Feast of Trumpets with a group just beyond Kenyenya, they were originally WWC. I have known them for many years, but it has been two years since I last visited. They also send you their greetings. David Mokoro (17yr old) traveled there with me, and also interpreted the message into Kwishalli. The congregation shared a meal together of rice and beans for lunch, followed by afternoon services.
As you can see in the pictures below, they have many challenges. Slowly but surely they are constructing a meeting hall out of bricks, and funding the entire project themselves. The construction has been on going for over a year now. What touched me the most was that the children were in need of some clothes (a few had toes sticking out of their worn out shoes.) I wanted to assist them with some funds, but wasn’t able to. If you look close at the picture, you will see their worn out shoes.
Kenyenya Church Children

Slowly but surely the Construction of their meeting hall is moving foreword.
On Sabbath (9/24/2022) we visited the Nyatike church group. They were very excited to see us, and welcomed us with open arms.
Nyatike Church
Their meeting hall is very modest, to say the least, but they are very blessed to have a roof over their head. They are also pressed with a few challenges, the biggest being the need of a new latrine. The old one has a wooden floor which has rotted. A few weeks back the floor caved in and a young girl fell into the pit, but fortunately she survived. They have already dug a new one, but lack the funds for the construction material. I told them We will try to help, but currently not enough funds available.
Current Latrine
Getongo Church
On Sabbath of (9/17/2022) we visited the Getongo Church and were able to supply bibles to the last six brethren who did not have them. We also supplied mosquito nets to five brethren that did not have them.

I found more of our church children in need of shoes, but again our funds are depleted, and even now schools are resuming and we are lacking half the funds for their school fees, and our widows are still struggling to survive on porridge.
Again I ask to please pray for more of our brethren to join hands with us in assisting our impoverished brethren because the need is great. Let us keep “Thy Kingdom Come” at the top of our prayer list because many around this world are suffering.
(I just received word from the Getongo church that another widow has died due to starvation. Her name is Agnus, mother of four young children.)
Again we wish all of you a Spiritual Feast of Tabernacles.
Your Brother in Christ
Bill Goff