Kenya Updates

October 5, 2021

Greetings Brethren,

We hope everyone had a Spiritual and Uplifting Feast of Tabernacles. I know times have changed, and times are getting a bit harder as the Kingdom of God rapidly advances towards this earth. But let us rejoice, because that Kingdom of God is not only coming, but it’s coming on our watch.

Let us not be lulled to sleep at this time by the “Crying Wolf” syndrome. The church has been hearing that Christ is soon to return for the past 2,000 years. But times are different now. The escalated troubles around this world is not another case of “false labor” which we all have experienced over the years (over the centuries) in the cog. This time the Birth is coming. This is a time for us (the church of God) to be “sure” that we are ready for His return.

Our Lord’s “tarrying” time is coming to an end. Most importantly, let us not forget why He has been tarrying in the first place: 2 Peter 3:9. “Not willing that any should perish, but that all should comer to repentance.”

Those who are ready for our Lord’s return will be meeting Him in the clouds, and standing with Him up on the “Sea of Glass”. Those who will be there, up on that Sea of Glass, all have something very much in common, they are the ones who havesucceeded at “overcoming.”

(Revelation 15:2)

Remember our Lord tells all seven churches that “To him that “overcometh” I will give this and grant that” Just trying to overcome doesn’t cut it with our Creator, He wants perfection (complete growth in mental and moral character) And He wants us Holy (morally blameless, sacred). And, He has given us the Power to succeed at this; The Powerful Holy Spirit of our Father is in our possession.

Brethren, if there was ever a time for us, the cog to be filled with that Spirit of God, and walking in that Spirit, it is now. Our Lord will be returning to a Glorious church, one without spot or wrinkle. Let us (all of us) be ready for His return.

(Ephesians 5:27.)

Now as you may know, Nehemiah has been sharing Bible Studies with his High School. Both students and teachers have been moved by these studies. They have requested Bibles and copies of the teachings, and we have been supplying them.  Both students and teachers appreciate, and send their thanks to you donors. Most have never had their own personal Bible.

We received the following from Nehemiah:

“The teachers are very much exited especially from the teaching they have been receiving from our Bible studies, it’s full of courage and of wisdom. Sometimes they really wonder where I get this knowledge of teaching them the spiritual food. so it’s really helping them together with the students.

Many are really interested to even join us from the way they express themselves. Like the Wolf message they really like. So let’s pray for them so that all of us can be accounted into the kingdom of God.”

Thomas, Kelvin and their five sibling’s new house.


House in front and Kitchen in back.

Thomas’ house and kitchen is nearing its completion, and the constriction has been going on well. Although not without difficult incident.  Kenya is a rough place, the police are quick to arrest, and in Kenya one is guilty until proven innocent. On Tuesday the last order of cement from the hardware store arrived, but the money transfer didn’t go through in time, so the shop keeper called the police and both Thomas and Kevin were arrested. They were unable to notifying us. The police kept them in jail 4 days, and they came close to dying from the harsh conditions and lack of food. On Sabbath morning they were given a phone and allowed to contact us. Both have now been released, and are home recuperating.

I received this text from Thomas few minutes ago:

Let me take this humble opportunity moment to thank you for the wonderful work that you have done for us to build for us a good House and kitchen for cooking. In fact it’s the glory of God sometimes since our life was very difficult before sleeping on floor and raining inside, we have also been experiencing some tough moments and sleepless nights being falsely accused and arrested 4 days. I hope for humility but we saw the hand of God in this as he protected our young siblings these past nights being alone and sleeping at neighbors. Soon we will sleep our new wonderful house together thanks to you Kenya hands of hope. What a blessing God has bestowed on us though you who helped us. May God Bless. If it’s not you donors our lives could have been still horrific and terrible. we really thank God for you.


When our Lord returns He will have a reward to give every man according to their works. The reward that some will receive will not be a good one. As the end of the Book says: “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.”

11 “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.  12 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

(Revelation 22:11-12.)

Thank God that day is coming because there are many down here on planet earth that need a good spanking to say the least. For now let us continue to warn them to repent, because the Kingdom of God is at Hand. And let us pray for us to have Bold Tongues, to warn Both the world (and the church of God) that “Repentance” is required to enter God’s Kingdom, sinners will not be allowed in.

(1 Corinthians 6:9) (Galatians 5:21.)

And let us remind those of us who stand before others, that we better be preaching and teaching Truth (not company lines). And we need to be practicing what we preach.

(Do we walk the walk, or just talk the talk?)

(It’s the walkers that will be there, not the talkers only.)

(Romans 2:21-22.)

Your Sengera House children are growing up.

Schools once again have closed for a short period of time in Kenya. Even the ones away at boarding High School have now returned home to Sengera House. I will be returning to Kenya this week, there is much work to be done there. Please continue to pray for us to be good stewards. Your donations have helped so many, and accomplished so much. And our Lord continues to stretch the funds that come in, but funds do not sit idle in our church bank account. As they come in they go right back out. Currently funds are once again depleted. “Please don’t be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
(Galatians 6:9.)

Your brother in Christ.
Bill Goff


“Crying Wolf”

“Pentecost the Last day”

“Feast Of Tabernacles 2021”

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