Kenya Updates

December 10, 2021

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose”    (Romans 8:28)

Greetings Brethren,

First let me thank those of you who responded to our cry for help, we were able to get those funds right out to all the remote widows and orphans. Also, thanks to your donations, we were able to comply with the school demands (both Elementary School and High School) for the additional books they were requesting, and the additional funds needed as we began second term, including various school activities. All the children at Sengera House are doing well, and send you their appreciation for continuing to assist them.

Nehemiah (our eldest orphan living Sengera House) as many of you know stays quite busy keeping in touch with the widows and remote orphans. He is the one who they communicate with as we keep them supplied with the funds needed to purchase the ingredients for the nutritional porridge they make. Porridge ingredients are still all we can afford to supply them with at this time, but they are quite thankful and happy, because that nutritional porridge is keeping them from starving. We also supply them with other needs that arise, including seeds for their gardens, and much more. As the Scriptures say, we are to help widows and orphans in their “affliction” or troubles.    (James 1:27)

On Tuesday Nehemiah asked his Principal if it would be okay to leave school early because we were behind in distributing the funds that had just come in. The Principals response was quite uplifting. He told Nehemiah Yes, it would be okay, but requested him to return with more Bible studies, and more Bibles. You see on Monday’s, Nehemiah has been giving the High School the previous Friday night Bible study that he gave at the orphanage. And they like those studies a lot. As mentioned before, one teacher asked Nehemiah “which church do you belong to Nehemiah?” his reply was: “the Church of God” The teacher replied: “church of God knows the Bible better than anyone”. On numerous occasions the Principal was so moved by the teachings, that he had the whole school come to assembly and had Nehemiah repeat the study to all students and staff.

(If you want a taste of the Bible studies we have been presenting, the link of this week’s study is at the bottom of this update.)

Nehemiah purchasing Bibles for his school.

The school had previously requested 35 Bibles, some for the teachers, and others for some of the students. We previously had given those 5, and now he brought them 10 more. We continue to distribute Bibles to the many who request, as you will see further on in this update.

Haron (The Sengera House Overseer) continues to stay quite busy coordination with the various schools that our orphans are attending, and keeping up with the administrative work for the orphanage. Haron is also enduring Leukemia. So please keep him in your prayers because our Creator has not chosen to heal him from that ailment at this time. Being in the position of administrator, every time the authorities find any discrepancy at the orphanage, Haron is the one who is immediately arrested. In that Country you are guilty until proven innocent. I lost count of the number of times that Haron has been arrested over the years. Even though we have rescued these orphans from horrible conditions of starving and being destitute after their parents died, we are often looked upon as the enemy.

Benjamin Bett has also been busy, he returned to the Trans Mara congregation to bring them additional teachings, and more of the Bibles they requested. Trans Mara has approximately 75 brethren in attendance. They are very appreciative for the assistance you donors have given them in providing them new Bibles. As you can see in the picture below, the few Bibles they had were quite worn out to say the least.

Benjamin distributing Bibles in both English and Kalenjin.
The Brethren are very appreciative for the additional new Bibles
Trans Mara meeting hall under construction.

Slowly but surely they are building “shade” for assembling on Sabbath. We (KHofH) have helped many of our impoverished congregations build shade. Previously many groups were meeting under trees on Sabbath in order to escape the hot sun. Kenya is on the equator and quite tropical. (Very hot.)

Nehemiah purchasing oil, Rice and Beans

I just heard from Nehemiah, he told me he was visited at school by the local Priest. The Priest said he heard that a young man was teaching the Bible to the students at school, and asked Nehemiah if that was him? Nehemiah replied “yes, that’s me.” The Priest asked him if he was trying to switch them from Sunday to Sabbath? He replied, no, he told the Priest that which day one observes is personal choice, and that he was only showing them the Scriptures that pertain to the subject. The Priest was satisfied with his answer and left. But I’m sure as time goes on, there will be persecution over this issue. But that’s okay, if we are not being persecuted; we are probably not living properly, because Scripture says that: “All that live godly in Christ shall suffer persecution”.    (2nd Timothy 3:12)

Brethren, please keep us in your prayers, as we too will be praying for you. The work we are involved in is a good one. We are assisting approximately 46 church orphans. If it wasn’t for your compassionate hearts these orphans would continue to suffer horrendously. We (KHofH) are also caring 12 “true” church widows. They too would be destitute if it weren’t for the Agape Love that you donors possess and share. We praise our Heavenly Father, your good works continue to glorify Him.

Also, concerning pure religion, James continues to say in that verse previously quoted, aside from helping the widows and orphans, we are to: “keep ourselves unspotted from the world.” We are well aware on the importance of that, and we also spend much time teaching those important Biblical Truths to the children.

William P Goff (Bill)

Phone: +1-843-447-0140


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