Parable of the Ten Virgins

Bible Study
February 26, 2021

A Parable Misunderstood

The parable of the ten Virgins consists of only 13 verses, but those 13 verses may be the most important and valuable verses in the entire Bible concerning the church and our being ready for our Lord’s return.

I’m sure we are all familiar with this parable found in Matthew 25.  This parable speaks Much about the return of our Lord and Savior, and what is about to befall the church.

This parable also, not only warns us that we better be prepared for what’s coming, but also tells us exactly how to prepare.

This is an important Bible Study because many of us in God’s church (even many long time members) have misunderstood and misinterpreted this parable, and fail to prepare as it says.

Remember, it is the ones with the “Oil” that will be ready at His soon coming. But those without the “Oil” (Those who have not been stocking up on this precious “Oil” will be in trouble.)

Well, what exactly is this oil that we need to be filling ourselves with? Most have been led to believe the oil represents God’s “Spirit”. But it doesn’t. Man (our biggest obstacle to learning Truth) has led many astray here also. (Matthew 24:4) (2 Peter 2:1-2) (Jude 1:3-4)

The oil represents something that takes time and effort on our part to collect, and store, and buy. Remember the foolish virgins are told to go and buy the oil. You can’t buy the Holy Spirit. Simon Magus proved that. The Holy Spirit is a free gift. Acts 8:14-20

The “Oil “does not represent God’s Spirit. The “Oil” represents “Truth”. (Proverbs 23:23) (Psalm 119:105)

“Truth” is what we need to be filling up on Brethren, God’s “Word” is “Truth” (John 17:17)

Truth can, and must be bought; we buy it with our “time.” We need to be Studying the Scriptures, rightly dividing them, and that takes time and effort.

And don’t be fooled by men. We are living at the time when “The way of Truth is evil spoken of.” Many fables (even in the church) are still being taught (and believed) as Truth, but are not Truth. (2 Peter 2:1-2)

God is going to sound a very sobering wake up call. (It’s the same call found in (Revelation 10:3) The “Midnight Cry” of (Matthew 25:6) come out of the “Cry” of (Revelation 10:3)

Matthew 25:6-9 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

(This cry is the Midnight cry that will begin the “Great Tribulation”, and the return of our Lord.)

Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

Brethren, you cannot buy the Holy Spirit. Simon Magus proved that. (Acts 8:14-20)

The Holy Spirit; it’s a free gift from God. The “Oil “does not represent God’s Spirit. The “Oil” represents “Truth”. (Proverbs 23:23) (Psalm 119:105)

“Truth” is what we need to be filling up on Brethren, God’s “Word” is “Truth” (John 17:17)

Truth can, and must be bought; we buy it with our “time.” We need to be Studying the Scriptures, rightly dividing them, and that takes time, and effort.

We have to study more than we might realize. Our Lord warned us (Also Peter and Jude and others warned us) “take heed that no man deceive you.”

 Don’t be fooled by men. We are living at the time when “The way of Truth is evil spoken of.” Many fables (even in the church) are still being taught (and believed) as Truth, but are not Truth.

(2 Peter 2:1-2) (Matthew 24:4-5) (Jude 1:3-4)

Many (if not most) of the pulpits in the church today, still preach and teach the same doctrines, and have the same beliefs, the same knowledge they have had for the past 50 years or more, with little or no growth. We are to be growing in grace and knowledge.

Some in God’s church have raised red flags over the years, questioning some doctrines, knowing they are incorrect (not Truth). But they get discredited, shunned and even disfellowshipped as heretics, as if heresy is a bad thing.

We need to understand something about heresy. “Heresy” itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Heresy is just a teaching or belief that is contrary (or at odds) to what is generally taught or believed. Even Paul was said to teach heresy, and he was proud of it. (Acts 24:14)

It’s “Damnable Heresy” that we have to be on guard against. Especially now when the way of truth is evil spoken of, and the many are following “pernicious” ways. “False Teachings that lead to death.”

(2 Peter 2:1-2)  again (Read it in its proper present” tense: “But there were false teachers among the propel, even as there are false teachers among you, who have brought in damnable heresy, and many are following their pernicious ways”. 

Many false teachings and damnable heresies have been around and taught for so long, they are now being believed as ‘truth” when the real “Truth” is evil spoken of.

(We need to be very careful here NOT to get our heresies mixed up.) Because some of our beliefs (strongly held beliefs) might be contrary to the Scriptures. That’s why we have to “study” “prove all things” “Hold fast to that which is good” That’s why the Scripture is for “Proof” and “Reproof” (Which Means Evidence) and “Correction in Righteousness”. That’s why our persuasion (concerning what we believe) needs to come from the Bible, not from the mouth of corruptible men.”

Brethren, “Truth” is what this “Oil” represents, and Truth is what we need to be filling up on.

All of us in God church have been called, but not everyone will be chosen. The chosen are the ones who take God’s Word seriously, (search and follow Truth not fables.) walk in His ways. Keep His Commandments, do things that are pleasing in His site.

This “Oil” that we need to be filling up on is “Truth” God’s Word. Let us not fail to find it, so our vessels will be full of this precious “Oil” and we will be fully prepared and ready for out Lord’s soon coming.

Let me add one thing. Some believe our Lord is still a long way from coming, with a lot of prophesy that has to be fulfilled.  Hogwash! Our Lord comes quickly. Prophesy is already being fulfilled right before our eyes! And if we can’t see it, it’s because we are Laodicean Blind and desperately in need of that “Eye Save”.

Wake up Church Of God. Our Lord Comes Quickly. (Revelation 22:12)