Kenya Updates

August 12, 2022

Kenya Update

August 12, 2022

“Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.” (Psalm 41:1) “But whoso hath this world’s good, and  seeth  his brother  have need, and shutteth up  his bowels of compassion from  him,  how  dwelleth the love  of God in him?” (1 John 3:17)

Greetings Brethren,

Thank you for your quick response in helping to bring food to our impoverished Brethren. May God bless each and every one of you! As many of you know, another  young girl from the Rongo congregation died from starvation. But thanks to your quick action, the hunger situation was eased. We distributed Maze and Beans to the starving groups. We also distributed Wheat, Cassava, Millet and Sugar to the widows and remote orphans so they could continue making nutritional porridge. Your Brethren are so Very Very thankful to you for helping them during their dire need. The children were also very thankful (and happy) to have food to eat as you will see in the pictures below:

Rongo Group

Nyatike Grou

Kapolecho Group

Nyamaruma Food Distribution

Rongo Congregation

Bett Residence Kembu Village

We distributed to numerous other groups, but I don’t have pictures. Very few of our impoverished brethren have smart phones for taking pictures. But we are doing the best we can to distribute the donated funds properly, concentrating on helping the “true” widows and orphans first. And we pray constantly for our Creator to guide us and lead us with His Spirit in everything we do.

Orphans living at Sengera House Orphanage.

As you can see, our orphans are growing up. Most have been living at Sengera House for many years as you can see and compare the photo below.

Yes Brethren, your donations continue to accomplish much, and to produce much good fruit which glorifies our Heavenly Father. Let us praise and thank Him and our Lord and Savior for all that they are doing.

Now I have something sad to report on and bring to your attention. I’m hoping that you will pray about it, because it’s a very serious matter. A while back I reported that Fred Coulter stepped in and joined hands with us in helping our impoverished brethren, and it was a wonderful thing, we were able to assist more of our suffering brethren by working together. Sad to say, that help came to an abrupt end yesterday. Apparently someone informed Fred that my beliefs differ from some of what he teaches. There are a number of doctrines that not only I, but other members of the Body of Christ differ on, but that shouldn’t stop us from helping our brethren who are suffering and literally starving to death at this time.

Too many pulpits in the church of God are too quick to terminate all relation, and sever ties because of differences in beliefs. Now there are Scriptural instructions concerning this matter, and times when some do need to be dealt with, like in Romans 16:17 where we are told to “Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrines which ye have learned; and avoid them”.

 Let us be sure we understand what the Scripture is saying here: that word “divisions” means disunion, dissension, division, sedition. Sedition means to conduct or speech exciting people to rebel against the authority or a state or monarch, and  division means disagreement between two or more groups producing tension or hostility.

Brethren, I don’t think I fit into that category. We had no hostility or tension, and there was no rebellion against any authority. On the contrary, we were working together quite well. Fred was even sending me all of the contacts he receives from people in various countries on the continent of Africa, and I was checking them out. Even that was working out quite well.

As I said, there was no problem between Fred and I, things were going on quite well. There was no contention or hostility between us, fact is there was much good fruit being produced, especially in assisting our impoverished widows and orphans who have been suffering significantly.

Christian Biblical Church of God joining hands with us in assisting our suffering brethren was a wonderful thing, it was answered prayer. We have been praying for more to join hands with us to help our suffering and starving brethren. Whoever approached Fred, and caused him to stop assisting our suffering brethren should be ashamed of themselves. The sad part is that now more of our brethren will continue to suffer. Please pray that Fred will continue to assist them. Those funds go directly to our starving widows and orphans, no doctrinal issues should come between us in helping our brethren who are literally starving to death at this time. (This attempt to divide us is the work of our arch deceiver.)

When the Good Samaritan came upon the suffering man who fell amongst thieves and was left to die, he didn’t ask which church he attended, or how he counted Pentecost, he just stepped in and helped. Here it is our brethren (our fellow members of the household of faith) who are literally dying right before our eyes. I beg you brethren; let us continue helping them before more of them die.

Our Lord told us that “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend”. Brethren, we are not asking you to lay down your live here, and we are not asking help for just a friend. We are asking help for your suffering and dying Brethren. Please don’t turn you back on them like so many of the so called “leaders” of many of the “churches” of God have done.

And again let me mention here as always that this plea for help is not for those brethren who have already been going above and beyond in helping our impoverished brethren for a long time now. They have already been giving their all. This plea is for others to join hand with us in helping, because the need is great.

In Luke 9:49-50 we are told about a time when the Apostle John himself (the apostle of Love) was turning away from a person that our Lord was working with, and our Lord corrected John, and told him that those who are not against us are for us, or on our part.

This is a time for the true members of the Body of Christ to come together. We need to be sheep, not goats. We need compassion here, we need the most important thing of all, we need to have Love one to another.

Your brother in Christ.

Bill Goff


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