Kenya Updates

September 23, 2023

Greetings Brethren,

Here we are beginning of the Fall Feasts 2023. What a wonderful time to be alive, as we approach the return of our Lord, and the establishing of God’s Kingdom here on this earth.

Your Kenyan Brethren wish all of you a wonderful uplifting and Spiritual Holy Day season, and they send you their heartfelt thanks for all the help you have given them.

Rigo Congregation

Rigo congregation partaking a dish of rice together after services on Trumpets. Having food to eat has been a big challenge for our Kenyan brethren. Food prices have almost tripled now. Many in the villages continue to starve.

Pictured below was taken at services, Rigo still has no hall to congregate in, still meeting under trees on Sabbath. And as you can see, it’s quite hilly there, the gradient is quite steep. I visited that group numerous times, and it’s quite a challenge just to climb down from the dirt road above.

Rego congregation meeting under trees for services.

Korara and Kimase congregations (combined services for Trumpet).

Benjamin Bett attended Trumpets at combined services, and I was able to address the congregation over a video call. The brethren are very zealous, and they want to hear more messages concerning end time prophesy.

Getionko Congregation

Getionko group enjoying rice and beans on Trumpets. The food was prepared by Emily, pictured below. They also send you their heartfelt thanks for assisting them with food. Thanks to you donors, Khofh has been assisting them with food on most Sabbaths.

Emily preparing food for Getionko Congregation

As you can see pictured below, some of the brethren’s gardens are now doing well thanks to your donors helping them with seeds and fertilizer. But most crops take Months to mature for harvest.



Blacknight Shade

Benjamin growing maize

Your donations continue to produce much fruit, but we continue to help our widows and orphans according to priority. The need is still great, and the laborers (donors) are few.

                 Solar panel with battery and 2 lights.

Orphan Francis (as you probably remember) also moved back to the bush to take care of his widowed Grandma. We (KOFH) have been paying his school fees, so he is still in school. But living in the bush with no electricity and in the dark was making it hard for him to study and do home work at nighttime. So today (thanks to you donors) he is now literally illuminated. He says to tell you “asante sana” (thank you.)

I will be attending the FOT in Tennessee with a group called: “Independent church of God Seventh day”. They are allowing me to give a “Kenya Presentation” which will allow other members of God’s church to learn about our suffering Brethren.

This is wonderful of this Independent cog because all the large cog organizations have not only turned their backs on our suffering brethren, but won’t even allow their congregations to be informed about their suffering. If others only knew of the suffering, some would help. When will those “leaders” comprehend that our Lord “hates” hierarchy?  (Revelation 2:15)

The need continues to be great. Remember our wonderful orphan Enoch, the one who moved in with his elderly Grandma who lives alone in the bush. He left the relative comfort of the orphanage, and moved back to the harsh conditions of living in the bush. so he could help his Grandma in digging to grow food, fetching firewood, fetching water etc. Well a few days ago, he was in the toilet, and the wooden floor gave in and he landed in the (you know what).  He survived, but had to be hospitalized in order to be properly cleaned up.

We paid his hospital bill (he’s a full orphan) and we will be paying to dig a new toilet. So your donations continue to assist the orphans and Widows in many of their afflictions. Especially with food, even now we continue to assist them, but there is normally only enough funds to make nutritional porridge, but they are not complaining, but so grateful because it’s keeping them alive.

As for our finances, as usual, the funds that come in they go right back out, and they continue to accomplish much, and ease the suffering of many, but the need is great. Remember there are 15 widows and 50 orphans that you are caring for. And they are so grateful for your help.

Some donations came in earmarked for FOT. That is the only funds we are now still holding. So please continue to assist these brethren of yours. It’s a very good work you are doing, and it continues to glorify our Heavenly Father.

Again we wish all of you an Uplifting and Spiritual Feast. May our Almighty God bless all of you for helping our impoverished brethren in their suffering, especially the widows and orphans.  (Galatians 6:10)  (James 1:27)  (Psalm 41:1)

Thank You.

Bill Goff



Phone: 843-447-0140

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