Donor Letter

August 24, 2024

Greetings Brethren, Happy Sabbath.

Thanks to your continued support (and to those who went above and beyond) the orphans and widows are once again faring well. Sleeping with food in their bellies.  I’m also happy to report that none have died since we posted that last “update”. Your response brought our orphans and widows much relief.

We received a letter from Chebet (she’s the widow from the Itongo congregation who recently lost eight-year-old orphan Clinton to starvation.) Clinton is now buried.

“Dear beloved donors and the entire brethren from abroad of Kenya Hands of Hope,   in the Most High God Almighty. Greetings, and thanks to you through Christ Jesus our Lord, and our Almighty Father.

It is a kind of cleansing me in my tears in regards for your doing good lifting me and our orphans up from situation of lacking means of life, basic need starting from food that is essential nourishment. We thank you, I truly call you brethren. I’m 73 years and I never helped since widow until you brethren have been helping me. And not only me, but the orphans here so much.

Thanks with appreciation for your wonderful support provision that has enabled us a lot and the entire kids from Itongo group that you have been supporting.

You have really touched all of us with your compassionate heart that gives account in the presence of God. You have wonderful deeds of mercy in action.

We are in prayers to God for your strength and to bless you for truly loving us.

In love, Chebet”

I also received some letters of thanks from the orphans at Sengera House. They have been home between semesters for three weeks, and now headed back to School on Monday the 26th of August.

Sengera House Orphans.

The following letter of thanks is from Francis:

“Greetings my name is Francis Son Oketch I’m 16 years old I have been staying in sengera orphanage. I can remember the first time I came here life wasn’t easy for me and my sister. We used to sleep without eating anything and even had no mattress or blanket and lacked Food. But we never stopped praying God to help us. That’s when we went to church and meet the late Haron  and we moved to sengera house.

We truly thank you donors for the help that you are giving to us.   We are eating well and going to school. Without forgetting we always thank God for everything because he’s the provider. May God bless your families and grant you any wish that you ask him. You are such a blessing to us. Without forgetting let’s get close to God because the kingdom of God is coming soon we have to repent and be baptized and walk in the right direction.

Oh I almost forgot to thank you also for fixing my broken ankle from accident on motor bike taxi. You donors treat us all of us orphans like we your very own children you sure do have the love of God in you. You are our parents we are your children.

Be blessed



Orphans from the Getionko congregation also thank you.

Once again we thank you Brethren for continuing to assist our impoverished brethren, especially the widows and orphans, may our Almighty Father Bless you.

We now look forward to the upcoming fall Feasts that are rapidly approaching. And again we ask you to please spread the word that we have brethren all around this world that are impoverished, and in need of our help. (Galatians 6:10) tells us to “do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith”.

And (1 John 3:17) tells us if anyone hath this world’s goods, and seeth our brother have need, and shutteth up our bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?”

Let us continue to practice the pure religion of (James 1:27) and continue helping our orphans and widows in their afflictions, in their suffering. And most importantly too, let us be keeping ourselves unspotted from the world.

The Kingdom of God is approaching Brethren, its coming in our lifetime. We are living in that last generation that our Lord spoke of in (Matthew 24:32-35). If we don’t see it, let us anoint our eyes with the Laodicean Eyesalve of (Revelation 3:18) so that we can see.

Our Lord comes quickly, and He’s looking to find a “Glorious Church” one without spot or wrinkle. Yes Holy and without blemish. (Ephesians 5:27). He wants us pure brethren, and He wants us pure now. Don’t believe those who say it’s impossible while we are still in the flesh. Oh, of and by ourselves it is impossible. But we are not by ourselves If we have His Powerful Holy Spirit dwelling in us.

Yes, If we have His Spirit in us, and this hope in us to be like Him, then let us purify ourselves. How pure? As pure as He is pure. (1 John 3:3). Yes, purify ourselves; we have the power to accomplish that. We have the power to overcome.

Bill Goff


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