Kenya Updates

May 28, 2022

“Ye shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two tenth deals: they shall be of fine flour; they shall be baken with leaven; they are the firstfruits unto the LORD.” “And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the firstfruits for a wave offering before the LORD.”   (Leviticus 23:17) (Leviticus 23:20)


Greetings Brethren.

Hope all is going well with each and every one of you. How fortunate we are to be living at a time when Prophesy is alive and on the move. This evil age is finally coming to a close and the sooner the better, because many around this world are suffering, and many are suffering horrendously.

Our Feast, the Feast of First Fruits, Pentecost, is rapidly approaching. Those wave loaves that were made with fine flour and baked with leaven represent us (the church). If we had been there with ancient Israel, we would have seen the Priest wave those loaves high over his heads, why? Because it pictured something that would eventually take place up in heaven, not down here on this earth.

The waving of those wave loaves on the “last day” the day of “Pentecost” pictures the first resurrection, when we will be standing (yes standing) with our Lord up on the Sea of Glass. Afterwards we will be returning with our Lord to this earth on Trumpets, when He (along with His Saints) will annihilate the soon coming Beast power, and then His feet will be touching down on the Mount of Olives and it will cleave in two.  (Revelation 17:14) (Zechariah 14:3-4)

Yes, we (His church) will be with Him when He returns to this earth, pictured by the Feast of Trumpets. But before we (His church) can return with Him, we have to get up there first! And that will happen on our day, the last day, the day of Pentecost.
(John 6:39) (John 6:40) (John 6:44) (John 6:54)

Yes, the resurrection of the first fruits will be on our day, the last day of the count, the day of Pentecost. Even Martha knew about the resurrection being on the last day. (John 11:24)

Yes Brethren, prophesy is on the move, and the fulfilling of the day of Pentecost is soon coming. But for now let us continue to move forward with the important work our Lord has given us to do. His church was given the commission to preach the Gospel to the world, to feed the flock “which is among you”, and last but definitely not least, we were told to practice that pure religion of helping our suffering widows and orphans (and there are many of them all around this world).

Let us also remember that practicing “pure religion and undefiled before God the Father” doesn’t end with assisting the widows and orphans; we are also told to be keeping ourselves “unspotted from the world.” We have to be walking upright.  (James 1:27)

Once again we want to thank you for your prayers and financial support. Our orphans and widows are continuing to be assisted. You donors are helping them soooo much. As I often mention “the need is great, but the workers are few.” But God provides. Some around our villages continue to die from starvation, but we have not lost one orphan or one true widow to starvation in Months now.

Please continue to pray for us (all of us) to be better stewards, to become wiser and more knowledgeable of our Lord (we need His mind to be in us). And let us pray for humility, and that everything we do is pleasing in His sight.

The children living at Sengera House are home for one week during midterm break. They send you their Highest Greeting.


Our orphans are not lazy, after returning home from boarding school yesterday; they went right to the garden to dig. They’re growing maze (corn) Beans, Kale, and other African vegetables. Two of our local widows are in charge, as they teach the children how to dig, plant, and harvest.

Working in the Garden.

Received the following letter from Manley Mochama:


Greetings from Kenya, am Manley Mochama 17 years old living in Sengera House under the care of Pastor Bill Goff.

I will like to take this moment thank God for the gift of life that he has given me, and my sister Jemima and you.  How will I start I don’t know, but I don’t have the right words to show. To start with I want to thank you for the support you are giving to us. I don’t know if thanks would be enough to value what you have done for us.  A heartfelt thank you!

We will remain indebted to you for all our life. Your unconditional and selfless love has made me so strong it’s truly a blessing having wonderful people like you.

I have failed so many times in life, I almost gave up but taking an inspiration from you, I always looked ahead in life, since there are people like you who want us to be successful despite challenges of having no parents. For your thoughtfulness and generosity, from you I have learned much of life’s philosophy. Your warm hospitality touches me. Thanks for being so kind. I will forever remember this amazing hospitality. The most exclusive and nonparallel thing in my life is you.

The two pictures below reflect how good your hearts have been to us…when we needed help then you came in and through you we are able to see how our good lord loves us that he was with us in all that we passed through and what we are passing through, such great life transformation from staying on the streets with no food, shelter and clothing.. But then God opened a way and touched you that you responded to our needs. May God bless you and your families.
(Philippians 4:6) (Deuteronomy 31:6,8)

Thank you so much for the support you give to us and we love you..

May God bless you for every good you do to us.”

When Jemima and I first arrived at Sengera House..

(End of letter from Manley.)

Sabbath Morning Bible Study

We normally have Bible study every Friday night at the orphanage, and it’s usually given by Nehemiah. Manley also assists in giving Bible studies.  This picture was taken Sabbath morning May 28, 2022. That’s Manley giving the study.

I received the following letter from Widow Margaret Moraa who is caring for her two orphaned grandchildren:

“Receive warm greetings from Margaret Moraa one of the widows from Ogembo, I want to take this humble moment to thank you donors for the great work that you have been doing to us here in Kenya. Life had become so difficult but thank to you now I’m glad due to we have a house to sleep and as well we have good healthy from the porridge stuff that you have been supporting us and a garden to plant, in about few weeks I will try to harvest some Maize from the garden. God has saved us by you. I’m really always for you donors for the tremendous work that you are doing here of supporting us. We are always praying Our Almighty God to give you donors good healthy and stay blessed always.

You’re sincerely


Widow Margaret and her orphan grandson Nickson.

I first met Margaret a few years back at the Feast of Tabernacles. It was the “Last Great Day” and after services we had a treat for our elderly. We gathered them together and gave each one a loaf of sliced bread and a bottle of soda. This was a real treat for them; our impoverished brethren love sliced bread, its sweet. (But they can’t afford the cost.) And everyone loves soda, but that’s another “luxury” to them.

So there we were eating, and drinking our soda, but I had no clue what was about to happen next. All the widows’ (one by one) stood up and gave a testimony about how Kenya Hands of Hope (you donors) had helped them when they were so very much in need. That thanks goes to you donors (you brethren) who have been assisting them. You have given them so much help, so much Love. And your good works have been (and continue to) glorifying our Heavenly Father.

(If you scroll down on our “Update Page” it documents the works we have been involved in over there in Kenya and Tanzania, including this luncheon, and with pictures. The updates go back for many years.)

Margaret was not one of the elderly that day, but she was invited to the luncheon because she was a young widow with children and in dire need of help, she was really suffering, even living on the street for a time. As you can see in the picture above, and from her thank you letter, that you have helped her so much.  Yes, you have helped so many of our “true” widows and orphans, and many of our other poor brethren living in that impoverished 3rd world country. And as our Lord said: “you will have the poor with you always.” So let us continue to assist them, especially now as their gardens await harvest.

Nehemiah informed me today that most of the families that we have been assisting hope to harvest their gardens in the next Month or so. Yes, you have been helping them to fish for themselves. Kelvin and his siblings are busy with his sewing business that you enabled him to start, and farming. Same with Thomas, and Kevin and their siblings, they are also sewing and farming, Wako (Brian) is busy with his own carpentry business. All this good fruit is due to you assisting them. But as they wait for their gardens to harvest, they are surviving on the nutritional porridge that you have been supplying them. But once again our funds are depleted at this time. And please understand that no one there (or here) is living or doing anything extravagant. And no one is on any kind of payroll; all the funds reach our brethren, and we still are helping according to priority because the need is so great over there.

Now concerning finances let me mention something here because I think it’s important for others to know, especially when we have true members of the “House Hold of Faith” living in many of these 3rd world countries who continue to suffer, and need our help. We have reached out over the years for help, especially for the cry of our widows and orphans. Most of the brethren who have jumped right in and helped are poor themselves. And there are a few small cog groups who also jumped right in to help as soon as they learned of the need. But until just recently, none of the larger cog incorporations that we reached out to (the ones with many many Thousands to Millions in their bank accounts) responded favorable, but instead turned their backs to us. And worse than that, they even denied their congregations knowledge of the suffering of their impoverished brethren. You can read about them in:  (3 John 1:9-10)

But there is one of the large cog groups (Fred Coulter – Christian Biblical cog) that has not only stepped in to help assist our impoverished brethren, but has also informed me that next Month in his Monthly letter, he will inform all that are on his mailing list of the cry for help of our impoverished brethren. Praise God for that because not only is there still much physical need of our impoverished brethren, but also a great thirst amongst those brethren for Spiritual food too. We continue to visit many small cog groups scattered around parts of Kenya and Tanzania, to encourage them, and we also continue to supply many with Bibles.

Brethren let us not be fooled by some men who are against us. Let us distinguish true brethren by their fruits, and by whether they are “for us” or “against us.” As we are told by our Lord in (Mark 9:40) and
(Luke 9:50)

Let us also realize that the work of the church is not over. Many are still being called by the Father. Why? Because many who were bidden by our Heavenly Father Himself, have asked to be excused. Some are too busy (to content) with this present evil age. So He tells us to go out to the highways, byways, and hedges and bid more to come to the wedding.   (Matthew 22:8-9) (Luke 14:23-24)

I have more to report on concerning some of the remote cog groups, and will do so soon. But for now I think I better end here, hoping to get this update posted ASAP. So let me once again say thank you for continuing to help our impoverished brethren. You are impacting their lives and easing their suffering a lot.

We also wish all of you a very inspiring, and uplifting Feast of Pentecost.

Your bother in Christ

Bill Goff


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