Kenya Updates

May 1, 2023

Counting To Pentecost

And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; (Leviticus 23:15-16 KJV)

Greetings Brethren,

Hope all of you are faring well as we patiently await the soon return of our Lord and Savior. These sure are amazing times in which we are living, with all the chaos and wickedness transpiring all around this world (and continuing to increase at a steady pace.) Brethren, we need to be sure that we are walking upright. (Plainly put, we need to be sure we qualify as saints.) With the trouble that is coming, we have to be close to God, and led by Him through His Spirit. Only God can get us through the turmoil ahead. And He surely will as long as we do our part and look to Him, and trust in Him, and be obedient to Him.

Let us continue to pray for His guidance in everything we do. Let us pray for humility, let us pray for Him to increase our Faith, and to help any unbelief we might harbor. And help us be saints walking upright.

In the book of Ephesians we are told to be followers of God, and to walk in love. In Ephesians 5:3 KJV we are reminded of things we need to be certain we are separated from as we “becometh” saints. That word becometh means – to tower up – to be suitable or proper.

Some falsely think that “saint-ship” arrives at our resurrection, but that’s not true. We need to be saints now. The saints are the ones that the Father and our Lord work with. It’s the (flesh and blood) saints that are persecuted, and the flesh and blood saints are the ones who do some mighty works from time to time, good works that are confirmed by our Lord with those “signs following”. More of those mighty works are soon to come, and it is the saints that will be performing them.

Yes, there is a big work coming, it’s actually already started, and we better be aware of it, and taking action. It’s nothing new, the church commissions haven’t changed:  “preach the Gospel to the world”  “feed the flock which is among you.” And of course “help the widows and orphans in their affliction. Oh! And there is one more, the most important one at the moment, it concerning the signs of the times in which we are NOW living, and found in (Ezekiel 33:2-6) If we see the sword coming (and if you don’t see it coming you definitely need some of that Laodicean eyesalve.) But if we see the sword coming, we better be warning others, or their blood will be  upon us. (Mark 16:20 KJV)

The point I’m trying to make here is that some think one cannot become a saint (pure and morally blameless) until our change into spirit, at the resurrection, but that’s definitely unscriptural. We need to be saints now, walking up-right now (the way saints walk) is a now thing, while in the flesh. And being a saint is not only within our reach, it’s our duty, (Saints possess the Powerful Holy Spirit of the Father.)

Before Paul, there was Saul, and he was persecuting the “saints” There were New Testament saint living in Lydda. (Acts 9:32) I’m just mentioning this because if we don’t qualify as a “saint” we better address our walk, change our ways and become one. If there was ever a time for us to be close to, and walking with God, it’s now, but let us remember, He is Holy and He likes Pure things. So let us be cautious, let us be holy, let us be separate from this world as we see the abounding iniquity rising, and love of many waxing cold. (Matthew 24:12)

Well the Agape Love hasn’t waxed cold amongst you donors, Your Love continues to assist many of our impoverished brethren, especially many orphans and widows.

Let me start the update with some pictures I have of Thomas and his four siblings. They’re one of the four orphan families that consist only of Siblings, with the eldest taking charge as head of the household, Thomas and his siblings pictured below are amongst three other Sibling families you donors have been supporting.

Thomas feeding his four Siblings some physical food.

When we first met Thomas they were totally destitute, and he was struggling to keep the younger Siblings alive, from starving to death. (One had already died of starvation.) They are doing so much better now that you donors have been helping them.

Thomas feeding his four Siblings some Spiritual food.

As you can see in the pictures above, the children are doing well with clothes, shoes, food, and lessons. You donors bought Peter a sewing machine a while back, and we had Calvin from Ogembo teach him to sew. (You donors had bought Calvin a sewing machine last year, and paid for his lessons.) So now he trained Thomas, and as you can read in previous reports, both have started small sewing businesses.

Nehemiah printing Bible lessons.

Benjamin working in his garden where the maze is growing well.

Brenda Bett walking through their healthy field of maize.

Benjamin has helped a lot in distributing Bibles and lessons too many of the church groups around the Great Rift Valley. You donors have assisted the Bett’s over the past few years, But as you can see in the picture below of the Bett children, it will take some time to get some meat on their bones.

The Boys send you their Highest Greetings.

Douglas Purchasing solar for the Getionko church group.

Douglas was a very young orphan when we first met him. After his parents died we took him and began caring for him. He is now grown into a fine young man, and now organized the Getionko group. His small group is pictured in last Month’s update while they attended the Feast. They meet every Sabbath and have a nighttime Bible Study during the week. The study has been difficult, with no lights except from their cell phone. Thanks to you donors they now have some solar powered lighting.  You can read about Douglas if you click on “Old Kenya Updates” and scroll back to previous years.)

Oh, one more thing before I end, the children have been home from school for the past week, but will soon start a new semester, and school fees will be due. We also have an important study posted that concerns our counting to Pentecost, titled: “Church Age Coming to a Close.” The link is below.

Thank you Brethren for continuing to assist our impoverished brethren, especially the widows and orphans.

Church Age Coming to a Close LINK:

Thank You

Bill Goff



Phone: +1 843-447-0140

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