Kenya Updates

April 15, 2023

Passover/Unleavened Bread 2023

Greetings Brethren,

Twelve sites with a total attendance of 463 men, woman and children congregated together for the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Thanks to you donors, they had food to eat for the entire seven days. They appreciate your help Very much, and thank you from the bottom of their heart.

If I, your Lord, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. John 13:14-15

The Baptized members of Sengera taking the Passover.

Getionko Church

Kimase Church

Koibeyon Church

Motumboru Church

The next picture is of Daniel and the four children he is caring for. You may recall from previous Updates that the widow Agnes (long time member from border church) died along with one of her three children from starvation awhile back. Their neighbor Daniel lost one of his three children (and his wife) also to starvation around the same time. Out of compassion, Daniel took Agnes’ two surviving children into his care.  At that time all of them were facing starvation, but thanks to you donors, khofh was able to step in and help. Daniel and his two children were sleeping on the dirt floor of their house, so we purchased beds, mattresses and additional bedding. Now, for the first time in their lives, all four children are sleeping in beds. We also have been assisting them with food (mostly the ingredients to make nutritional porridge.)

Daniel sent the following letter to you donors:

“I congratulate the donors of Kenya hand hope and thank for the wonderful help you have given. I didn’t know we would get a such help from you the porridge, beds clothes soap and the blessing of have our own bible. Wow the word of God in our hand to read.  We pray for the good healthy towards you donors. Daniel”

Moses, Edward, Mercy & Joseph
In Front of Their House

Brethren, your donations have been assisting the dire needs of many of our orphans and widows. You donors are surely the “sheep” of Matthew 25 in the eyes of our Lord and Savior. Soon He will be returning, and meeting all of you (the ones with compassionate hearts and love and outgoing concern for the brethren) in the clouds, up on the Sea of Glass. That will transpire on the Feast of Pentecost, the Feast that we are now counting to. Pentecost is our Feast, the Feast of First Fruits. The “wave Loaves” represents the church, and they were waved on the day of Pentecost, day 50, the last day of the count.

Leviticus 23:15-16  Leviticus 23:20

Brethren, when you look up at the sky and see those beautiful white cumulus clouds, I hope you realize that soon, you will be up there in those clouds meeting our Lord in the air. If you had been there with ancient Israel on that 50th day, the day of Pentecost, you would have seen the Priest wave those loves high over his head, why, because it represented something that is going to take place up in heaven, not down here on this earth.

Brethren, our Lord is soon to present to Himself a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle. let us not be lead astray by the false teachers who say that the “leaven” in which the wave loaves will be baked with represents sin, because nothing could be further from the truth. There is a “Good” leaven spoken of in the Bible. It’s found in Matthew 13:33 The Good leaven is the Powerful Holy Spirit of God Himself, the Spirit that we received on the day in which we were baptized and had “hands” laid on us. That Spirit of His which is living in us gives us the Power to overcome the sinful ways of this world, and to qualify to be Priests in the soon coming Kingdom of God.

Some cog pulpits preach and falsely teach that all we have to be doing is “trying” to overcome, and our Lord will accept us. But Scripture says otherwise. Our Lord clearly tells all seven churches in Revelation 2 & 3 that to him that “overcometh” will He grant this and give that. Just trying to overcome doesn’t cut it with God, we have to succeed.

Revelation 2:7 Revelation 2:11 Revelation 2:17 Revelation 2:26 Revelation 3:5 Revelation 3:12 and our Lord tells us (the end time church) in Revelation 3:21 to overcome.

There is a study on this subject titled: “The Good Leaven”. (The link is at the bottom of this update.)

Sengera House has a new arrival.

We now have our very own cow. It will be tended to by the orphans themselves. They are very familiar with caring for livestock; remember their parents were peasant farmers their entire life.

Hope to have more pictures of our remote orphans and widows in the next update. But before closing, let me mention one more thing. For most of us in God’s church we have been hearing year after year, time after time again, that the “end” is near, and that our Lord is soon to return. And for many in God’s church (for all in God’s church according to Matthew 25:5) slumbering and sleeping is the norm these days as the “Midnight Cry” of Matthew 25:6 rapidly approaches. Brethren, if there was ever a time for us to wake up, and recognize the signs of the times in which we are living, and to take action, it is Now!

Life as we know it is rapidly changing right in front of our eyes. Do we see it; do we realize the unprecedented apocalyptic trouble that this world is accelerating into? Or are we complacent, or maybe have our head in the sand?

Now I am not trying to scare anyone, and this is not doom and gloom, on the contrary. What we see transpiring all around this world today are the signs verifying that the Kingdom of God is at the doors. Matthew 24:32-33

We need His Kingdom to come, because so many around this world are suffering and many horrendously. It’s time to take action brethren and I’m not talking about stockpiling food, or silver or gold.  I’m talking about drawing closer to our Creator, becoming humble, and walking upright. We’re the church, the pillar and ground of the Truth. And He wants us Perfect, and He wants us Pure. How Pure? as Pure as He is Pure. So let us overcome the sinful ways of this world as we continue the count to the last day, the day of Pentecost, as we prepare to meet our Creator up in the clouds, where we will be standing with Him on that Sea of Glass.

1 John 3:3  Revelation 21:7-8  Revelation 15:2

Link to: “The Good Leaven”



Phone: +1-843-447-0140

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