Kenya Updates

January 22, 2022

Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”

What an awesome promise, to have our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son make their abode in us.  And all we have to do is Love Him by keeping His commandments.

Greetings Brethren,

We are very happy to inform you that all the children living at Sengera House are back in school and doing well thanks to you donors.  This is their 3rd and final term which will end April 1st.  All the children send you their heartfelt thanks for all the support you have given them.  Some donors have questioned why we sometimes struggle to meet all the financial needs of the orphans and widows.  Please be aware there are 19 children living at Sengera House.  We (KHofH) are also caring for an additional 21 church orphans living outside Sengera in remote villages scattered around Kenya, and 11 “true” church widows.  Without the support you have been giving them, these widows and orphans would be totally destitute.

Our goal is to try and teach each child some kind of trade so they can become self supportive after they finish school.  As you can see in the pictures below.  All the children are quite happy and growing up in a wonderful Godly environment.

Rebecca, Naomi and Faith busy crocheting
Timothy and Mokoro repairing a broken railing.
The girls are preparing supper with kale picked from the garden
We took a break during Bible study and watched a short film on the many fish of the sea. This led us into the next study in Leviticus 11 concerning clean and unclean.
This swing set as many of you know was built by the orphans themselves back in 2016. It’s still working just fine and gets a workout every day. This picture was taken two weeks ago.
The boys back then were sanding the pipes for the swing set in preparation for painting. Yes, these children have had a lot of hands on experience in construction and trades.
Thomas and siblings.

Kevin is not in the picture.  He was fetching water when I visited them.  The only access to water is from a pond 2 ½ Kilometers away (that’s just over 1 ½ miles to walk each way, 3 miles round trip) It’s a bit hard for us to comprehend having to walk so far and carry every drop of water back home for cooking, washing, clothes, bathing, and drinking.  But no one is complaining.  On the contrary, all I hear from our impoverished brethren is to tell you donor’s thank you for all your love.  They thank God for you every day of their lives.

Brethren the work we are involved in here in Kenya is a good work, which has not only benefited many orphans and widows, but also many of our impoverished Brethren living in that 3rd world country.  We are connected to over 20 remote cog groups scattered around Kenya & Tanzania, and have supplied them with Bibles, assistance when needed, encouragement, and more thanks to you donors.  So please forgive me if I’m asking often for help.  Not one penny donated is wasted, and the funds have accomplished much.  The problem is that the need is great, but the workers are few.

Let me end with one more thing, it’s about how we need prayers more than anything else.  Haron suffers much as administrator of the orphanage.  If anything goes wrong, (and I mean anything) Haron is immediately arrested.  In that country one is guilty until proven innocent.  Haron has been arrested more times than I can remember, and never for doing anything bad.  The last time he was in jail he was tortured.  One of the guards for some unknown reason decided to handcuff Haron to a window with his hand held high up over his head.   He spent the entire night standing like that, unable to sit or lie down.  By morning the skin on his wrist was cutting open, it was terrible.  As you know Haron is also suffering from Leukemia.

Kenya is a rough country, even Kelvin was recently arrested.  He was working in his garden and accidentally cut the leg of someone next to him with his ponga (machete) He was arrested and spent 4 nights in jail.  After being released he needed to be hospitalized due to the severe beating he received while incarcerated.  We didn’t have the funds, so he just went home, his young siblings tended to him.

So Brethren please pray for the work God has us involved in, and most of all let us pray “Thy Kingdom Come” because this worlds horrific troubles will not end until our Lord returns.

Your brother in Christ.

Bill Goff

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