Kenya Updates

7 May 2022

(1 Peter 2:13-15) NIV “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake toevery human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.”

In Kenya it is mandatory to have the children you are caring for in school. The Government places them in schools according to the results of aptitude testing they have previously been given. And there have been good fruits produced as a result of our orphans being in school. Nehemiah for instance, after giving the Friday night Bible studies each week at the orphanage, he began bringing the studies to his High School on Mondays, for few years now. At first he just gave the study to some of his friends. And they were quite interested in what they were learning from the Scriptures.  Soon after (as some of your already know) the teachers began listening to the studies, and they also were quite interested, (quite impressed to say the least) with what they were learning from the Scriptures.  Soon after that, the Principal began listening, and he liked the teachings so much, that he called a school assembly numeroutimes and had Nehemiah give the studies to the entire school, both students and staff. Some of whom have began attending with us on Sabbath.

And now that Nehemiah is out of school (after graduating 12th grade) the school is still thirsting for more Scriptural teachings. A teacher contacted him this week, asking for more studies, and one additional Bible. (Other teachers already have Bibles thanks to you donors.)

In Kenya, the Bible is taught in the classroom. So it’s wonderful to see these school teachers learning Scriptural Truth, so they can teach Truth instead of mainstream error to their students. Yes, Good Fruits being produced.

What’s happening in Kenya, what you donors have been supporting, continues to produce more fruit, and good fruit. Many impoverished widows and orphans are being helped in their afflictions thanks to your support. And the good Fruit doesn’t end there with the physical needs, there is also Spiritual Fruits being produced. The Gospel is being taught, and our Heavenly Father is still “calling” people. He has NOT yet filled His house for the Great Supper that He has prepared. Yes, the “calling” is still in ongoing, and people even today (like many Kenyans) are on fire for the “Truth” they are learning. (Just like we were on fire when first called.)

This is a good time to remember what the problem was (and still is today) concerning the filling of the Father’s Banquet Hall with guest. Why are there still empty seats, especially now, when the signs of the times should muster all of us to action, to say the least, with the Marriage of the church rapidly approaching! The problem has remained the same concerning the filling of the house with those bidden, the problem is that many that were called became too busy with the cares of this life, and asked to be excused. Brethren our calling is too precious to put on the back burner. The Awesome opportunity we have been given to be a disciple of our Lord and Savor requires everything. Let us not let the cares of this world, this evil world distract us from our High calling.

This work our Lord has us involved there in Kenya is a good work. Much is being accomplished thanks to the support of you donors. Not only the proper physical assistance given to these widows and orphans in their sufferings, but also Spiritual guidance, Spiritual food. Including the proper mindset being taught to these young orphans we are caring for.  When we Bible Study, we interact a lot, and in doing so shows us that the knowledge of Truth continues to increase amongst the children. Our teaching to the children is the same teaching to all, to Love one another by Loving our Creator, by keeping His commandments, and learning from Him, by studying and searching Scriptures so we can properly worship Him in “Spirit” and in “Truth” and practicing that Truth by walking in it.

As previously mentioned, thanks to you donors, all the school fees are paid, and two widows who’s old mud houses washed away from heavy rain, have now been rebuilt. Thank you for your quick response to the plea for help. (Pictures of their houses are forthcoming.)

My hope now is that no one becomes weary in well doing, like mentioned in (Galatians 6:9-10“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Gal 6:10  As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

The impoverished brethren we are assisting are true members of the household of faith. And they are very much appreciative for your help. Please continue to assist them. I hope my reporting sheds light on how much your love, prayers, and support has helped them.

Francis, Maureen, Anita and Rebecca preparing for school.

Thanks to you donors they are headed off to boarding School, as these four start their first year of High School.

Maureen and Anita arriving at School
These eight (and a few more) are attending local Grammar School.

Now before I end this update and try to get it posted, there is one more thing I feel needs to be mentioned. It pertains to a controversial issue that is hanging over the heads of all the members of God’s church.  Yet, most in the cog don’t even know exists. There are two sides to this important issue. We have posted an article that clearly defines them. The link is posted at the bottom of this update.

Your brother in Christ.

Bill Goff


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