Kenya Updates

November 6, 2021

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9 KJV)

Repentance, a subject that is sometimes not fully comprehended in the church of God, yet crucial for our salvation. First Peter is addressing problems from the outside, but Second Peter is addressing problems that are within the cog today.

Greetings Brethren,

I just returned from a successful trip to Kenya, and have much to report on. First let me say our impoverished E. African Brethren send all of you their Highest Greetings, including all the orphans living at the Sengera House orphanage, and the orphans and widows living remotely out in the bush whom you have also been assisting. They all send their heartfelt thanks to you. What a pleasure it was to visit so many, and once again see them face to face. During my traveling I was accompanied by Nehemiah. We thank his High School teacher for allowed him time off for this purpose.

Trans Mara Group

At Trans Mara we started services inside, but had to move outside after a total of 75 brethren arrived. The Mara River flows through this area. To give you an idea of the geographical location of these brethren of ours, if you were to follow the river downstream, you would end up at the migration path of ungulates in the Maasai Mara/Serengeti ecosystem which is where the crocodiles (often filmed by National Geographic) feast their lunch on the many large animals attempting to cross this river.

Yes, our Heavenly Father has called many from all around this world. But the sobering fact is that only few are chosen. Let us keep our High Calling on the front burner of our lives, and strive to be ready for the soon return of our Lord.

These brethren only had one request, it was for Bibles. When I told them I would provide more for them, they all cheered.

Trans Mara Group

Next stop was Ngopen church group (pictured below) which is pastored by Benjamin Bett. Benjamin also translates many of our teachings into Swahili, a Bantu language widely used in E. Africa and having official status in several countries. It’s been over three years since my last visit here.

Ngopen Church Group.

This group is located deep in the bush along the “Great Rift Valley” west of Narok, Kenya. No one in any of the groups I visited contracted Covid, but masks were mandatory. If caught outside by the police without wearing one, you would be immediately arrested and jailed with a hefty fine required before release.

Washing hands in preparation for lunch.


Water is so scarce here that even during washing of hands it is collected for further use.


Eating cabbage, rice and beans without silverware.
No wonder hand washing is so important.


Serving Lunch


More Bible Requests at Ngopen.

Our message to all the groups we visited was on “repentance” because the Kingdom of God is at hand, and no one will be allowed in without achieving it. For those of us in God’s church, total “Victory” is required to achieve the goal that has been set before us, the goal of meeting Christ in the air and standing before Him up on the “Sea of Glass”. And let us not forget, His chosen will be standing there with Him up on that Sea of Glass before He returns to this earth and sets His feet down on the Mount of Olives. He is not returning to this earth alone, He will be returning with His called, and chosen and faithful.

But before we can return with Him, we have to get up there first. That will transpire immediately after the Great Tribulation, but before the notable day of the Lord. It will occur during the reign of the Beast power that is soon to control this entire world.
(Revelation 15:1-2) (Revelation 17:14)

Brethren, let us not hold on to any fables when it comes to our beliefs. There is no magic wand at the end of the day that will instantaneously create within us the Holy Righteous Character of our Heavenly Father. That character has to be developed in us now, while we are still in the flesh. He wants us “Perfect” (complete in mental & moral character) now. He wants us “Holy” (sacred, physically pure, and morally blameless) now. And time for accomplishing that important goal is rapidly running out.

And don’t let anyone tell you it is humanly impossible for the members of God’s church to walk this earth totally upright, because it is possible. Oh, of and by ourselves we cannot do it, But we are not by ourselves, we have that same Powerful Holy Spirit of the Father dwelling in us that our Lord and Savior had dwelling in Him. Our Lord used that Powerful Spirit of the Father to accomplish Perfection, and to totally overcome the ways and temptations of this evil world, and so can we. Our Father wants us pure, and He wants us pure now! How Pure? As pure as He (our Lord) is pure.
(1 John 3:3)

The Bett Family.


Benjamin, Brenda, Denis, Dominic and Tito.


Seth Agunga

Seth from Oyugis, Kenya has also been translating our messages into the Luo tongue. Seth grew up in the church. His family were members of the “Radio” cog back in the 50ies.

Siaya Congregation near Uganda Border.

In Siaya we are still using the old WCG hymnals. After services (pictured below) we had a treat of sliced bread and soda. The children couldn’t wait to tell their friends that they drank a soda. Those of us living in these wealthier countries take so much for granted. When was the last time a mere soda was the highlight of your day?

Thomas, Kevin and Siblings new house.

Inside their sitting room.

Thomas told me their whole family gets down on their knees to thank God every day for the wonderful help you donors have given them. Thomas said he never dreamed of having a metal roof over their head, and such fine furniture to sit on. They are so appreciative to you donors. Let us praise our Heavenly Father for your good works.

IMukuru Slum Nairobi Kenya

On Sabbath 10/30/2021 (just one day prior to my return flight back to the States) we visited the long time church group located in the Mukuru slum, the second largest slum in Nairobi with a population that exceeds 100,000. Church elder George Otara has been the Administrator of elementary school here for many years. The school currently has 150 students in attendance. Our seventeen brethren survive, living in tiny one room corrugated iron shacks within the slum. They commute into the City each day for work.

Mukuru Slum School

Nehemiah stayed in touch with the orphanage as we traveled. He is now back home, and continuing to stay busy. As you will see in the next picture taken as he gave tonight’s Bible Study at the Orphanage.

Haron (our orphanage overseer) continues to fight Leukemia. Please pray for his healing.

Friday Night 11/5/2021 Sengera House Bible Study.

Thank you Brethren for continuing to assist so many church orphans and true widow living in this impoverished 3rd world country. You have eased their suffering tremendously, and will be rewarded greatly when our Lord and Savior returns and establishes the Kingdom of God here on this troubled and dying world.

Your brother in Christ.
Bill Goff

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