Kenya Updates

October 11, 2022

Greetings Brethren,

Greetings from Kenya where 876 brethren are Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles at 9 separate sites.  I kept the first day at Sengera House with approximately 60 in attendance.
Sengera Congregation
Bread and tea Breakfast

When I arrived just before services began, I found the brethren eating breakfast which consisted of sliced bread and tea. They were so happy to be there.

Today (day two of the Feast) Nehemiah and I traveled to the Great Rift  Valley, and kept it with the Ngopen Congregation. They also were very excited to attend.

Thanks to you donors, they served a very nutritional lunch after services today consisting of rice, beans, and cabbage. They thank you from the bottom of their hearts for your support.

As a treat, we gave everyone an orange, and they loved it (especially the children.)

Yes, they love oranges and it is a good source of vitamin C. But for our Kenya brethren they are a luxury and can rarely afford them.

Our budget for all 9 groups for the entire 8 day Feast totaled $4,355. When you calculate that with the 876 brethren attending, that’s $4.97 per person for food for the entire 8 days. And that calculates to 62 cents per person per day.

That is the amount the groups asked for (very modest) but we were only able to distribute about half so far. We are now hoping that more Feast donations will come in so we can send the balance. Otherwise they will run out of food in the middle of the Feast. I also asked those at Ngopen today, who didn’t have a Bible to raise their hands. There are 27 in need of them.
Tomorrow Nehemiah and I will travel to and visit the Kimase church congregation. We hope to send you a report and pictures from there.
Below are some videos of our travels.

Cleaning Dust Off   [Ngopen area has gone 5 months without rain]. When we arrived we were completely covered in dust from the dry dirt road. 



(Day Three of the Feast)

Today we met with the Kimase church group, located just south of  the Rift Valley. There were 27 in attendance. The message was well received and all engaged with many comments and much discussion. Everyone then partook of a hot dish of rice. The brethren also requested 10 additional Bibles.

Kimase Group Video

Fourth Day of the Feast

Day four of the feast is a travel day for Nehemiah and I. We are leaving the Great Rift Valley, and headed for the coast to visit the Boyani church group. We will spend one night In Nairobi as we travel on to Mombasa. The overnight rest will be much appreciated, it will also give us some time to use the WiFi to catch up on E-mails, and charge up our power packs.

Nairobi is a City of four million residents, but another for million commute in to the city each day for work. So eight million makes it quite crowded. There is  no subway system, so most trek on foot, or move around on the many matatus which are privately owned minibuses used as share taxis. All are smartly decorated, and they play loud music to attract riders.

Now concerning funds, thank you for the quick response to our plea for the additional food for the Feast. We not only satisfied the budgeted balance, but had enough left to address another dire need. As you know from previous reports that Agnus (Widow of four young children from the border church) died of starvation last week. A widower from the congregation took the children in and has been caring for them the best he can. We have been providing them with food, but the four children were sleeping on the ground. We purchased them a bunk bed and additional bedding. So once again your donated funds have been accomplishing much in helping our widows and orphans in their afflictions. Yes, your good works continue to glorify our Heavenly Father.

And we ask again for you prayers that we become better stewards, as we continue to assist according to priority. And also pray for our protection, and for us to become humble.

Boyani Church

The Boyani church welcomed us with open arms, and a table full of food. The oranges are local grown, the meat is goat, the bread is the normal chapati (a thin pancake of unleavened bread cooked on a “Moto Moto” Hot fire called a  jiko). And the peppers are also “Hot” to say the least.

And speaking of Hot Fires, I hope everyone got stirred up at this years Feast of Tabernacles. In our messages we reminded the brethren (and ourselves) how we have been hearing since we first came into the church, that our Lord is soon coming. But now that He truly is at the doors Matthew 24:33 (and that word “doors” is plural) we find such little faith, and a lack of enthusiasm throughout much of the church today.

In the past there has been numerous “false labors” when the cog thought our Lord’s return was imminent, and that they would soon be whisked off to that place of safety.

But now as that day truly does draw closer. The slumbering and sleeping of Matthew 25 is more prominent than ever. Brethren the “24/7” troubles taking place around this world are a sure sign of our Lords soon coming. Just like we are told in Matthew 24:7.

We seen all these signs now, just one unprecedented disaster/event after another. like a box of firecrackers that has been ignited, no stopping it now. And in Matthew 24:8 The word “travail” tells us exactly where we are in time concerning the coming Kingdom of God. This world is no longer experiencing any “false labor” pains, this is the real thing, and those birthing pains are only going to continue to get stronger.

We are at the end of the book, the end of the day where we are told: (Revelation 22:10-11) 

“And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. 11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still”.

These are verses to be taken very seriously, because there are Many false “leaders” in the cog today who tell us that walking upright, and being Holy is out of our reach as long as we are still human beings. But that of course is a lie. Oh, it is impossible for us mere humans to achieve perfection alone, with our own human strength, that’s true. But we are not alone. With His Powerful Holy Spirit dwelling within us, we can achieve perfection  just like He (our Lord and Savior) did.

Brethren let’s not be led astray by fables. Anyone who continues to practice sin will not be there. When our Lord returns to meet His church in the clouds, the ones who are going to be there are the ones who succeeded at overcoming. It is the “conquers“ who will be granted this, and giving that. It is those who overcome, who will be Standing on the Sea of Glass with our Lord. (Revelation 15:2) makes that clear.

In Revelation 2 & 3 All seven churches are told to him that: “Overcomes” will I grant this, and give that. Just “trying” to overcome doesn’t cut it with God. We have to succeed. Just like it says in: (2 Timothy 3:12) “all who live godly (not just trying to live godly, but live godly) shall suffer persecution”. If we are not suffering persecution,  we are probably not living godly. And if we’re not living godly, we better wake up because Sinners will not be allowed to enter into the Kingdom of God. That is Crystal clear in the Scriptures. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) (Galatians 5:19-21) and numerous other places.

But this is not what is being taught by many pulpits in the cog during these end times, when smooth things and itching ears are abounding. A time when the way of Truth “is” evil spoken off.

Here is a quote recently published by a leading Minister of cgi: 

“As we can see, there have been Christians who think perfectionism is achievable. But this is not a belief held by the Church of God movement.” (End of CGI quote)

Is this your belief? If you believe perfection (which by the way means full growth in mental and moral character) is impossible to achieve, if you think walking upright is not possible, then you will not achieve it. How can you hit the bull’s-eye if your not even aiming for it.
What the Churches of God seem to have forgotten in the latter days, is that our Heavenly Father and our Lord are trying to build their Holy Righteous Character in us. 
There is another important scripture found in (1 Corinthians 13:10) its talking about the church here, the brethren. We are approaching the time when the true church, the little flock will have made herself ready (reached maturity, walking upright) at that time those in the church who have not reached maturity, have not grown to completion, will be “done away” same Greek word found in (Luke 13:7) “cumbereth”.
There is one more dunging coming, it’s called The Great Tribulation. Brethren, don’t be lured to sleep with the smooth talking pulpits. Perfection is reachable, and is reachable now because we have His Powerful Holy Spirit in us. Let us stir it up, let us move towards the goal like we are told to do in (1 John 3:2-3).


Worn Out Bibles

Not everyone has a bible, when the brethren come to church these are the bibles they share. So every group we visited needs bibles and when funds are available we will supply them.

Benjamin Bett and his wife Brenda

We had opportunity to visit Benjamin Bett and his family at their home, as you can see they cook with wood. The boys pictured below are sleeping in the same small kitchen on a mattress on the floor. We hope to eventually assist them with a bed to get them off the cold floor.

From Left
Dennis, Dominic and Titus. Benjamin Bett’s Boys

Still waiting for pictures of the various feast sites once we get them we will post them. The brethren thank all of you from the bottom of their hearts. They all had a wonderful uplifting and Spiritual Feast of Tabernacles.  

Please read the articles which links are posted below and be aware of this false teaching that has spread through much of the church today. It’s called the “spirit of Antichrist” and it’s a Bad spirit, also called the “spirit of error”. (1 John 4:1-3) (1 John 4:6)

I’m not trying to push my beliefs here, I’m just trying to bring some Very important Scriptures to your attention.

These are the links.

False Teaching Exposed

Spirit of Antichrist 

Perfect Or in Part 

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