Kenya Updates

November 21, 2021

Greetings Brethren,

Greetings to you from your Sengera House children, they send you their heartfelt Love and Appreciation.  The Schools have closed once again (It’s now midterm) so all the children are home for short break. They are all doing well, and happy to have some time off from school.

As you can see in the picture below (taken Sabbath 11/20/2021) they are growing up fast.

Sengera House Orphans


This picture taken two years ago

These children are so innocent, so loving, and so kind. Thanks to you donors they are having a wonderful childhood. They are no longer starving, no longer suffering from poverty and neglect like they were before arriving at Sengera House.  And it is not just these living at Sengera House that you donors have been assisting; some of them have a sibling living with a Grandparent back in the bush where they came from.

Thanks to you donors we have also been assisting those other siblings and widows with food, clothing, and most importantly with Spiritual nourishment.  We provide all the children with the old WWC “Youth Bible Lessons” and they love them. Kenyan’s (like all living in 3rd world country poverty) have lots of faith, and love learning truth from the Scriptures.

There is also much participation during our Friday night Bible studies, with a lot of interaction. During one Bible study concerning the subject of death, and that no one has gone to heaven but the Son of Man, Anita (who is usually quite shy) spoke up and asked: “what about Elijah and his flaming chariot ride to heaven?” What a wonderful question which showed she knows her Bible. We answered her by elaborating on the Hebrew having three words for heaven, one being the “first” heaven.

Yes, with us working together under the leadership of our Lord and Savior, much is being accomplished in the work He has us involved in. It is my face that the Kenyans often see, but I always remind them that I’m only one of the spokes in the wheel, and that it is the compassionate hearts of you donors who our Heavenly Father has blessed them with that deserve the thank you. It is your good works that are glorfying Him.

There is also much on the children’s agenda while home from school. They have already asked to purchase more kale and some other seeds for planting. They love to work in the garden.

These children no sooner got home from school, headed for the garden without even being asked. How encouraging to see their enthusiasm.

I also will be returning to Kenya because there is much to do there. I hope to continue visiting the many cog groups scattered around the Country to bring them encouragement.

Encouragement is Much needed by all of us nowadays, as this current dying world come to a close. I know I just returned from Kenya recently (I had to check on my wife Marie, who had been recovering from both a back and hip operation.) She is doing quite well, and we thank you for your prayers. Also let me mention that my travels to Kenya have been paid for with my own funds, not KHofH funds. Accept last trip I was short funds, but Fred Coulter was kind enough to help. Also, just as a reminder, No one here is on any payroll. All the funds donated to help our impoverished church orphans and “true” widows, reach the target. And we do continue asking for your continued prayers, not only for our safety, but for us to become humble, and to be better stewards in the service of our Lord.

I just received word from Rabecca Miangi (A long time church family living near the Somalia border, a dangerous place to live.) She is requesting food help. Many in her area are starving due to severe drought and continued plague of the Dessert Locust. All of our brethren living in E. Africa are suffering from food shortage.  As always, we distribute funds according to priority. But the need is great, and the laborers are few. Let us remember also to pray (as our Lord requested) for more of our brethren to join hands with us to ease the suffering of our impoverished brethren, and to bring the true Gospel to this dying world. Please don’t think any donation is too small, our Heavenly Father is very good at stretching the funds received. The schools will also be looking for funds as the orphans return later this week to begin their second term.

May God bless all of you.

Your brother in Christ,

Bill Goff

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