Greetings Brethren,
Hope all of you are well and settled back in after this year’s Feast of Tabernacles. Our kenyan Brethren had a good Feast, and they send you their heart-felt thanks for assisting them. As mentioned in the previous report, enough funds came in to satisfy the food needs for all the sites, and also assist some of the remote orphans living in the bush who were still sleeping on the ground. We assisted them with beds, bedding and more. Yes, thanks to your donations, we continue to move forward in helping our impoverished Brethren.
Let me start todays update by showinhg you Nehemiah’s shop. He has started a business of sharpening tools, knives, pongas (machetes) and more. As you know our goal is to get all the orphans established in some kind of trade after they finiah school, so they can become self supportive.

Nehemiah sharpening knives on his bench grinder.
Thomas and his 4 siblings also now in business.
As reported in previous updates, we had Kelvin from the Ogembo church group (who you donors previously sponsored him to learn tailoring, and bought him a sewing machine) he has now trained Thomas how to sew. So now Thomas has also opened up a small sewing business to help them earn their daily bread. As you can see in the pictures, your assistance (your donations, your help) has been bearing much fruit. (A true sign of genuine disciples of our Lord. (John 15:8)
Thomas and siblings in front of their Maize garden.
Thomas sent the following letter of thanks:
“Greetings Bill and Donors hope you’re both doing good. Thanks very much for your help that you have been helping us and now we have clothes, sewing machine, a garden to plant and etc.
If not for you we couldn’t know where we could belong especially with this difficult situations so we really thank you very much. We continue praying for God to protect you and bless you. We are now healthy and staying good as other people you have made us proud. Thank you very much and we thank God for answering our prayers. Let us continue to study his word and walk in his ways.
Your brother in Christ Thomas and siblings.”
Yes, you donors have been doing a good job of fulfilling that pure and undefiled religion of (James 1:27). As you can see, the boys are now well dressed, and have some meat on their bones. Plus their garden will soon be ready for harvest. You have eased their suffering significantly.
Calvin, Klein and Nehemiah.
This is another couple of church orphans from the border group. They have been totally destitute, and on the verge of starvation ever since their parents died, but are now being assisted. The following pictures show their living condition when we first visited them about a Month ago when I was in Kenya.

They were wearing the only clothes they had, and the roof is full of holes, so the rain enters in. They also had no furniture, no pots and pans for cooking, totally destitute, and they were sleeping on a small mattress on the ground.

So many of our impoverished brethren (especially many true widows and orphans) have been suffering severely. But us working together, under the lead of our Lord and Savior, and guided by our Heavenly Father’s Spirit, their suffering continues to be eased. Please continue to pray that we be better stewards, as we continue to use the funds according to priority.
We are also currently in need of purchasing and distributing more Bibles. All the groups that I visited during the recent Feast requested more Bibles. So please continue to support the important work we are involved in. Much is being accomplished, and much good fruit is being produced that is glorifying our Heavenly Father.
In (Galatians 6:10) we are told to do good unto “all” men, especially those of the household of Faith. Thanks to you donors, we have also helped ease the suffering of those coping with Jiggers. The Chief of one village where we assisted not only our own church children to have their jiggers removed, but also paid to have the jiggers removed from the other children in the village a while back told Haron that we were the only church he ever knew that had “Agape” Love, because we also helped the children in the village who didn’t even attend our congregation.
The Jiggers can only be removed with a scalpel.

Even this Mzee (old man) was so thankful to have the jiggers removed from his hands. Praise God for the wonderful help you donors have been giving to so many who are poor, impoverished, and suffering. And as you know, we also have been printing and distributing to all of them copies of the old WWC Bible lessons, and they love them.
Now concerning the “fund raiser” we started for the purchase of another car. So far it raised $590. Not enough for another used car, so we decided to use those funds to try and repair the current car instead of buying another one. I will keep you informed.
As for funds, they are now depleted, even this morning we distributed what we had to the remote orphans and widows for food, but we did not have enough for all of them, so some will sleep hungry tonight. (They are still surviving on porridge.) Please continue to pray for more of our Brethren to join hands with us because the laborers are few. And let us pray most of all “Thy Kingdom Come” & “Thy Will Be Done”, because this world desperately needs our Lord (and His saints) to return and establish God’s Kingdom here on this dying earth.
Your brother in Christ.
Bill Goff