Kenya Updates

September 8, 2022

September 8, 2022

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these  are my feasts. (Leviticus 23: 1-2)

Greetings Brethren,

Here we are approaching the Fall Feasts 2022, a time of Holy or Sacred Assembly. How fortunate we are to have our eyes open to the importance of “God’s” Holy Days. We live in a world full of turmoil and darkness, with unimaginable evil increasing on a daily basis. But let us thank our Heavenly Father for calling us out of this evil world and for showing us that there is light at the end of the tunnel for all that trust in Him, and walk in His wonderful ways.

I bring you greetings from your African Brethren. They send you their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all the help you have given them. Our Lord once said: “Blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it”. And in another place He says: “Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble”. Brethren, big trouble is ahead for the inhabitants of this world. But He will deliver each and every one of you who have been answering the cry of our impoverished brethren, and easing their suffering. (In the Greek that word “deliver” means = to escape – to rescue.) This is a very big thing that you are doing, to be helping our suffering brethren, especially the “true” widows and the orphans, at a time when so many have turned their backs on them.

Below please find more pictures of the remote orphans you have been caring for. The first one is of Wako and the three girls that Mzee (old man) Matara has been caring for for many years. When we first learned of their plight, they were not only totally destitute, but 92 year old Matara had been arrested and incrassated for caring for those four orphans. Why? For not notifying the authorities that he was helping them and keeping them alive. You may recall that when Nehemiah went to check on the children after Matara was arrested, he found the three girls sitting outside the house crying and hungry. (They were left alone from the previous day when Matara was taken by the police.) Brian (the oldest at age 13) was inside the house in bed and very sick. Nehemiah brought him to a nearby clinic where he was diagnosed with the fatal bacterial disease of cholera. If it wasn’t for God’s intervention, Wako would have died within a few more hours, and the three young girls, being left alone to care for themselves would have had the same fate. But thanks to you donors we were able to supply the girls with food. And thanks to a wonderful sister in the faith from Texas, we were able to get Matara freed. When we went to find him, we found him hospitalized with pneumonia from sleeping on a cold and dirty cement jail house floor (he was handcuffed to a hospital bed).

Brethren, let me ask a question here: do we realize how fortunate we are to be living in a country like the USA? Here one is innocent until proven guilty. In most of those other countries you are guilty until proven innocent. And when incarcerated here you are well cared for. It’s not quite like that in many other countries (Just ask Haron, he has been jailed numerous times, and never for doing anything bad).  In those jails you are locked in a cell with no furniture, little if anything to eat, no tissue, no soap, no blanket for warmth during the cold nights (often times striped  down to your underwear) And never a dull moment as the other inmates take turns beating up the weaker ones (Haron is little of stature.)

Let us thank God for the light (The Marvelous Bright Light) at the end of the tunnel, and the Facet that this evil age is soon to end (and a Lot Sooner than most realizes). Our Lord is soon coming Brethren, The signs are here. If we can’t see the handwriting on the wall, we better Google Amazon for a quick shipment of that Laodicean Eyesalve and anoint our eyes, because time for repentance and being prepared for our Lord’s return is rapidly running out.

We also have a significant day approaching this coming September 19, 2022. It will be the 24th day of the 6th Month. The anniversary of the day the remnant began the work to rebuild the Temple.

(Read Haggai 1)

The 1st day of the 6th Month was the Sabbath of August 27th.  Monday the 19th of September will be the 24th day of the 6th Month on God’s calendar. It will be exactly one week (7 days) before this year’s Feast of Trumpets which begins on September 26th. I don’t know if there is significance to that seven day period, but seven days before the flood came, Noah was told to enter the ark. And after everyone that God was protecting was on board, the Lord shut the door.

What I do know for a fact is that the hands of Zerubbabel laid the foundation of God’s House; and Scripture says that his hands shall also finish it! And not by might nor by power, but by God’s Spirit shall it be accomplished.

Brethren the midnight cry of Matthew 25 (which is the same cry of Revelation 10) announcing the return of our Lord and Savior is rapidly approaching. Are we amongst those who will be happy when that cry (that alarm) is sounded? Or will we be amongst the foolish virgins who will be found wanting? Many around this world are suffering, and suffering horrendously. Let us pray “Thy Kingdom Come” because this world desperately needs our Lord to return.

Wako (Brian) and the three orphan girls of Matara.

As you can see, they are not destitute anymore. Wako is now 17 years old and the furniture making business that you brethren got him started in is now established and doing well. The last “Update” showed the process of how and where he gets the wood for his business. The picture below shows some of his finished product.

Wako and Clinton staining the bench they just built.

Getare Church Orphans

Itongo Church Orphans

This is the church group where one child died of starvation less than two Months ago, and a second child died just two weeks ago. We are still struggling to help them with food. The problem is there are so many in need of assistance.

As mentioned before, we are caring for a total of 50 church orphans (19 living at Sengera House, 31 living remotely) and 11 “true” widows. We are doing our best in distributing the assistance. And we continue asking for your prayers that we will be better stewards in the service of the Almighty God.  We also thank you for your prayers for protection because this world is a dangerous place; iniquity is abounding more and more. The orphans often tell me that they too are always praying for each and every one of you, for our Heavenly Father to protect you and bless you. (What a pleasure it is to be around children who are so Rich in Faith.)

I will be returning to Kenya today (September 8, 2022) there is much work to be accomplished there, including repairing our vehicle at the orphanage, which is quite worn out from the harsh mud roads of Kenya. I’m not sure if it can be repaired. We have been told by two mechanics that it is not repairable. We have also started a “gofundme” to replace it. After I get it running, we are hoping to sell or trade it in, and add funds from the fundraiser to purchase a new used one.

The CCTV that was required by the authorities to be installed at the orphanage for security has been completed. And the funds we received (earmarked for the FOT) are secure and put to the side. But as usual, our funds again are nearly depleted, and without more help, our impoverished brethren will have a lean Holy Day season.

We wish all of you a very Spiritual and Uplifting Fall Feast. May God Bless and protect all of you during these troublesome times in which we are now living.

Your brother in Christ,

Bill Goff

Please help me fundraise as a team member for a car for the orphanage.

View and join the fundraiser here:

Your brother in Christ,

Bill Goff

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