Greetings Brethren,
We are happy to inform you that thanks to the quick response concerning the needed school fees, the orphans here at Sengera House (all seventeen of them) are back in school and have begun they’re third term. We have also blown the dust off of our two previously dormant sewing machines and begun teaching the children how to sew.
Yes, thanks to the compassionate hearts that our Heavenly Father has developed in each and every one of you who have been assisting, these precious children continue to move forward. And not only are the children being well cared for, but much progress continues to be made here at the orphanage.
It’s amazing how much can be accomplished when brethren work together in unity. Yes, what a pleasure it is to be working together with those of like mind; Those who pay no attention or little regard to which “church” one attends on Sabbath, or what variation one may have in doctrine, when it comes to assisting those “crying out” in need of help. Taking care of our widows and orphans is “top of the list” when it comes to practicing that pure religion that James talks about. And helping our impoverished brethren is something every converted brethren wants to do, and with a real zeal. As for those who turn they’re backs on the poor and needy, the scriptures have much to say; One sobering admonition is in Proverbs 21:13. “Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered” NIV.
Some working here may not be approved by the hierarchical churches for lack of the “physical credentials” that they consider necessary and valuable. But don’t be fooled brethren, true disciples of our Lord are not distinguished by any man-made stamped paper, true disciples are distinguish by their behavior, by having love one to another.
You donors mirror the “Good Samaritan” of Luke 10:29-37 as you heed the instruction of our Lord concerning “who” is our neighbor. You also mirror “Gideon’s Army”. You might be few in number, but your the few that our Heavenly Farther is using to accomplish many good work. Yes, many good works that are glorify Him.
Much progress continues to be made here at the orphanage, including improvements in the kitchen. The counter is now tiled. [the job was accomplished by the boy’s.] Yes, they have received more “hands on” training. This time in laying tiles. And by doing this job by ourselves we were able to use the funds that would have went to hire a contractor to do the job elsewhere. We used the funds to purchased an electric “wet saw” to cut the tiles. Hopefully, this will enable one or more of the boys to get into the tile trade as they get older. Remember, our goal is to have each child trained in a particular field where he or she can become self- supportive after finishing their schooling.
We have not yet been able to plaster the Ogembo widow’s house, but we were able to supply her with a table and two chairs, and have also continued to help her with food for her young family. She is much appreciative to you donors.
Our goal now is to continue trying to assist the brethren with food for the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles. Some funds have already come in, and the brethren here are very much appreciated for it. (We do expect over 800 in attendance again this year.)
Let me also say thank you for all of your prayers for our protection. This “untoward” world in which we are living can be very dangerous, especially in these third world countries. This week Haron’s life was threatened again. He traveled to Bomet to visit some of the brethren who were pushed off their land by the Kenya Government. As he was walking to a nearby market to purchase them some food, someone put a highly toxic cloth over his head and face. Haron immediately passed out. We took him to hospital in Bomet, where they diagnosed him and informed that this particular toxic chemical kills within 24 hours. He remained unconscious for over eight hours, but finally came to. He is now improving, and should be returning home tomorrow.
I will be returning to the States in about two weeks, just prior to the Feast of Tabernacles.
Your brother in Christ,
bill Goff
(Text from Haron):
Hi Bill
I traveled with our friend the Judge in his car to visit our brethren who were amongst the thousands that were evicted off their land by the government.
It is a sad night here at Narok county meeting our loving brethren out of mau evacuation, it is cold Night for them without nothing to cover, no blankets, no food to eat and with oldest clothes ever in life.
The judge has spending 7,000/ his own money to buy them food but wasn’t enough for 35 brethren we managed to meet. These brethren are starving. We are both socked due situation. On. Behalf the judge is request 23 blanket from Kenya hands of hope and little food as he looking means forward. Its a request.
(End of text from Haron.)
I just received this text now. KHofH will be seeing some aid to them today. A few of them (including children) already died along the way.
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The table and two chairs we had made for the Ogembo widow. Aside from one bed, this is all the furniture they have. |
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James prepping the counter for tiles. |
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Felix and Manley laying the last tile. |
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Mildred and Ann preparing food on the newly tiled counter. |