“Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”
Greetings Brethren.
Hope all of you are well, both physically and more importantly Spiritually, as we see the day approaching. And let us thank God that we see that “day” (His return) approaching, because this world is really suffering. This world needs God’s Kingdom to Come. And that involves His church being ready This is a time for us not to forsake our assembling together, but to consider one another, encourage one another, and to provoke one another unto Love and good works. And as the Scripture says we need to be doing this: “All the more” as we see the day (our Lord’s return) approaching.
Troublesome times are upon us, and that trouble is only going to increase until the return of our Lord and Savior. And the sooner that trouble comes the better, because this world desperately needs our Lord to return, with so many suffering, and so many suffering horrendously.
(Hebrews 10:24-25) (Matthew 24:7-8)
Kenya is experiencing extreme drought conditions like its neighbors in the horn of Africa. According to Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS Net) some 3.5 million people are facing severe hunger following the failure of a third consecutive rainfall season in large parts of the country. And according to the Irish humanitarian organization, the devastating drought in Kenya has led to mass livestock deaths and widespread water scarcity.
The majority of our Kenyan brethren are peasant farmers, and their life is rough. Many (and I mean many) are usually in survival mode these days, especially when they have no harvest. You will find no food banks there, but plenty of hunger and starvation. Thank God for the love and compassion of you brethren who have been assisting them, especially for the assistance given to the “true” widows and orphans. Your good works continue to glorify our Heavenly Father. Scripture clearly shows that we are to help our Brethren, especially those of “the household of faith”. We also know that “pure and undefiled religion” is to help the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
In Kenya, almost half of the population is children under the age of 14. Many households are headed by the eldest sibling, as is the case with a number of our brethren like Thomas, Kevin, and Kelvin. All three of these church families are headed by the oldest sibling. And all three families have lost at least one young sibling to starvation in the past year.

Thomas, Kevin and their siblings are doing okay. Nehemiah visited them last week, and also brought another teaching. We have also been assisting them with food, but they are close to harvesting some crops. Yes, thanks to your assistance, they were able to plant a nice garden with Corn, Kale, and other vegetables, and even “napier grass” for cows (which they can sell to make their living.) They sent me this picture, and they hope to harvest in another few weeks.

We reported on this remote cog group in our December 10, 2021 Update. Let me tell you where these brethren of ours are located, so you will have an idea of their environment. (Most of you have visited their area numerous times over the past years.) Yes, these brethren live along the banks of the “Mara River” there in Kenya. If you float down this River you will soon find yourself passing though the “Serengeti” In Tanzania. Most of you are familiar with that area after watching so many of those “National Geographic” pictures, films, and documentaries, showing the “Great Wildebeest Migration” where over two million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles move through the Serengeti and Masai Mara in search of green pastures. But green pastures don’t come easy. As they cross the river, the Crocodiles do their feasting.
Our God has called many in all parts of the world, including these brethren who live deep in the bush. And He has His church scattered for a very important reason. Let us remember Scripture describes the coming “two witnesses” as two “olive trees” and two “candlesticks” (Revelation 11:4) Trees represent men in the Scriptures, and as Scripture tells us there will be two men witnessing to the world during the coming Great Tribulation. But what about those two candlesticks? Candlesticks always represent the church in Scripture.
Soon the church will be quite busy, as this evil world is powerfully called to repentance by God’s two men, His two witnesses who will have the Power to shut the rain, turn water into blood, and smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. WWC always taught that the church goes into hiding (with protection) during that time. But I believe Scripture shows a different picture, a picture of His scattered church being protected, but being protected where they are, as they also will be busy witnessing, and helping the people all around this world to understand what is happening as the Great Tribulation comes upon us. Our “lights” will be needed to shine more at that time than ever, because it will be a time of much confusion for the world, with not only God’s two witnesses addressing the entire world, but also the man of sin and the false prophet performing those lying wonders.
We (His church) are also called His witnesses, and with His church scattered, we will be able to help this world better understand what the two witnesses are saying and doing, that God is requesting/requiring repentance. God does everything decently and orderly. His scattered church will be able to make clear to those in their geographical area, in their vernacular what God is doing. And if He requires all that repent during the Great Tribulation to be baptized, His two witnesses are going to need help in doing that too. Anyway, let this be food for thought.
There is nothing here to worry about as long as we do our part of coming out of this world, keeping ourselves unspotted from it, and doing all things that are pleasing in His sight. And yes, having that “Agape” love of the Philadelphians. But let us use caution here because during these end time, many of us in God’s church may qualify more as Laodiceans than Philadelphians. I believe that the Laodiceans will also be witnessing during the Tribulation, but they will not be protected according to (Matthew 25:9)
Pictured below is the Kalenjin church. Benjamin Bett visited this group on Sabbath June 11, 2022.

The Kalejin people of Kenya had a role in defending Egypt up to the time of Herodotus. Even the Bible confirms the presence of the Sebei (Kalenjin) Job 1:15 Ezekiel also wrote about the Kalenjin (Sabeans) Ezekiel 23:42 “And a voice of a multitude being at ease was with her: and with the men of the common sort were brought Sabeans (Kalenjin) from the wilderness, which put bracelets upon their hands, and beautiful crowns upon their heads.”
The exciting thing is that these people are so on fire and receptive for Biblical Truth. They also requested some Bibles. Currently (as most remote groups in Kenya.) they have but one Bible amongst them, and of course it’s worn out.
Now let me do some updating on the Sengera House Orphanage, Nehemiah writes:
“I have received the following from the teacher at my former High School. They continue to be so excited over the Scriptural teachings they are learning from our Bible studies. The teacher writes this: “Thanks very much for the wonderful studies that we have received from you. The words that I have read from these studies and the Bible are the same, it’s really good to see young people like you Nehemiah know more about the word of God and helping us to learn from the Scriptures. After presenting this current study to the kids (and the staff teachers) I will inform you what they will say.” Thank you for the addition Bible too. I think now all our teachers have own Bible.”
(End of quote from Nehemiah’s teachers’ letter.)
Nehemiah continues to bring the school Bible teachings each week, and the whole school and staff are hearing and liking them. God has opened many doors for the gospel to spread there in E. Africa. Nehemiah has been giving the Friday night Bible study at the orphanage. Then on Mondays he gives the same study at his High School. At first he was giving it to a couple of his friends, and then other students and some teachers also began to listen. They all liked what they were learning from the Scriptures. One teacher spoke up and asked Nehemiah which church he belongs to? He quickly answered and said: “The Church of God” The teacher responded: “Church of God knows the Bible better that anyone”. Next the Principal began listening, and he liked the studies so much he called assemblies
Numerous times and had Nehemiah give the study to the entire school (including all staff.)
Pictured below is the border widow Agnes’ house that you donors rebuilt for her after their old mud house fell down in a storm. She and her five children attend the Border congregation. (The father died of starvation.) They send you their heartfelt thanks for helping them, not only with the house, but also with food. Agnes is one of the widow/orphan families we have been supplying the ingredients to make nutritional porridge. We have also been supplying all our remote widows and orphans with Bible lessons. For the children we have been printing and distributing the old WWC “Youth Bible Lessons”. (And they all love them.)

These two boys just graduated 8th grade, but they did not do well academically. So instead of sending them on to High School (which by the way is very expensive) we are paying a local carpentry and welding shop to teach them the trade. We have had success in the past doing this, like in the case of Wako (Brian) he started 1st year of High School, but was failing in his grades. So we took him out of HS, and had him trained by a local carpenter. Wako learned fast, he had the talent and ability for that particular trade. He now has his own shop, and he is doing good making furniture.
(You can see his shop if you scroll down and look at previous updates.)
Yes, your donations are helping these orphans a lot. They have been growing up in a good environment. They are eating, and clothed. (Far from the destitute conditions they were previously in after their parents died.) And most importantly they are learning the Scriptures, learning God’s ways, and the importance of having good morals.
They thank all of you who have been helping them, from the bottom of their hearts. They appreciate the help you have been giving them. And remember, there are 19 living at Sengera House, and another 21 church orphans living in the bush, that totals 40 orphans in all that we are assisting in their time of need. And we have also been assisting 11 “true” widows.
There are many you are helping, and please don’t get “Weary in well doing”.
(Galatians 6:9-10) And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Galatians 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
These brethren we are helping are of the “House Hold of Faith”. They are our poor brethren, the ones who are Rich in Faith, the ones God has chosen, the ones who love Him and keep His commandments.
(James 2:5) Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
We thank you brethren for your prayers also, especially for praying for more “laborers”. As our Lord said: “Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laboures into His harvest.”
Again this past Month we have helped many who are suffering, and much good fruit Hs been produced, but once again our funds are depleted. So we continue to pray for others to join hands with us in helping our impoverished brethren (especially the Widows and Orphans.) And please remember to send (if possible) any unused Bibles. We can buy Bibles there for around $10. each. But the ones that you donate are usually much better, with references, and even sometimes maps in the back. Let me also mention that hard cover Bibles are preferred because soft cover ones don’t last long in their harsh environment, and there are weight restrictions for flying.
Thank You Brethren, May God bless each and every one of you for helping these poor brethren of ours.
Your brother in Christ.
Bill Goff
(If you have questions or want to discuss, please feel free to call anytime.)
Phone: 843-447-0140
E-mail: goffb50@aol.com
Website: khofh.org