Leviticus 23:5 In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD’S Passover.
Leviticus 23:6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread.
Greetings Brethren, Yes, the Spring Holy Days are rapidly approach. All the orphans and widows wish all of you a very Uplifting and Spiritual Passover/Unleavened Bread. May our Heavenly Father and our Elder Brother bless all of you abundantly for all the help you have given our impoverished brethren.
I finally have opportunity to give another Kenya update, and it’s good news. Thanks to your compassionate hearts, all the widows and orphans, both inside the Sengera camp, and outside, are eating and doing well. They send you their heartfelt thanks for assisting them, and for all your kindness and Love.
We also have enough funds currently to assist all the church groups with food and supplies for the upcoming Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread. We thank you donors from the bottom of our heart for the help you have continued to give them. And we have some new donors (which I want to thank here) for joining hands with us in the good work we are involved in. Now we can do even better job of assisting those impoverished brethren who suffer so much. Praise God for adding more laborers to the field.
We thank God above all, for always providing for everything needed, And we also thank all of you, the ones He is working though, who have been caring for the widows and orphans. Yes, all of us working together under the direction of our Lord and Savior, continues to produce much good fruit. When looking to Him for direction, and to lead us, much is accomplish.
So let us strive to move forward with the same continual prayer, asking God to help us to become better stewards, and to help us to become humble, and to become more Spiritual, to move forward according to His good ways, not our old wrong ways”. And most importantly, let us pray: “Thy Kingdom Come” because so many around this world are suffering, many horrendously.

This is some of our orphans living Sengera House. Currently we have 19 children, 9 boys and 10 girls in our camp. (Most have lived Sengera House their entire young lives.) Then outside the camp we are assisting 21 other church orphans, and 11 “true” widows living remotely around Kenya, many living in what we call the “bush”.
Schools have now closed in Kenya, as the end of the 3rd and final term of the year concludes. So all will be home for the upcoming Passover, and most brethren (including the remote groups) will stay together and congregate for the entire seven days of the Feast as they usually do. As you know, this is a very Spiritual and uplifting time for those who are rich in Faith.

We try to serve a good nutritional meal including beans and Kale at Sengera Camp after services each Sabbath. There is also a video I’m hoping to attach showing some of them eating.

Matara is dressed nicely thanks to your assistance. He is now 95 years old, and continues to care for his five orphans, one boy (Wako) and four young girls. But Wako is 17 yrs old now, and thanks to your donations he was taught carpentry by a retired craftsman who builds furniture. He now has his own shop, and is making furniture, and now helping to support Matara and the girls.
We (KHofH) also continue to help support them. So thanks to you donors, much of the pain and suffering has eased significantly for this loving church family. Our Father has answered their cry for help though you donors and they appreciate it Very much. At the same time you can surely see the suffering Matara continues to endure, from the expression on his face in the picture above. As many of you know, Matara has been arrested in the past for caring orphans. And since then he has had to hide numerous times to keep from being arrested again. Why, because we now life in a world where doing good is called bad, and bad behavior is accepted as good. Even just recently we were reminded that it’s illegal to assist widows and orphans without the proper approval. My reply was (as Peter and John said) “Are we to hearken unto you or unto God?”

Kelvin is also busy, not only sewing, but also teaching one of his younger siblings (and also Kevin from Thomas’ camp) how to sew. Yes, we are trying our best to teach all these orphans how to fish, and to become self supportive.

This picture was taken during the Feast of Tabernacles a number of years ago. It was the first time the children from the Sengera congregation even experienced a swimming pool. Everyone loved it, especially those pictured here in the kiddy pool.
Let me end for now. Again we wish all of you a very Spiritual Passover. May God be with all of you, and put a hedge of protection around you for all your good works that are glorifying Him.
Your brother in Christ.
Bill Goff
P.S. Here is a link to this week’s Bible Study titled: “Spirit of Antichrist”
Web site: khofh.org
E-mail: Goffb50@aol.com
Phone: +1 843-447-0140